The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 43 The old tree's roots can also save people

Chapter 43 Old trees can save lives even when they are rooted (please ask for a monthly ticket, please ask for a recommendation ticket)
Eric is a dovish commander, not as aggressive as a hawkish commander, which also determines his command and combat style.

His first thought was to order Team B to retreat to avoid a head-on encounter with General Lionheart's army.

It doesn't matter if Samir can't be caught this time, there is still a chance to find him and act again. Anyway, he has been on the run for more than 20 years, and he doesn't care about a few more days.

On the other hand, if someone from Team B died during the operation, there would be no chance to do it all over again.

But if Team B is really ordered to retreat, then Team B's honor of never failing a mission will come to an end here.

Soldiers fight for the honor of individuals and the country, and most of them regard honor more than life.

Eric was well aware of Jason's temper. If he really forcibly gave the order to retreat, then there would definitely be an irreparable gap in the good subordinate-subordinate relationship between the two of them because of this incident.

After more than ten seconds of deliberation, Eric chose another path——

Respect Team B's own choice!

It has always been a characteristic of SEALs to give full play to the combat capabilities of lower-level grassroots units and to exude their personal thinking ability as much as possible.

"H2, this is the combat center, I allow you to return immediately."

"H1, you are responsible for bringing the rescue target back, and you must evacuate within 3 minutes."

Eric first issued two orders to the two armed helicopters responsible for the response, first to ensure that part of the mission can be completed.

"H2 received it and started to return."

"H1 received, ready to approach the evacuation point."

The two pilots responded one after another, and Eric was transferred to the B team command channel.

"B1, this is the combat center, H2 has a mechanical failure and needs to return, unable to complete the evacuation task, H1 cannot take all of you.

The Lionheart's army has already rushed towards you, and it is expected to arrive at the target building in about 3 minutes.

I suggest that you give up capturing Samir and immediately leave the target building for an emergency retreat from the ground to avoid fighting with the Lionheart's army.

However, if you want to continue the mission, I respect your choice. "

At this time, in the tunnel of the target building, the military dog ​​Hellfire that had been running in front had stopped, squatting at a tunnel corner and looking ahead.

This action indicates that the target has been spotted, directly in front of its field of vision.

Jason knew that there was a high probability that this target was Samir they were going to capture on this trip, and he was overjoyed that he was about to bring someone up there.

As a result, Eric suddenly heard an emergency communication from the combat center at this time.

Hearing that a helicopter had malfunctioned and had left urgently and could no longer undertake the evacuation mission, Jason couldn't help but frown.

When you hear that the Lionheart's army has set off, you will arrive here in 3 minutes.

The joy in Jason's heart from discovering the target suddenly seemed to be poured with cold water, and he was completely chilled inside and out.

He knew very well that three minutes would not be enough to catch Samir and leave.

But Samir was already in front of him, and he could see it when he walked over and turned a corner. If he gave up at this time, it would be too uncomfortable and aggrieved.

As the best team in the red team, the ace team that has never tasted defeat.

Jason couldn't accept this result.

Even if there was no consequence for retreating at this time, and there would be no penalty for failure of the mission, Jason still chose the latter without hesitation.

If Jason had been a timid person, he wouldn't have gotten to where he is today.

"Received by b1, we have found Samir and are preparing to arrest him. We will try to finish it within 3 minutes. After that, we will retreat from the southeast direction. Please send additional support troops on the road to respond."

After Jason finished speaking, he slashed forward with his right palm, and led the team straight to the corner where the Cerberus was.

Sonny and Trent, who were following Jason, couldn't hear the communication on the command channel, but based on Jason's ground retreat and years of experience in anti-terrorist special operations, they can basically guess that something must have happened. A moth.

In a small town with a military camp as the structure, how difficult it is to retreat from the ground, you can imagine with your toes.

Sonny and Trent realized the seriousness of the problem, and the expressions on their faces became extraordinarily serious.

The atmosphere also began to become depressing and tense!
In order to protect the honor and dignity of Team B, Jason decided to take a risk and continue to capture Samir before retreating from the ground.

The dragon battle and Brock on the roof didn't know what happened at this time.

Seeing a helicopter approaching, the two of them still carried out the order they had received, and began to prepare to send Marshall to the helicopter.

Due to the limited space above the roof, there is no way to park the helicopter on the roof.

He could only hover and throw a ladder down from above, and let Marshall and Long Zhan and Brock, who were in charge of sending him, climb up to the plane more than 5 meters high through the ladder.

And because Marshall had been imprisoned for too long, and now she was a little bit exhausted after being rescued, she couldn't climb up alone.

The ladder was shaken by the propeller wind, and it was very difficult to climb up.

There is no way.

Long Zhan could only take advantage of his big size, put the woman on his back, let her put her legs around his waist, put her hands around his neck, and assumed the reverse posture of an old tree twisting its roots.

Then carry Marshall up the ladder and send her to the helicopter cabin.

As soon as Long Zhan entered the cabin with Marshall on his back, a member of Team A who was in charge of the reception held the side of the cabin door and shouted to Brock below: "Man, we are running out of time, hurry up."

"time is limited?"

When Long Zhan saw a helicopter flying away just now, he felt that something was wrong, and now he heard A's words to this team member, and his heart even murmured.

So he patted the shoulders of the members of Team A, and asked loudly, "What do you mean you're running out of time? Our people haven't come up yet."

The noise of the helicopter propellers is so loud that it is impossible to hear it without opening your voice.

Even with noise-cancelling headphones!

(End of this chapter)

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