The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 475 The best looking "fireworks" tonight

Chapter 475 The Best "Firework" Tonight
Fortunately, this battle was an unequal battle. The thugs didn't have night vision equipment, so they fired blindly at the big ones with their eyes darkened.

Although Long Zhan and the others heard all kinds of "swooshing sounds", at the beginning of this most dangerous battle, no one was killed or injured.

This is great news!
And maybe it was the goddess of luck who descended on Long Zhan. The car retreating at high speed retreated about 20 meters, when it merged with the thugs who launched an attack from the Corpse Paradise.


The earth shakes and the mountains shake, and the night is as bright as day.

The car that was still retreating was surrounded by the dazzling light of the explosion. It was blasted into the air for several meters, and began to disintegrate and deform in the air.

The door and window glass were all blown away, and even the main frame was seriously distorted.

Became the brightest fireworks tonight!
When the car fell back to the ground, it had turned into a pile of burning scrap iron, and all the thugs in the car had disappeared.

In the explosion of the homemade bomb package just now, they were all blown to pieces and flew out of the car.

Due to the coincidence of the location of the car explosion, it happened to meet the thugs attacking from the direction of the Corpse Paradise, and the explosion also caused a lot of friendly injuries.

Several mobs who attacked on both sides of the small highway were killed on the spot.

Many people were wounded in the explosion, crying ghosts and howling in pain.

Originally, I wanted to use a car to drop a bomb to blow open the back door and wall of the intelligence station, and then the ground personnel rushed in directly along the gap.

Easily capture the intelligence station, arrest everyone, and end this night raid. .

As a result, Long Zhan did not expect to react too quickly, and Bai Ju killed the thug who threw the bomb in a short time, causing the bomb to fall into the car without throwing it out.

Not only were several thugs in the car killed, but more than 10 thugs were killed or injured in the surrounding area.

Sitting in the residential building behind the Corpse Paradise, the on-site commander of the corporation watching the battle through the window on the second floor was so angry that his eyebrows almost flew away.

All kinds of curse words in Arabic spewed out from his mouth.

The third attack of a certain Middle Eastern religious group got off to a bad start. For the defensive Long Zhan and his team, it was a good start.

Morale has also risen along the way!
Even if there were only 9 professional armed security guards and a few gunmen gathered by intelligence personnel, they were not frightened by the grand scene of more than 200 mobs attacking.

The two-person teams on the roofs of each building worked closely together, using light machine guns together with rifles and sniper rifles to violently suppress the mobs who were attacking forward.

Facing the corporate thugs rushing forward, one after another fell under the guns.

Just one minute before the battle broke out, plus the damage caused by the car explosion, the attacking corporate thugs killed and injured more than 1 people.

Combat is all about morale!
The start was unfavorable, and their own people blew up their own people, and those who rushed forward fell into a pool of blood, and the morale of the organized thugs plummeted.

Once morale drops, soldiers will not dare to rush, and the rhythm of the attack will be chaotic.

Compared with rushing and running with guns at the beginning, those brave ones didn't seem to take death seriously at all, and now the corporate thugs have become more cautious.

Basically, one bunker is moved forward one by one, and no one dares to rush forward against the gun line.

The on-site command of the corps in the rear knows that delaying is the most taboo when there are many people fighting few people. The longer the battle lasts, the more slowly the side with fewer people will be consumed.

Seeing his subordinates getting more and more beaten, he could only dispatch the prepared killer in advance.

The armed pickup truck hidden behind the building was ordered to leave the bunker, and pointed its gun in the direction of the intelligence station next to a two-story house.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom..."

The NSV heavy machine gun roared, and the 12.7mm heavy bullet flew towards the intelligence station.

As soon as the experts make a move, they will know if there is any.

The corporate heavy machine gunner who controls the NSV heavy machine gun looks like a professionally trained machine gunner, and this firing shows his skills.

Shooting at a distance of 400 meters, long bursts will definitely crush mindless strafing.

And the interval between every two bursts is not too long or too short, just enough to restore the recoil jumping aim, and it will not affect the output of firepower.

This extremely rhythmic continuous long burst of fire immediately formed a powerful suppressive firepower.

The heavy machine gun bullets with strong penetrating power traveled through the space distance of 400 meters to reach the intelligence station, as long as it hits, it will penetrate the eyes.

Whether it's the roof the defenders live on, the fence that serves as the main cover, or the fence below.

Vulnerable to heavy machine gun bullets!
Building D where Long Zhan is located is the front row of the Corpse Paradise, and now it has become the main target of heavy machine gun bullets, and a large number of perforations soon appeared on the walls and fences.

Even though it hasn't hit the target yet, it will break Long Zhan or Tigger into two pieces.

However, the bullet hole caused by the most recent bullet was only less than 10 centimeters away from Long Zhan, and the flying fragments had already scratched Long Zhan's arm.

Fortunately, the cut that was more than two centimeters long only touched the dermis.

Only the capillaries are damaged and they bleed a little, but not too much of a hindrance.

If it goes deeper and hurts the artery, it will definitely greatly reduce the combat effectiveness of Long Zhan.

As Long Zhan is the absolute core of this battlefield, his defense value is at least as high as two or three tigs. Without him, Zombie Paradise will definitely collapse.

The back door of the intelligence station was captured by the enemy, and it was only a matter of time before the overall fall.

At that time, the dozens of Americans in the intelligence station will have a worse ending, and they may even be lucky to be killed on the spot.

Restrained by the ferocious firepower of the enemy's heavy machine guns, Dragon War, the absolute core, is in danger.

The personnel on the roofs of several other buildings were also more or less affected. Even the wall of Building B, which is located at the last front door, left several bullet holes from 12.7 bullets.

It can be said.

All the defense points of the entire intelligence station are now caught in the threat of the heavy aircraft.

If this heavy machine gun is allowed to continue to output, with its penetrating bullets that ignore the fence, someone will soon die under its gun.

"Ozzy, kill the heavy machine gun, hurry up."

Feeling the threat of death, Tyroen immediately followed the previously formulated strategy and notified Oz, who was in the best position, to launch a sniper attack.

"Got it, I saw that bastard, and I'll make him disappear from my mind."

Ozzy replied confidently, and Tyron believed him too.


The biggest feature of the battlefield is that it changes rapidly. Ozzy's voice just fell for less than 3 seconds, and he didn't even have time to accurately lock the heavy machine gunner.

"call out--"

An RPG flew out of the building in Smuggler's Alley with a trailing flame.

Flying a strange S-shaped trajectory in the air, after crossing a distance of nearly 40 meters, it bumped into the small building in the middle of Building C.

That's where Oz is located, called Tower 1.

(End of this chapter)

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