The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 438 Black Market Arms Dealer

Chapter 438 Black Market Arms Dealer

"Damn, is this the lobby of the Caesar Palace Hotel? Building such a big house in such a poor place is extravagant."

"Compared to here, where we live, we don't even have toilets."

"Walking here is like leaving Benghazi."

Long Zhan, Oz and Tyron were shocked, and couldn't help but exclaim.

It's not that the three of them have never seen high-end places before, as if a country bumpkin was shocked when he entered the city.

But in such a country that just broke out in civil war, the people can't even eat, and there will be such a luxurious and luxurious place, which is really unimaginable.

While Long Zhan and his party were admiring the luxurious hall, the Americans who were outside the gate just now also walked in.

"Everyone, I'm Detective Eric. I was dealing with the Middle Eastern miscellaneous troops who didn't exist at the door just now. They really love to yell, and they can quarrel for a long time even a little thing."

After the Americans who came in introduced themselves, they did not forget to damage the militia of the Martyrs Brigade on February 2.

"What safety measures are there? Can you show us?" Long Zhan asked straight to the point.

"The ambassador's residence has the highest level of protection, anti-intrusion blast doors, windows are equipped with iron bars, and after entering is the emergency refuge room."

Dave, a black DSS agent, pointed to various places as he walked.

"The news said that the ambassador had inhaled excessive smoke, and there was a fire here that night. Maybe it is necessary to remind them to prepare."

Looking at the door of the emergency refuge room, Long Zhan had a preliminary idea in his mind.

In order not to let his resume be stained, Long Zhan didn't want the ambassador to die here during his mission.

It's not about money, it's about personal reputation.

"Does the ambassador have actual combat experience?"

Captain Woods took another aspect into consideration. It is easier to deal with danger with actual combat experience.

"No, he only has us."

Scott shrugged, walked to the side door and said, "I'll take you outside to have a look."

Everyone followed Scott out of the lobby of the main building and entered the "back garden" of the temporary consulate. The layout outside was more exaggerated than inside.

Not only are there various outdoor activity facilities, but even the turf is well maintained.

A piece of lush green, trimmed very flat.

"Parallel buildings, covering an area of ​​more than 9 acres. The front door has a road leading directly to the back door. People from the Martyrs' Brigade on February 2 are arranged to guard them."

"The communication equipment in the ambassador's room is connected to Washington, the State Department and Tripoli. If there is any situation, you can apply for support at any time."

"On the right is the Tactical Operations Center. There are monitors inside. The door is locked."


Scott, Dave, and Eric are the core security guards in charge of the guard here. They know everything about the station very well, and they gave detailed introductions to Long Zhan and others as they walked along the way.

"Apart from assault rifles, what firepower do you have here?" Long Zhan asked.

No matter where it is, Long Zhan cares most about firepower.

"There are also light machine guns, grenade guns, etc. There are ammunition in the tactical operation center." Dave replied.

"that's it?"

Disappointed, Tyroen said, frowning: "I think every embassy must have solid standard security measures.

Car bomb barricades, full-time marines, point 50 heavy firepower, and more. "

"That's true, but the problem is that this is not an embassy, ​​but a temporary diplomatic station. The government has a limited budget and cannot follow the safety regulations." Dave said helplessly.

"Oh my god, the bureaucracy is really excellent." Tyron was convinced.

"We have the same problem at our workstations."

Long Zhan smiled playfully, and walked to the clean and clear swimming pool.

Looking at the front wall that can be climbed up, the man stood on the patrolling outer wall and said, "With all due respect, these guards with M4 carbines are really not enough to guard this wall."

Ozzy also shot up: "The militiamen guarding the gate are not in the right position, snipers can easily lock the target.

No offense intended, but I have to say that with your current layout, once you are attacked by powerful firepower, you will undoubtedly die here. "

In a huge temporary consulate, only three people belong to us, and the other security guards are all Libyans.

You can figure it out with your toes, it's a ghost if it's safe here.

"Wow, your conjecture is really inspiring." Tyron said ironically.

Scott, Dave, and Eric looked at each other.

They all knew that there were loopholes in the defense, but that was the arrangement of the higher-level State Council. As low-level employees, they had nothing to do.

"Hey, buddy, we're just 1.5 miles away. If you have anything to call, I'll send Gibran over to help you. See if he's a big guy. Trust him, he can definitely help you out."

Seeing that the three of DSS were depressed, Tyron gave them a shot in the arm.

After speaking, he waved to Long Zhan and Ozzy, indicating that he had finished what he should see, there was no need to stay here any longer, and it was time to go home.

"Thank you, I hope you won't be used."

Scott expressed his thanks and raised his hand to watch the three of Long Zhan leave.

Returning to the car, Tyronn asked with a smile: "Guys, how many years do you think they have been soldiers? Can three people support such a big place?"

Long Zhan didn't give a positive answer, but said abruptly, "May God bless them."


Tyroon and Ozzy understood instantly, and couldn't help laughing at the same time.

Long Zhan's answer seemed nonsensical, and the bull's head was wrong, but it was actually the most accurate answer that best suited the state of the three of them.

Just because the three of them want to protect the ambassador, they can only hope that God will show up.


9 month 10 day.

The sudden arrival of Ambassador Stevens broke the mission pattern of Long Zhan and his party, and the difficulty increased by one level from the original level.

In order to be able to deal with all the following problems, the current weapons and equipment reserves are obviously not enough.

In order to increase confidence and strength, the station master also needs to take related actions to recover or destroy "high-threat weapons" hidden among the people.

Under the joint breeding of these two needs, a new action was launched.

CIA agents secretly contacted a black market arms dealer, purchased a batch of weapons and equipment from him, and arranged a transaction in an abandoned factory.

Where there is war, weapons are indispensable, and where there are weapons, there will definitely be arms dealers.

Doing business with black market arms dealers is completely different from international arms transactions. Once a negligence is likely to lead to loss of people and money.

In order to successfully obtain weapons from the arms dealer, the GRS team was dispatched with all members this time, controlling every key point of the factory in advance.

The intelligence station also dispatched drones to provide high-altitude vision monitoring in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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