The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 428 "13 Hours of Crisis"

Chapter 428 "13 Hours of Crisis"

The Sixth Team of the Black Team Special Service that Long Zhan is currently in is actually similar in nature to the GRS, and they are both "grey departments" serving a certain unit in the United States.

The only difference lies in the form of the contract, and Secret Service Team Six members are more free than GRS employees.

GRS employees only serve the CIA, and the job is to go to more than 100 intelligence stations, auxiliary and protection stations of the CIA around the world.

Since I don't know when the task will end, the salary is basically calculated on a daily basis.

It can be said to be a "contract worker"!
The members of the Sixth Team of Secret Service are more free. Except for the three target tasks that must be completed, they can go wherever they want at other times and no one cares about them.

Salary is a one-time deal, how much money will be paid in one lump sum after completing the task.

More like a "temporary worker"!
After reading the military contract in hand, Long Zhan had a general idea of ​​what kind of work he was going to perform, and then opened the mission file.

The general content is...

The Libyan civil war has basically ended, and the CIA was ordered to recover all kinds of dangerous weapons and equipment during the civil war in Libya.

In particular, the individual missiles and chemical weapons obtained by the rebels from the Card Dazuo army - yellow cakes.

The job of the GRS is to assist dozens of CIA intelligence personnel who have good brains but not enough combat effectiveness to complete the recovery of this type of weapon.

After quickly browsing the contents of the file, a line of words popped up in Long Zhan's mind——

13 hours of crisis!

I haven't actually seen this movie Dragon War, but this movie is based on real events.

When the real incident happened, Long Zhan himself was in Benghazi, Libya, where the incident happened, leading a team to work as a temporary worker under a rebel armed flag.

The ambassador of the United States was killed in the temporary consulate, and it was the only one in history.

The impact of this matter is really too great, all the mainstream media in the world have reported it, and it is well known in all circles in Benghazi.

As a mercenary serving the war, Long Zhan has many ways to obtain inside information.

Before the US government and various journalists revealed the specific cause of the ambassador's death, Long Zhan took the first step to figure out the details.

With this personal experience as the basis, plus the description in the mission file.

It's hard for Long Zhan not to remember.

"The 13-hour crisis is a bit difficult to manage. It is equivalent to a reduced version of the Mogadishu long-distance race. If I remember correctly, two people were killed in the GRS in the news report at the time, and a total of 4 people were killed including the ambassador and the information officer.

If I don't plan well in advance, I might be the one who dies in the end. "

Long Zhan has basically confirmed the "plot", put the contract and files back into the suitcase, began to recall the details in the news reports he had read, and thought about how to survive this catastrophe smoothly.

Before the crisis 13 hours before the incident, there is enough time to make a good response.

Long Zhan believes that as long as he can deploy properly and make sufficient preparations in advance, when the crisis comes, he will definitely be able to resolve it safely.

Even if you think about it conservatively, at least you don't want to be one of the two people who died in battle.


10+ hours later.

Benina Airport, Benghazi, Libya.

Long Zhan walked out of the cabin along the stairs, put on sunglasses to block the violent sun's rays, looked around and immediately felt a different atmosphere.

On the deserted runway more than 200 meters away from the right side of the airport, there was a burned-out Boeing 747 parked.

The periphery of the airport runway is full of high-voltage electric barbed wire.

The white-painted outer walls of the airport terminal were covered with large and small bomb craters and gun craters, and even a hole several meters in size was blown out under the highest tower.

Armored vehicles and heavily armed soldiers can be seen everywhere on the walk from the runway to the terminal.

Get a glimpse of the whole picture!

Through the visible places like the airport, Long Zhan can fully imagine how fierce the civil war in Benghazi was.

Entering such a city where the war seems to have disappeared, but is actually full of violence and turmoil inside is tantamount to entering a dangerous minefield.

You must be on high alert at all times, or you will end up in pieces.

Walking all the way out of the airport, Long Zhan stood at the gate and scanned around, and soon locked on to the GRS employee who came to pick him up.

The characteristic is a dark blue shirt and jeans, coupled with a pair of blue sunglasses.

"Dragon Gibran, I need a guide."

Long Zhan walked over and extended his hand to introduce, and along the way, output the agreed password.

"Tyron Woods, come with me."

The man in the sunglasses looked at Long Zhan in astonishment, and was surprised by the big man Long Zhan. After a while, he shook hands and introduced himself.

Then he turned around and walked to the parking lot next to him, opened a jeep and sat in the driver's seat.

Long Zhan followed and opened the rear door first, threw the luggage he brought on the back seat, then went to the front, opened the passenger door and sat on it.

"Full ammunition!"

Tyronn took out a pistol and handed it to Long Zhan with the butt facing out.

Action major, language major.

"The G19 of Salion International Arms Company, the main identification mark is the golden-yellow titanium nitride-coated barrel. It's a good pistol, but it almost tastes bad."

Long Zhan pulled the slide to check to make sure it was loaded. The thumb of his right hand holding the gun opened the safety, hiding the gun between his thigh and the car door.

"Mini pistol, it matches you very well."

Tyronn is a former Navy SEAL. In the DRS fax notification he received in advance, it was mentioned that Dragon War was also from the retired SEALs.

After all, it is from a unit!
"I prefer big guys, big guys who are strong enough and full of flavor."

Long Zhan grinned, and asked straight to the core: "The information I received mentioned that we have a small team. How about the organization of the others?"

"Three ex-Marines and one ex-Army Ranger are all ordinary assault troops, and now you are an old bird to support them." Tyronn started the car and said.

Tyronn's words seemed to be flattering, but they were actually telling the truth.

Whether it is the Marine Corps or the Rangers, they are all conventional assault forces, and they are not at the same level as special forces.

Not to mention that Dragon War comes from above the seals, one of the three strongest ace troops in the legend - DG.

The strength gap between each other is even greater.

"What about you? Don't you want to introduce yourself?" Long Zhan asked with a smile.

"I come from the same place as you, a former Navy SEAL and the captain of the DRS team. I hope we can work together happily in the future."

The army is a place where strength is emphasized. The strength of Long Zhan has been recognized and humbled by Tyron, and he does not put on airs as a captain at all.

"of course".

Long Zhan curled his lips, he was new here, and overall he felt pretty good.

(End of this chapter)

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