Chapter 420 Arrested
"I don't know. He took the initiative to find me. I think he should have received my father's order."

Sophia's answer was very clever. It not only perfectly answered the bearded boss's words, but also filled in the subsequent loopholes in advance.

It is really rare to have this mentality and reaction at this age.

The bearded boss didn't hear the problem, and returned to the bus again, sat opposite Long Zhan and raised his head and said, "Come on, let's talk about it, what should we do now?"

If Long Zhan was just an American policeman, the bearded boss could kill him without any worries.

But now he has become the subordinate of Horus, the largest drug lord in Mexico. This makes the bearded boss, who is only the small leader of the smuggler group, have to weigh the pros and cons before making the final decision.

He didn't want to anger those big guys on the ceiling and cause him to be thrown into the wilderness one day.

"Can they move their positions? I don't think this is a good conversation scene, what do you think?" Long Zhan glanced at the three smugglers.

"Of course no problem, but I need to tie your hands and feet, what do you think?" The bearded boss took out a pack of cigarettes and lit one.

"Okay, that's it."

Taking the opportunity to hijack the boss's plan to fail, Long Zhan could only go with it without changing his face, and quickly conceived an escape plan in his mind again.

"I can give my person a call, and he will help me get in touch with our boss, and our boss will come to talk to you when the time comes."

Long Zhan realizes that he can't get out alone, so he has another plan.

Contact the black fox to save him.

Although I don't know if the black fox will come.

The bearded boss stared at Long Zhan expressionlessly, took a deep breath of the cigarette and let it out slowly, took out his mobile phone from his pocket and tapped it on his right leg.

"Okay, okay, then you can call him."

"Is it really useful?"

Long Zhan laughed secretly, ecstasy in his heart, and leaned over to get the phone.

But at this moment...


The snake-headed shooter with the gun on the right took advantage of Long Zhan's good opportunity to lean over to expose his back, and hit Long Zhan on the back of the head with the butt of his gun.

Long Zhan was knocked dizzy, before he had time to react, the back of his head was hit twice.

With a plop, he passed out on the ground!

Hitting the head with the butt of a gun is heavier than a fist. Ordinary people will bleed if they can't bear it. What's more, Long Zhan even hit it three times in a row.

As far as the brain impact generated by this is concerned, even if you practice iron head skills, you can't bear it.

"Tie him up and deal with it the old way."

The snakehead boss rolled his eyes and bled from the back of his head, lying on the ground without a hole in Long Zhan, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, full of pride in his success in a small trick.

The oppression brought by Long Zhan's big body is too great, and using normal means to control it has potential safety hazards.

Having been in the drug trafficking and smuggling industry for decades, and seeing all kinds of insidious and cunning snake bosses, he deliberately adopted a small routine.

On the surface, he pretended to cooperate, but secretly played tricks behind his back.

From this point, it also reveals that growing too fiercely will indeed become a shortcoming at some point, making the enemy's guard against you extraordinarily strict.

As long as Fanlong Zhan looks a little weaker, the snake head will not be so cautious, and will reveal more flaws.

With Long Zhan's powerful combat ability, he might have escaped through these loopholes long ago.

As for why the smuggler boss suddenly changed his mind, he could launch an attack like this without warning, completely ignoring the threat from Horus.

It may be that he is not afraid of Horus at all, after all, this is not the territory of the Horus Group.

Solving the dragon battle is only incidental, and Sophia is the big dish.

"No, no, you can't do that."

Sophia, who had been paying attention to this side through the window, saw Long Zhan being knocked unconscious on the ground, and shouted sadly and panicked to stop the atrocities.

However, the young man with the nose ring had been guarding the door, firmly resisting the off-road vehicle door, and she couldn't get out at all.

After knocking Long Zhan unconscious on the ground, the snake-headed gunman's vigilance dropped by one level, and he was no longer as fierce as a tiger just now.

It seems that in order to satirize Long Zhan's identity as a policeman, Long Zhan was handcuffed behind him with a pair of handcuffs.

Then he used a wooden stick with ropes at both ends, stuffed it into his mouth and blocked it with his mouth, took out a yellow sackcloth bag and put it on Long Zhan's head.

The mouth of the pocket is placed at the neck, and it is fixed with adhesive tape several times.

This bundling method is very "professional", standard Mexican reading gang bundling.

In the end, the three gunmen worked together to drag and drag Long Zhan, who had been living a good life recently, with so much fat and weight close to 250 catties, out of the minibus and stuffed it into the trunk of an old pickup truck.

"Let's go, let's go, and the rest will continue as usual."

The boss of the smugglers gave instructions to the smugglers and got into the co-pilot of the car where Sophia was.

Dozens of smugglers entrenched in this small village immediately started to act when they heard the order, and the originally quiet place suddenly became noisy.

Someone yelled loudly to call for people, someone urged them away cursing, and the roar of cars starting at the same time.

In less than a minute, the snakeheads left in three groups.

The boss of the smuggler took Sophia himself, and three other cars left the small village in the opposite direction, heading for a certain place away from the border.

A group of smugglers organized the stowaways who got off the car and walked towards the border on foot.

The young man with the nose ring took the remaining three vehicles, adding up to nearly 20 smugglers ranging in age from their teens to their 10s, and continued eastward along the road parallel to the border line.

More than 20 minutes later!

The convoy led by the young leader of the nose ring came to a mine that had been abandoned for many years.

This place is far away from the city center, and in the wilderness, no one comes at all. It is indeed a good place to kill people and throw their bodies.

The young man with the nose ring is so familiar with this generation, he has obviously brought many people here to kill and throw corpses.

The three cars parked at the edge of the pit, facing the direction of the pit in a semicircle, and the lights of the cars shone forward together, forming an open and bright area.

A kind of snake heads all get off the car, or sit or lean or lie beside the car.

At a glance.

There are several half-grown children.

Among them was the young man who reported on Long Zhan, causing Long Zhan's identity to be exposed.

Long Zhan, who was knocked out and tied up, was dragged from his body and brought to the front again with the concerted efforts of the relatively strong snake head above.

The lights of the three cars illuminate the line, converging at the very center point.

Seeing Long Zhan lying motionless on the ground, looking at the dark mine pit in front, the boy who reported Long Zhan realized what would happen next.

There was resentment in his eyes, even more fear, and he began to regret his original decision.

The boy had just joined the Snake Gang not long ago.

And he was tricked by his cousin who thought that he could earn more money than his father who worked hard for a month just by running errands once, so there would be no danger.

(End of this chapter)

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