The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 447 Textbook Level Response

Chapter 447 Textbook-Level Response
After some refined negotiations between the two parties, it was confirmed that Long Zhan's guess was correct.

This group of militiamen indeed belonged to the Martyrs Brigade on February 2th, and they stayed here not to block the road, but simply because they were afraid of danger and did not dare to pass.

As a hired security guard, he is afraid of danger and dare not rescue his employer.

It's really magical!

However, compare your heart with your heart.

The U.S. government is at the forefront, giving people this little money per day per capita, and they have to bring their own weapons and ammunition, which is worse than beggars.

Long Zhan has always used money to measure the value of missions. I don't think the Martyrs Brigade made a mistake on February 2.

Just when Long Zhan was about to get more information about the current situation of the consulate through the militia leader, after all, this group of people had been guarding the scene.


"call out--"

A bullet roared.

I don't know if it was pure luck or a fixed-point sniper, the bullet hit the head of the militia leader impartially, and then passed through the front face.

The positions of the two eyes and the nose were turned into a horrible blood hole.

The flesh and blood of the nose and eyeballs that were taken away by the bullet sprayed out radially like a watering can, with the central point passing between Long Zhan and Aaron.

The warm blood mixed with the meat paste sprayed Long Zhan and Aaron all over his body and face.


Aaron, who had never experienced actual combat, how could he accept such a terrifying thing, feeling the warmth on his face, stood there in fright, not knowing where to put his hands, and screamed like a bitch. .

Long Zhan smelled the pungent smell of blood, but his state was just the opposite of Aaron's.

His expression didn't change even the slightest because of the dead people and the blood, and his whole state was so calm that it was terrifying.

First, he bowed his head almost reflexively, and then pulled the screaming A Mao to hide behind the pickup truck.

Finally, he wiped off the blood on Aaron's face with his hands, and yelled loudly while checking his body: "Fuck, close the chrysanthemum for me, do you feel any pain or discomfort?"

Avoid the danger first, then check the status, and finally find a way to fight back or escape.

Long Zhan's on-the-spot reaction can be called "textbook level"!
And following the headshot of the first bullet, a large number of gunshots suddenly erupted, and dense bullets roared in, jingling everywhere and sparks flying everywhere.

The sound of bullets flying overhead is "咻咻", which proves that the enemy is very close.

If it is far away, it will be "pop"!
This is due to the shock waves generated at supersonic speeds, which have an impact on human hearing.

Suddenly attacked by the enemy from the direction of the consulate, and their little leader was killed, the militiamen of the Martyrs Brigade on February 2, who had been evading, finally stopped being silent.

One after another began to pick up their guns and launched a counterattack to the enemy.

The two Libyan militiamen started a firefight, and the narrow place at the intersection was chaotic, and the GRS people did not get involved in the firefight.

Long Zhan, who checked and confirmed that the translator Amao was not injured, also brought him back to the bulletproof off-road vehicle with him close to the roadside.

"The attackers came from the direction of the consulate. They should be members of a certain Middle Eastern religious group. On the way out, they collided with people from the Martyrs Brigade. Now the people of a certain Middle Eastern religious group have begun to withdraw. The situation is already very bad. We have to get there as soon as possible, or it will be too late."

Hearing Long Zhan's reasoning, Tyron decided to take action immediately.

"Amao, you stay here and watch the car, anyone who wants to snatch him will kill him immediately."

Tyron first explained the mission to Amao. The bulletproof off-road vehicle is a key tool for the final retreat, and we must find a way to get it into the consulate.

It is undoubtedly the best arrangement for Amao, who has no actual combat experience, to stay and be responsible for guarding and driving.

If someone from the Martyr's Brigade on February 2th is in charge, Tyronn can guarantee that there is a 17% chance that the guy will run away in a car.

A cool and easy-to-use bulletproof off-road vehicle is too tempting in this war-torn country.

"The others come with me and investigate the situation first."

The situation in the consulate is temporarily unknown. Tyronn did not rush to the rescue hastily, but chose a relatively conservative plan.

Everyone in the GRS had no sense for the plan, and they all got out of the car and moved forward along the street.

Walking forward for less than 20 meters, you can see the consulate in the distance when you turn the corner of the house. The fork in the middle has now become a battlefield.

On February 2th, the martyr's brigade and a certain Middle Eastern religious group fought hard at this intersection.

Among them, the militiamen of the Martyrs Brigade on February 2 seemed to be stimulated by the killing of the leader, and it can be seen that they are now angry.

The roar of heavy machine guns continued, and someone carried out a rocket launcher.


The rockets spewed flames and flew out, exploding a dazzling fire ball in the distance.

Taking advantage of the fierce exchange of fire between the two sides, the GRS team has quietly reached the front line of the battlefield, hiding behind a broken wall for observation.

"Look at this guy, shooting RPGs without cover, that's insane, luckily he's with us."

Tanto is a veteran from the Rangers. As a soldier of the regular assault force, he has participated in relatively few actual combats, and some scenes are unavoidable.

"An RPG with a snake-like flight path is indeed a novelty."

After Long Zhan has modified these, it has become weird and inaccurate, and the "African version" RPG that flies around is really powerless to complain.

"There are 8 to 10 targets at the front door, which have already occupied the bunker fortifications at the front door, and there are also heavy-fire pickups."

Oz gave the enemy situation at the front door of the consulate through the combined night sight module installed on the HK417 precision marksman rifle.

There are only 6 people in GRS, and there is an open area tens of meters long outside the gate of the consulate.

Based on the analysis of the enemy situation in Oz just now, the success rate of GRS trying to drive in through the front door is basically non-existent.

Since there was no way to enter through the front door, and the bulletproof off-road vehicle had to be driven in, there was no choice but to find another way.

And the best way is to break through from within.

The defensive bunker at the gate of the consulate is one-way outward. As long as you can try to enter the consulate first, you have a chance to regain control of the consulate.

Only when you gain control of the consulate will you have enough time to rescue the trapped ambassador and DSS.

Relying on his combat experience, Long Zhan instantly had a perfect plan in his mind, but he is not the captain now, and he can't overstep the command.

In this special operation of the squad, the most taboo thing is to compete for command.

As a mature and stable DG special soldier, Long Zhan is familiar with all the rules of survival on the battlefield, so as long as Tyron does not make fundamental mistakes, he will not stand up to criticize, or fight for command.

Even with his combat experience and DG status, Tyroen was far behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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