The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 404 "Overseers" of the Department of Homeland Security

Chapter 404 The "Overseer" of the Department of Homeland Security (510)

Ordinary tactical bulletproof vests have inner linings, which are usually placed on the chest and vest, and are used to place bulletproof inserts to increase the bulletproof ability of the bulletproof vest.

According to the NIJ standard of the US body armor grade, the body armor of level 5 and level 6 is even worse.

Specially shaped bulletproof inserts can be placed on the shoulders, ribs, crotch and both sides of the thighs.

No matter whether the bulletproof board is ceramics, metal plates, or emerging bulletproof materials, it is a solid board in order to achieve bulletproof capability.

The lightest one weighs two or three kilograms, and the metal plate can even reach seven or eight kilograms.

And the higher the level of body armor is, the heavier it is. If the level [-] body armor is fully equipped with bulletproof plates, it is like carrying a woman of standard weight on her back.

It's almost the same as the explosion-proof suits worn by bomb disposal personnel in the bomb disposal team.

Therefore, the bulletproof layer of the heavy tactical bulletproof vest is only the fourth-level soft body armor, and even the fifth-level body armor is rarely used.

Long Zhan and the others are performing an escort mission this time, and they don't need to carry direct action combat materials.

Only need to carry light.

The others are only third-level and fourth-level body armor, coupled with a tactical vest, the personal load is not very heavy, only thirty or forty pounds.

The bulletproof plate greatly increases the survivability, but at the same time, because it is too large and important, it will bring a strong burden to the body, and it will be very inconvenient to move.

In order to make himself more comfortable, Howsai simply didn't install the bulletproof plate on his back.

Only Long Zhan came in the opposite direction!
Not only did the black fox get this set, the level 5 body armor with rib plate slots, but also required an additional layer of lining to facilitate the placement of double bulletproof plates.

Four big, four small, and eight bulletproof plates, how can one be insane and insane.

I personally saw Long Zhan put on this set, after super-doubled abnormal-level tactical body armor, his movements looked almost as easy as them.

The black fox had no choice but to curse pervertedly.

For the four of them, Jose and Li, their eyes almost fell out.

After getting along for more than a month, Long Zhan has been complaining about the strange quirks of the four of them, and the four of them are also looking for Long Zhan's "hobby".

I haven't found it before, but now I finally have an answer that all four people agree with.

One word - Cowardly!
Two words - fear of death!

In a word-

So cautious that it is beyond comprehension!
For Long Zhan, being able to live is greater than the sky, and other things must give way.

The episode of Long Zhan wearing equipment was over, and Sophia, who had changed from a school uniform with short skirts to long-sleeved pants, also came down from the jump.

"Come on, put it on."

The black fox walked up to Sophia with a relatively light second-level body armor, and put it on her head and put it on without allowing Sophia to make any statement.

Sophia was a little reluctant to wear it.

But the serious-faced black fox made her dare not resist, and her eyes subconsciously turned to Long Zhan.

That pitiful look seemed to be asking for help.

Wearing bulletproof vests is to protect safety. Long Zhan himself wears double bulletproof plates, so it is naturally impossible to speak for Sophia.

He just smiled and raised his eyebrows, meaning to let her accept this kind of protection.

Helping Sophia put on the body armor, Heihu raised his wrist to check the time, and ordered: "It's almost time, all the escorts are in the car and ready to go!"

"Get in the car, hurry up!"

Long Zhan helped Heihu further urge, and brought Sophia to the second bulletproof Humvee.

"bang bang bang..."

After the continuous heavy slamming of the car door.

Three Hummer military vehicles with super powerful horsepower, their engines roaring like a 12-cylinder sports car at the same time, began to leave the warehouse gate.

In the Humvee military vehicle that left the warehouse first, sat the black fox and three PMCs including the driver.

The black fox is sitting in the co-pilot!
The driver of the second car is "Little Li" "David Lee", the co-pilot is sitting with a bearded "Nikolai Peterkovich", and Long Zhan and Sophia are sitting in the back row.

The three remaining PMC and DHS agents were in the last Humvee.

The significance of the existence of this Department of Homeland Security agent is the same as the dispatch of foreign aid for cross-border operations in the military. They all serve the purpose of assisting real supervision.

Essential for routine operation.

The strength of the US government is stronger than that of Kenya, and this time there are drones in high-altitude cooperation.

The convoy left the FBI Hostage Rescue Team's Macaron branch, followed the green passage all the way through the bustling urban area, and arrived at the border checkpoint between the two countries.

As the Humvee convoy leaves the U.S. border checkpoint and enters the Mexican border post.

The Naval Terminal 1 command base, which saw the scene live through the drone, sent a communication to the convoy: "This is the bird, call the escort convoy.

I have seen seven Mexican police cars waiting outside the opposite Mexican border post and requesting access to your convoy. "

The black fox saw the convoy more than 100 meters away through the front windshield. Knowing that it was sent by Rudolph, he connected the radio and said, "The Humvee convoy has received it and agrees to import it!"

The base liaison officer received the reply from the black fox and passed it on to the Mexican police team.

The Hummer convoy passed the Mexican border station smoothly, and the seven police cars were divided into two groups, one in front of the other and four in the rear, integrating with the Hummer convoy.

Follow the route planned at the beginning and drive forward along the national highway.

Perhaps in countries where there are more peddlers and gangsters, and gun battles are more common, the police need stronger and fiercer firepower to enforce the law.

The escort convoy arranged by the Mexican police is more exaggerated than the previous Ethiopian police convoy.

Four of the seven vehicles are armed pickup trucks, and the police on them are more elite, with bulletproof helmets and body armor.

Looks like the Mexican SWAT team!

That is to say, the particularity of the special police force itself, coupled with the trust in the old friend Rudolph, the black fox did not refuse the integration of the Mexican escort team.

However, although he agreed to the Mexican police meeting, the black fox did not let down his vigilance.

After all, there has been the incident in Ethiopia, and the black fox must take precautions to avoid making the same mistake in the same thing.

This is also the main reason why the Black Fox specifically asked Rudolph to provide these three bulletproof Hummers.

From McAllen to the federal checkpoint in Mendes, there is a distance of nearly 200 kilometers, and it takes nearly three hours for the convoy to arrive.

This process is all within the territory of Mexico, and may face attacks at any time, and the risk is very high.

Needless to say, the command center of the terminal building has already entered the combat state at this moment. Even Mrs. K, who is so mysterious that she rarely appears, has personally come to the command headquarters to sit in charge.

As the on-site commander, the black fox is related to the success of the entire operation, even if he is sitting in the car, he can't relax.

"Today is a good day for driving. The weather is clear and there is no damn wind and sand, and there are large-caliber armed vehicles escorting us all the way."

Black Fox opens with standard American humor via the car's radio.

Then began the inspection process of each unit.

"Asuka, what's the situation!"

What the black fox asked was the MQ-2000B "Fire Scout" UAV, which was called from the military and kept at an altitude of more than 8 meters above the convoy and remotely controlled by the command center.

"The observable distance radius is 10 kilometers, and no vehicles have been found." The drone monitor replied.

"No vehicles?"

A radius of 10 kilometers means a radius of 20 kilometers. There is no car in such a large area. This really surprised the black fox.

Even the area along the border between the two countries is a barren desert wilderness.

"Only desert, repeat, only see desert, you are safe now."

After the drone monitor finished answering, in order to dispel the black fox's doubts, he paused for about two seconds and then said: "Before departure, the Mexican government has promised to clean up and guard the entire road. It seems that they have kept their promise."

"Okay, I see."

Hearing the drone monitor's explanation, the black fox, who thought something was wrong, relaxed again.

If there is a checkpoint set up by the Mexican government, and the auxiliary escort convoy transports Sofia to the checkpoint, then it is normal that there are no cars on the road.

(End of this chapter)

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