Chapter 455
The surrounding militiamen slowly approached the off-road vehicle, and the militiamen blocking the road kept talking, with their right hands still on their chests making certain gestures.

"It seems to be our ally, let us get out of the car, he will send someone to protect us back."

Eric, who was sitting in the back row, knew Arabic, and was very happy after seeing this gesture, and he had the tendency to cooperate with getting out of the car.

Long Zhan noticed that things were getting more and more wrong, and he felt hostility from the eyes of the surrounding militiamen.

Seeing that Tigger was still worrying about the rules of engagement, he hesitated to rush over, Long Zhan roared: "Drive fast, if you don't drive, you won't even think about leaving."

"Looks like a trap, I feel bad."

Dave also looked very nervous at this time, and his face was covered with sweat.

"No, no, no, you can't charge by force. If you hurt civilians, we will be sent to a military court. Maybe he just reminded us that there is an ambush ahead like everyone else he met before."

After all, Teague came from a "small army". He was used to fighting under all kinds of restrictions, so he didn't dare to punch the card at all.

At this time, the surrounding militiamen surrounded them and formed a circle about two meters around the off-road vehicle, blocking all the roads.

Every militiaman was yelling there, urging Long Zhan and his party to get out of the car.

There was even a militiaman who was more direct, pushed open the locked iron gate on the left, and motioned for the car to drive in through here, leaving the security work to them.

The off-road vehicle was surrounded by fences. Dave and Shan En, an engineer who had never seen such a scene, watched them tense up with a gun in their hands. .

Anxious and annoyed, through the bulletproof glass, he reprimanded the militiamen outside to get out of the way.

When the militiamen saw that the people on the off-road vehicle not only refused to get off, but also yelled at them inside the vehicle, their camouflaged faces could no longer be hidden, and they urged them to get off the vehicle even more violently.

"Go to the fuck, they must have seen that our car is a bullet-proof car, and they want to trick us into getting out of the car before doing anything, otherwise they would have shot and fired, Tig, hurry up, hurry up." Long Zhan urged again.

"Can't rush through, there are people in front."

Teague kept pounding the accelerator nervously, but he dared not release the clutch, so he could only shout outside: "We don't need help, get out of the way, get out, get out of the way."

The militiamen blocking the road hadn't achieved their goal, so it was naturally impossible to get out of the way.

"What's the use of talking so much bullshit?"

Tigger's timidity completely angered Long Zhan, he slapped Tigger on the back of the head, and angrily said: "If you want to die, don't pull me, go, let me go!"

Maybe it was because he saw that Long Zhan had started a real fire, or maybe he was aware of the danger.

Teague gave up the meaningless shouting and was about to start the vehicle and slowly squeeze away the militiamen standing in front of the car. Unexpectedly, the militiamen on the left side in front of the car suddenly tore off their camouflage and launched an attack with a gun.

"Da da da da da..."

The Romanian AIMS rifle fired at close range, sending bullets sweeping across the windshield.

Fortunately, it is 40mm thick rifle-grade bulletproof glass. The bullets hit the glass and left cracks and craters, and did not penetrate the windshield.

With the first person shooting, there is no need for others to camouflage.

As the surrounding militiamen all took out their weapons and fired wildly at the bulletproof off-road vehicle, the alley suddenly burst into gunfire and became a battlefield.

The bullets left immediate bullet holes on the car body, and at the same time, various grenades flew around.

Shooting around a bulletproof vehicle at close range, only these African guys dare to do this, they are simply joking with their own lives.

"Fack, Fack, Fack..."

As the driver, Teague had the strongest visual impact, and was drenched in cold sweat by the bomb craters all over his eyes.

At this moment of life and death, Teague no longer cared about the rules of engagement, and only one thought was in his mind, that is to run away.

Engineer Shan En is just a support staff, and he has never seen such an exaggerated battle before him.

He was ten times more frightened than Tigger, so terrified that his eyeballs almost popped out of his eyes, and the scream that popped out from the depths of his throat was higher than the decibels in horror movies.

Even if it was Long Zhan who was used to all kinds of big scenes, the hand holding the gun was already stretched.

It is impossible to fight back in the bulletproof car, so Long Zhan can only passively stay in the car, hoping that the car can hold the bullet.

Not being able to control the battle by himself makes Long Zhan very uneasy!

In case the bulletproof glass or the car body is inferior, their entire car will be here today.

Fortunately, although the big brands are expensive, they are indeed guaranteed. The bulletproof grade of the Mercedes-Benz brand's custom-made bulletproof off-road vehicles does not release water.

More than a dozen rifles fired at the same time, almost turning the car body into a honeycomb, but it didn't penetrate any place.

Although the pilot Teague was so frightened that he was sweating all over, and the sweat began to drip down his face in a few seconds, but he was a veteran of the Marine Corps after all.

As the top class in the amphibious force, special driving is an essential skill for every marine.

Teague, whose desire for survival dispelled all his worries, shifted to first gear and stepped on the accelerator. The body of the several-ton bulletproof off-road vehicle trembled from the roar of his eyes.

The off-road vehicle supported by powerful power output rushed forward like a raging bull.


The militiamen standing in front of the car and shooting were knocked several meters away by the off-road vehicle.

Before he could get up from the ground, the off-road vehicle rushed towards him with an increasing speed, and the large run-flat tires ran over him directly.

The weight of more than three tons was crushed on his body, and the stomach of the militiaman was crushed and exploded.

Intestinal viscera sprayed all over the floor.

The tires wrapped in internal organs and blood still rotated at a high speed to drive the body, and continued to rush forward, heading straight for the front exit of the alley.

There were parked two broken cars facing each other on the left and right, blocking the intersection of the alley.

"Rush over, don't stop." Eric shouted.

"Keep driving, step on the accelerator to the bottom, go through the middle, and kill these stupid pigs." Long Zhan roared.

"Stop and we're all going to die."

"They are still chasing, hurry up."

Dave and Sean, who had been scared out of their wits for a long time, also yelled heart-piercingly beside them.

There are dozens of armed militiamen around. Once the car is blocked here, let alone a bulletproof car, even if the tank comes, it is impossible to get out.


Tigger shifted to a low gear to increase the torque impact, the floor oil did not dare to loosen a millimeter from the beginning to the end, and the roar of the V8 engine even covered the gunshots.


Seeing that the intersection of the alley was getting closer and closer, everyone in the car focused their attention on the space between the two cars, and they were so nervous that they almost stopped breathing.

Whether you can turn the two cars and rush out, no one here has any idea.

If you don't hit it, the consequences...

(End of this chapter)

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