The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 414 The only way to break the game

Chapter 414 The only way to break the game
Long Zhan knew that it was impossible to refuse to kill Sophia, and to cross the border and return to the United States as originally planned.

Sophia was an innocent kidnapped by himself, it was impossible for Long Zhan to kill her in order to protect himself, no matter how cold-blooded a person could do such a thing.

This is the difference between humans and animals!
Now that the current situation is already very dangerous, what should I do to solve the current predicament and get a life out of this chaos?
Long Zhan buried his head in deep thought...

The reason why the black fox contacted her quietly was because Mrs. K and the minister must have put pressure on her.

What is the attitude of the higher-ups now, and what are the taboos?

Dragon War can guess it!
It is nothing more than to erase all hidden dangers, so that the right wing of the Mexican government has nothing to grasp, and make the death of 25 Mexican policemen a "no-one".

After sorting out the key points that Mrs. K and the minister care about, Long Zhan finally has a clear idea.

A kind of American politician headed by the deputy minister is worried that he and Sophia are still in Mexico and will be caught by the Mexican police as "evidence".

Prove that the deaths of the 25 Mexican police officers were secretly operated by US government officials.

In the end, the ironclad evidence is so strong that there is no room for sophistry.

After a lot of hype by the media, it will definitely become a big news in the world, and its bad influence may be more serious than Prism Gate.

The U.S. government will definitely not take the blame, and will definitely find a way to clear things up.

At that time, not to mention Mrs. K, the action contact person, even the high-ranking Deputy Minister Philip will be pushed out by the US government to calm the situation.

This is also the reason why Mrs. K and Deputy Minister Philip are eager to kill and silence.

Since Mrs. K and Deputy Minister Philip were worried that they and Sophia would be caught by the Mexican police, they decided to act first to avoid future troubles.

Then Dragon War has a solution.

As long as he can manage to return to the United States, all problems will be solved.

The Mexican police cannot cross the border to arrest people, so Long Zhan and Sophia will not become "evidence". Mrs. K and Minister Philip don't have to worry about being pushed out by the US government, so there is no need to kill people.

Even Long Zhan can get the reward he deserves.

It was Party A of the US government who canceled the mission, and the responsibility naturally rested on them.

Since Long Zhan has already paid for his work, and there is no fault on his side, Mrs. K must give him his share of the money.

This is a legitimate request!
In order to ensure that he can not only save his life, but also get the commission he should have received smoothly, Long Zhan also reserved a "life-saving hole card".

In terms of life preservation, Long Zhan has always been cautious.

Long Zhan has read all the information about Sophia, and knows that her mother broke up with her father a long time ago, and her mother currently lives in Chicago in the United States.

Just bring Sophia back to the United States and hand it over to his mother.

And secretly informed the American media.

Mrs. K and the others were relieved of their crisis, coupled with the fear of the pressure from the media, at most they put Sophia under house arrest and cut her off from the outside world. It was impossible to kill Sophia.

It's okay to kill a black man in the United States, but they can't bear the crime of killing white civilians.

If it can be successful, Long Zhan can be regarded as being benevolent and righteous.

Not only will there be no more guilt in my heart, and this matter will come to a successful conclusion, but I will also benefit from it.

With the help of Sophia's exposure, it attracted a lot of media attention, making Mrs. K afraid to touch him, and successfully escaped from the "killing and silencing".

After all, Long Zhan didn't know what kind of capabilities his superior, the Sixth Team of Special Service, could be able to keep himself in this matter.

Since your superiors can't be sure, you have to find a way by yourself.

Strictly speaking.

Using the media to help him is Long Zhan's biggest trump card.

And Sophia is the core "medicine primer"!
With the existence of these two core elements, returning to the United States has become inevitable.

Without legal border crossing procedures, plus Mrs. K and others secretly operating, there is no way to enter the border through legal means.

Now there is only one way left -


Whether it was the last mission in Kenya or the contract this time, Long Zhan had seen a lot of information about smuggling from Mexico to the United States in the intelligence data.

As long as you find a professional "smuggler gang", it is not difficult to secretly return to the United States.

After pondering and working out a complete plan, Long Zhan came down from the hillside and returned to the wooden house. It was already past 9 o'clock in the evening.

In this two-story wooden house with only candlelight in this wilderness with no signal, no electricity or water, the environment looked very dim.

Long Zhan plans to smuggle into the country, but he doesn't know where to find the snakehead gang.

So he took out a stack of banknotes from his bag and found the Mexican uncle.

It is Long Zhan's motto that money can turn ghosts.

The reason why Long Zhan firmly believed in this sentence was that when he was a mercenary in his previous life, he ran around all over the world, and most of them were backward and chaotic countries, so he needed to integrate into various environments.

Try to enlist the help of local people to make the task easier.

Asking for help is more effective than asking for help.

Asking people for help is all false. If you promise how much money you will give afterwards, write a check, etc., for people in these war-torn countries, it is not as real as the real banknotes in front of your eyes.

Writing a check for $1 is not as useful as $1000 in cash most of the time.

As more and more things were done with money, Long Zhan also developed the habit of carrying some cash with him in case of emergencies.

Now is the time of life and death, and it's time to play the charm of money.

Coincidentally, the Mexican uncle often went to the town, and happened to meet a little snakehead there, and he ran into it in the town during the day.

Although Long Zhan is a special police officer, he doesn't quite understand the smuggling route.

But the Mexican uncle didn't ask much.

After living for so many years, I know very well what to ask and what not to ask, and I readily agreed to Long Zhan's request.

As for the good relationship between the two, it was due to that stack of green banknotes.

Long Zhan doesn't care anymore.

The smuggling matter was settled, and Long Zhan woke up again because he was too tired from walking during the day. Sophia, who was already asleep on the bed at this time, talked to her about the next thing.

In order for Sophia to cooperate with the smuggling plan, Long Zhan frankly stated the current predicament.

It shows that this is the site of the gang with the worst relationship with her father. With the current situation of the two of them, it is impossible to continue to the scheduled checkpoint.

There was also no way to get through the area and send her to Mexico City to find her father.

The only prudent last way now is to return to the United States by smuggling and send her to her mother.

In order to facilitate the smooth smuggling on the road, a disguised identity is needed between the two, and identity information must be checked in advance.

"The purpose of your smuggling is to go to the United States to find your father, leave Mexico, a poor place, and go to the United States to find a direction in life."

"We need a pretend relationship between the two of us. I am the guide you hired to help you go to the United States and find your father in the United States."


Long Zhan narrated in an orderly manner, and Sophia listened quietly all the time.

With her IQ and maturity beyond her age, plus all kinds of things that happened along the way, Long Zhan no longer needs to explain too much.

Sophia believed in Long Zhan and understood Long Zhan, and did not raise any objections.

After exchanging information with Sophia, Long Zhan picked up his bag and left the room.

Take out all the food in it, give it all to the Mexican uncle, and tell him that the remaining items will be temporarily stored here.

Then I borrowed a big shovel and came to the yard behind the house.

A pit was dug in the middle of the yard, and everything including the silver sand eagle, backpack, and satellite phone was buried in it with a tarpaulin.

That's it.

Long Zhan only had a stack of US dollars left on him, which was used as a fee to find the snake head.


(End of this chapter)

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