The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 464 "Blind" RPG Start

Chapter 464 "Blind" RPG Start
The army is a place where it is the bounden duty to obey orders. Usually, the command of the troops can only be commanded by the orders of the superiors. It is basically impossible to implement orders and prohibitions at the same level.

But as soon as Long Zhan's order was uttered, everyone stopped in unison, and the battlefield returned to calm in an instant.

Battles started with Dragon War and ended with him.

Even Tyron agreed with Long Zhan's order, and echoed: "Our ammunition is limited, so save some, and we must last until the support troops arrive."

According to the previous communication with the station master, Tyron knew that the superior was organizing rescue.

I'm just timid, with all kinds of concerns, so far I haven't given a letter of approval.

Saving ammunition is especially important when you are not sure when rescue will come, let alone which rescue force it is.

The longer the ammunition lasts, the higher the chances of being rescued.

And the crowd didn't feel disgusted with the overreaching Long Zhan, but acted in a high degree of cooperation. The reason is that GRS is not an army, and everyone sitting here is no longer a soldier.

Everyone comes here for life, for "Money".

Not for glory and dreams.

Earning money while alive is the only "purpose". I have wives and children waiting for them to go home, so I don't want to lose my life here.

Long Zhan's various performances during this period of time, and the extraordinary behavior he showed in his gestures, made Tyron feel that "something was wrong", and also made Tanto, Tigger and others have to treat him differently. .

This sounds weird, but it's actually quite common.

It can be said that everyone has had this feeling. You are obviously not very familiar with a certain person, but this person gives you a strong feeling in a certain aspect.

And in the following contact, I found that he is indeed very strong in a certain way.

This can be called the sixth sense, and it can also be said to be a comprehensive judgment of various senses. It cannot be seen or touched, but it does not affect its authenticity.

On the premise of knowing that a great god has appeared beside him, who can take him away.

As long as people who want to live and make money, as long as they are people with a normal mind, they will not struggle with their own lives, and will choose to hang out with the master.

And Long Zhan is the great god in everyone's heart, even if they never said a word.


The first wave of attacks by the thugs was repulsed, and the battlefield returned to calm, leaving only the strong smell of blood floating up and away with the wind.

The intelligence personnel in the office building staring at the screen finally put their hearts back into their stomachs.

The difficult first hurdle has passed, and we can take a breath.

At first, the stationmaster, who was only thinking about running away, may have seen the tough combat power of the GRS team, and the enemy is not as terrifying as imagined.

The decision finally shifted at this moment.

"Everyone, has any of you participated in actual combat? Has anyone ever learned professional shooting? Now it's a critical moment of life and death. You need to stand up and protect everyone. This is also protecting yourself."

The station master no longer ordered everyone to find a way to escape, but began to mobilize intelligence personnel to join the battle. This change in thinking is correct.

The so-called more hands, more strength.

Although these intelligence personnel are all "civilians" and have never participated in actual combat with real swords and guns, as long as they have received shooting training, they can help to some extent.

At the last time, he could stand on the roof to absorb the firepower during the defensive battle.

Anyway, defensive warfare is not like special operations. It requires close teamwork, frequent positioning and movement, and the whole process needs to be smooth and silky.

Not only can the trained novices go in, but they will do bad things because they get in the way.

In a defensive battle with fixed terrain, although the defenders defend together, their respective combat tasks are relatively independent, and there is basically not much coordination.

Even if they catch a bunch of newcomers and run up to fight, it won't affect the battle of Long Zhan and others too much.

The role it can play is definitely greater than the disadvantages.

"I've had two weeks of pistol training, maybe I can help."

"Count me in, I'm a member of the shooting club."

"I can do it too. Although I haven't fired a gun, I can't personally kill the fuckers outside, but I can do logistics work. If the security personnel are not convenient to come down, I can send supplies up, water, food, ammunition, everything is fine. "

Due to their own abilities, most intelligence personnel are afraid to participate in actual combat, but a small number of them actively respond to the call.

The station master picked out these people and told them to go down and prepare separately.

Those who can shoot will go to weapons, ammunition and armor by themselves, and those who are in charge of logistics will prepare supplies, and then gather in front of the office building.

Then I contacted by radio: "Tyron, I found some helpers for you, four people who can use guns, and some logistics personnel, how do you need to arrange it? Do you want them to go to the roof?"

"No, there is no need. You let them guard on the ground, and the logistics personnel decide on their own. It is best to find time to send things up between battles."

Tyron was very pleased with the change of the station master, but he still refused without hesitation.

Actual combat is not just about shooting, you have to know when to show your head and shoot, and you have to know how to protect yourself with the help of the environment.

All of these require long-term training and dancing with death in actual combat to obtain.

It is impossible to get it in a short time.

But the current situation has become more and more severe. The enemy's first wave of attack has not received any effect, and the next second wave of attack will only be more violent.

These intelligence personnel who have not participated in actual combat can indeed provide some help, but the probability of being killed by the enemy will be very high.

Tyronn had seen too many sacrifices of his comrades, and he didn't want to see any of his own people die before his eyes, so he arranged for them to stand by on the ground.

"Okay, just do as you say."

The webmaster could more or less guess some of the problems, and he didn't want to see his own people die in essence, so he didn't say anything more.

Instead, arrange four people to participate in the battle to guard the gate that has been emptied and the main building.

All the people who choose to join the logistics work will be handed over to Jilani, who has been here to help with the logistics, to deliver drinking water and more supplies to the roof as soon as possible to enhance the defense capabilities of the security personnel.

Jilani is not only beautiful, but also has a sexy body, and his work efficiency is also very reliable.

It's a pity that although Jilani's movements are swift, he can't stand the coincidence of time.

She had just assigned the new recruits, each responsible for which building, and just moved the things out of the warehouse, and the short-lived battle broke out again.

This time it was the corporate thugs who fired first, and it was a violent RPG from the very beginning.

Fortunately, the launch distance was over 100 meters. Maybe the thugs who fired the rockets were not very good at technology, or there was a problem with the quality of the rocket itself. The RPG did not fall into the intelligence station.

It just hit the wall on the left side of the back door, blasting a gap nearly one meter wide.

(End of this chapter)

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