The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 443 Team B Departs!

Chapter 443 Team B Departs! (seeking a monthly ticket)

Tripoli is 643 kilometers away from Benghazi.

The U.S. embassy where Stevens was supposed to stay was already in chaos because of the attack on the Benghazi consulate.

The top ambassador of the embassy is absent, and the second-in-command minister is fully responsible for the rescue.

In the temporary emergency rescue center, the minister asked loudly: "I need to know what's going on now. Have you contacted the rescue unit?"

"I contacted the Washington Government Action Center." A staff member reported.

"US Africa Command is online." Then another staff member reported.

"Help me get the government."

The minister picked up the microphone on the table in front of him, and immediately said after connecting, "I am Minister Hicks of the Libyan embassy. The consulate in Benghazi was attacked. The mobs were crazy. All the local guards at the front door ran away..."

The second-in-command at the embassy contacted the government and began reporting on the attack.

On the other side, in the CIA intelligence station in Benghazi, the GRS team, which had already prepared vehicles, weapons and ammunition, was stopped by the station chief.

Teague drove out the Mercedes-Benz bulletproof off-road vehicle, and Long Zhan also got a HK69A1 40mm grenade launcher from the German Black Pit Company.

The muzzle velocity of the launcher is 76 m/s, the effective range is 50 to 350 meters, and the maximum range is 400 meters.

Use M406 high-explosive grenade, referred to as "HE" bomb, the killing radius is 15m, and the lethal radius is within 5m. .

Using the M433 multi-purpose bomb, it can penetrate the 50mm steel plate in front of the warhead, and at the same time, it can form a large number of explosive fragments when it explodes.

In addition, smoke grenades, flares, and shotguns can also be fired.

Long Zhan carried a total of two grenade straps, one M406 high-explosive grenade and one M433 multi-purpose grenade, one left and one right crossed on the chest.

More than 20 big lumps hanging on the chest, coupled with Long Zhan's tall figure, is a proper "real-life Terminator".

Full of momentum!

Long Zhan has two guns in his hand, one short and one long, and his combat power has been fully exhausted. The rest of the GRS are also fully armed and ready for a big battle.

But when they were about to get on the bus, the station master who heard the news stopped in front of the car.

"We must get there at once, Station Master."

Tyron stared at the station master with a cold face. If he hadn't been a subordinate, he would have gone up and punched him a long time ago.

"We have no obligation to help the consulate, and we have no law enforcement power in this country. Your first task is to protect the intelligence station. I will contact the Martyrs Brigade to send someone there as soon as possible on February 2."

The station master ignored Tyron's cannibalistic eyes, and his attitude of opposition was extremely firm.

"Do you think the Martyrs' Brigade on February 2 is useful?"

Tyron mercilessly dismantled the stationmaster, trying to deal with the problem, and insisted: "The American ambassador is in danger, only we can save him.

Let us go, we must do this, you don't need to issue this order, you can also pretend that you didn't see it, all the consequences will be borne by ourselves. "

"Woods, calm down."

The station master leaned in front of Tyron and shouted: "The ambassador and his security personnel are in the refuge, and there will be no danger in a short time.

You are not the first-line support fighters, unless it is absolutely necessary, I will never allow you to leave here, you must stand by here.

If you dare to leave without permission, it will be regarded as a violation of the military contract. Do you think you can afford the consequences? "

After the station master said these last few words, Tyron's aura disappeared immediately.

Except for Long Zhan, the group of GRS team joined GRS after retiring from the army, doing the work of pinning their heads to their waistbands.

The main reason is that after they retire as soldiers, they simply cannot find any decent jobs in society.

If you can't find a decent job, it means you have no income. Without income, you can't support your family, and you can't live with your family.

It is precisely because of the high income of joining GRS that they bid farewell to their families and set foot on the battlefield again.

There is no need to go to jail for violating a contract, but a military contract is a type of commercial contract, and a huge liquidated damages is required for breach of contract.

Originally, they did it only when they had no money to live on. Tyronn and the others simply had no money to pay for it.

In the United States, if there is no compensation, the court will declare personal bankruptcy, all property will be confiscated, no company will hire you if your credit is stained, and you will not be able to find a job even if your limbs are healthy.

There will be one end result, and that is to be forced to become a homeless person on the street.

That was miserable!
There are many homeless people on the streets of the United States, and most of them are personally bankrupt, not because they don't want to work, but because they can't find a job at all.

With no one to hire and no place to live, they can only make do on the streets.



U.S. Embassy.

Jason, who learned that the Benghazi Consulate was attacked, broke into the rescue command center with Ray, and came to the person in charge, Minister Hicks.

"We have two paramilitary assets in Libya, one is the temporary consulate where the ambassador is, and the other is only 1.5 miles away from the consulate.

There must be more than one attack, another one is probably unavoidable, you need to send us there as soon as possible, we can help them. "

Jason fixed his eyes on Minister Hicks, and his pleading was even more determined.

On the one hand, the rescue ambassador is eager, and on the other hand, there are people of his own in Benghazi. If he arrives late, it may lead to an irreversible tragedy.

"No, no, I haven't been cleared to call in air force support."

Minister Hicks was also anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

Driving from the ground to Benghazi, there is a straight-line difference of more than 600 kilometers between the two. In addition, the road conditions in Libya are very bad, and there is no time at all.

The U.S. military does not have an air force base in Libya, so it needs the cooperation of other theaters to use the aircraft.

Hicks is just a minister of the embassy, ​​and has no right to mobilize the army at all. Everything can only wait for the order from Washington.

"You know the efficiency of Washington's affairs better than I do. When they finish their meeting, everyone will be cold."

Jason couldn't take care of so much under his impatience. He satirized the nature of politicians mercilessly, and said: "Give me a bag of money as a ticket to Benghazi, and I will handle other things."

Minister Hicks knew Tripoli well enough to guess what Jason wanted the money for.

The high probability is to rent a private jet, lead the DG team to Benghazi Airport, and then coordinate the new government troops to rescue.

There are certain risks for a small team to go there first, and the best way should be to send a quick reaction force to go there.

But now the government directly under the embassy is still coordinating with the Ministry of National Defense and other military departments, and can't discuss a specific rescue plan for a while.

And time waits for no one.

For every minute of delay, the ambassador is more dangerous.

After thinking about it for a while, Minister Hicks finally agreed to Jess' request and let the ace elite DG team rush over there first.

(End of this chapter)

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