The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 41 The Dangerous Tunnel

Chapter 41 The Dangerous Tunnel

The normal operational values ​​of the US Navy SEALs must be honored to serve the US government and voluntarily take up arms to serve the US government.

No matter how much money is found during the mission, no matter how much it is, they will not care about it, let alone be greedy.

One is afraid of being held accountable after being exposed, and the other is afraid of losing honor.

But Dragon War is different.

Although he is now a U.S. soldier, he has not sworn allegiance to the U.S. government, nor has he enjoyed any benefits from the U.S. government. Even the person who joined the army and took the oath was Long Gibran, not Long Zhan.

Long Zhan still insists on his identity as a Chinese, not like some banana people who worship foreigners.

If you take the American identity, you will call yourself an American.

All that Long Zhan is trying to do now, to put it bluntly, is actually to make money for himself.

The 1000 million US dollars is just a guarantee. After nearly two years of planning, combined with all the details in the plot, Long Zhan is 100% sure to get it.

During all other special warfare missions, as long as there is a chance to earn money, Long Zhan will not let it go.

Earn if you can get it, and don't lose if you can't get it.

There is no better business in the world than this.

As for how long...

With the tiger skin of the U.S. government on his body, flying around the world in an upright manner, and being able to reap benefits for himself in private, such a good condition is naturally to make the best use of everything until he can't do it anymore.

Anyway, Long Zhan didn't get any benefits from the US government. What he signed with each other was just an agreement and contract. Strictly speaking, the relationship between the two parties was considered a cooperative relationship.

Long Zhan is not guilty at all for making some extra money during the operation.

Here Long Zhan was thinking about how to reverse the situation, while hiding his thoughts to assist Bullock and send the woman from Marshall to the roof platform.

On the other side, Jason went down from the second floor and soon joined the second group.

Through a door leading to the basement, I came to a basement that looked ordinary and was used by local people to store supplies.

This is not Samir's hiding place, it's just a basement for camouflage.

The EOD dog Hellfire squats by the right wall. Hellfire never squats down easily, only when it smells explosives.

It squats under the wall on the right, which proves that there is an entrance here.

Jason walked over and tore off the dirty, dusty, one-meter-square carpet in front of Hellfire, revealing a wooden plank inlaid on the ground.

The significance of the existence of the wooden boards on this basement floor is needless to say.

"Just run, little mouse, I'll see where you can hide." Jason looked at the board and whispered, his whole body began to get excited.

Ordinary people will become more nervous and anxious when encountering danger, and Jason will become more nervous and excited when encountering danger.

"How about we just throw a grenade in and blow him up inside? I think it will be easier this way, and we can go back and sleep in the cage."

Sonny's body is full of violent factors, and he likes to use violent means to solve problems.

"No, we're going to catch the live ones, let's get started."

Jason had long been used to Sonny's temper, so he calmly rejected Sonny's suggestion, and gestured to him to open the wooden board with his eyes.

"Okay, listen to you."

Sonny was used to his suggestions being rejected, so he hung the light machine gun on his chest and grabbed the board with both hands. With the help of Trent opposite, he lifted it up and propped it on the wall.


Jason gave a brief order and walked down the stairs first.

When you come down from the stairs, you can see two tunnels, one leading to the front and the other leading to the right. There is no end in sight.

The Cerberus and Jason came down together, and it squatted down with its head facing straight ahead.

Means the bomb is in this direction!
After everyone went down the stairs into the tunnel, Jason pointed to another tunnel and said to Clay: "You stay here, pay attention to this passage and behind you, do you understand?"

Jason wasn't very optimistic about Clay, and the environment in this tunnel was complicated, and the target was a bomb maniac. If he made a mistake, the whole team might be buried here, so Jason needed to bring the most trusted person in.

It is undoubtedly the best choice to arrange newcomer foreign aid Clay to come back.


Although Clay was a little dissatisfied, he didn't show it. He glanced at the other tunnel and thought about it, and nodded to express acceptance.

"Keep going!"

After arranging for the people at the back to guard the entrance, Jason ordered the people to move along the tunnel.

The width of the tunnel is only about 1.2 meters, and the height is only about 1 meters. It seems relatively crowded and narrow, and the whole team can only advance in one line.

Cerberus was in front of Pathfinder, and Jason, Trent, and Sonny were behind in sequence.

There are electric lights every few meters in the tunnel, making the whole tunnel very bright. Jason and the three of them folded the night vision goggles on their helmets.

The tunnel was not only curved but also very long, and the three of Jason quickly penetrated into it.

Clay waited for the three of Jason to disappear from sight. He didn't obediently stay where he was, but entered another tunnel next to him by himself.

Clay, who was used to being a lone wolf, told him intuition that he could find the target faster from here.

If he can capture Samir, an important terrorist who has escaped outside for more than 20 years, then he will have made a great contribution.

Seeing that he is so good, the commanders of DG will definitely let him pass the green team training smoothly.

It is even possible to surpass the freaks among the rookies, use the honor of actual combat actions to beat his new training results, and become the most legendary rookie in the history of the Green Team.

Clay thinks so!

He completely forgot that he held the position of the queen, that teamwork requires each to perform his duties, and that this is not a world of lone wolves.

The lives of the three of Jason are in his hands, in case someone comes over and blows up the entrance, or comes in along the intersection and touches the back of Jason's buttocks.

The three of Jason, who had already safely handed over their backs to Clay, would be defenseless against this touched enemy.

By the time.

The consequences would be unimaginable.

(End of this chapter)

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