The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 482 Reserve talents in advance

Chapter 482 Reserve talents in advance
intelligence station.

4:40 am.

It has been nearly half an hour since the battle ended, a certain Middle Eastern religious group may have been beaten, or for other reasons, there was no movement.

Even the villa with a courtyard where the mob gathered turned off the external lights, making it impossible to see what was going on inside.

Everyone in the intelligence station was worried, worried that the corps would suddenly attack again, so they didn't dare to go to sleep, so they could only gather in twos and threes to chat.

After this period of rest, Long Zhan and Tigger had already recovered from the trauma of the explosion.

Tyronn, who was originally chatting with Tanto in Building B, came here to chat with Long Zhan because of Long Zhan's outstanding performance in the defensive battle.

On the one hand, giving enough attention to Long Zhan, on the other hand, just deepened the relationship with Long Zhan.

Excellent people will always attract people to make friends with.

"When I was in the battle, I didn't think about it once, but now I think about it. I'm thinking about my daughters. I'm thinking about what others will say about me if I die here."

Tyronn's expression was full of sadness, he took a deep breath and continued: "Say I went to a place that shouldn't be, in a country that doesn't mean anything to me, and fought a battle for which I don't understand the purpose."

These words are full of self-deprecation, and also reveal the helplessness of life.

"So do you want to leave?"

Long Zhan keenly sensed something different, and looked at Tai Luo with a strange look in his eyes.

"Every time I left the house, I wanted to tell my wife and daughters that I would never leave again and that I would be with them every day, but in the end I didn't say that because something always made me feel uncomfortable. not coming back."

Maybe Tyronn didn't want to be too vulgar, so he said it a little bit reservedly.

"I always ask myself, why can't I go home, why can't I stay at home, why do I have to come to such a dangerous place, every time, my brain always tells me the answer very clearly, no money !"

Teague was straightforward and frank, and didn't feel ashamed to fight for money.

"A soldier for a day, a soldier for life, and a soldier can never retire."

Long Zhan patted the M249 beside him, and pointedly explained: "Tylon, you should learn to accept it, and then try to work around it.

Soldiers, their destiny is not limited to war. They don't necessarily have to charge forward on the battlefield all the time. If they take a step back, there is still a lot of room for survival.

Just like me, I plan to open a private military training company after a while.

This is my dream all the time, and it will be the battlefield that I will fight for the rest of my life. I will go forward bravely for him as a soldier.

And in order to fulfill my dream, I need the help of some partners, Tyroon, I think you are very good.

Having a Navy SEAL as a marksman instructor, or a combat training instructor, I think... will definitely attract a lot of customers.

As for the salary, you don't have to worry, it will definitely satisfy you. "

Now that the company has not written its horoscope, it dares to start poaching talents, draw various big cakes for others, and buy a foreshadowing in advance.

There is no one in Long Zhan!

"Do you want to be the second Blackwater? Haha."

Tyroen was really moved by what Long Zhan said, but he didn't take these words as truth, thinking that Long Zhan was just bragging.

After all, to open a private military institution, you need to go through a lot of troublesome procedures, and you have to build your own site, all of which require a huge sum of money.

That money is just out of reach for a guy who's a big shot.

The reason why the boss of the Blackwater Company is a veteran is not because of how much money he saved when he was a soldier, but because his father was the richest man in the region.

Getting in and out is the kind of private jet.

"The second black water? No, no, no, this is not my ultimate goal. What I want is to surpass, including Dai Yang, Clover, etc., and step them underfoot."

What Long Zhan said was very arrogant and arrogant, but there was firmness in his eyes, and there was no trace of joking at all.


Tyronn wanted to make a few jokes at first, but he was finally defeated by the firmness in Long Zhan's eyes.

He smiled and said, "If I can get out of here alive, I will consider your invitation. I hope that by then, I haven't found a suitable job, haha."

"Can I join? I only want half price." Teague also joined in the fun.

"Of course, I'll give you full salary and guarantee your satisfaction, haha."

Long Zhan took the opportunity to pick up the conversation, regardless of whether there will be fewer people in the company in the future, leaving a hole here first is equivalent to booking an employee in advance.

"Come on for your dreams!"

Tyronn clenched his right hand and stretched out.

Although he doesn't believe that Long Zhan can run a military company, this blessing is genuine and not fake at all.

"Remember what you said today, you are the best helper I can book in advance, haha."

Long Zhan and Tyronn bumped fists and laughed happily.

Booking staff +1!

"Gibran, the feeling you give me is so unique. You have allowed me to witness too many miracles. I believe you will be able to do it. I look forward to the day when I call you the boss."

Teague also fought the fountain with the dragon, and there was more anticipation in his smile than Tyroen.

Another +1 for booking staff!

"Tylon, I'm the station master, can you hear me?"

At this time, the station master's radio call sounded in the communication channel of the GRS team.

"I can hear you, talk." Tyron pressed the headset and replied.

"We have received new information that the rapid response team from Tripoli has now left the airport and is on its way."

The webmaster's tone was full of joy, which showed that this matter was basically true.

"real or fake?"

Teague couldn't believe it. He had waited all night for support, and then he just showed up.

"After listening to bad news all night, it's really not easy to finally hear something happy." Long Zhan sighed.

"Station Master, when will they arrive?"

Tyron was also very happy, wishing they would appear outside the door in the next second.

"The situation is currently unclear. This is the information given to us by the airport. The support team set off alone, and we have no way to contact them." The station master explained.

"Squad size, starting alone?"

Long Zhan keenly grasped the problem in the words, and asked in surprise: "Station Master, do you know how many people are in the team?"

"There are only seven people, all of whom are the best of the best."


Hearing the number mentioned by the station master, not only Long Zhan who asked the question was stunned, but even the GRS people including Tyronn were confused.

"Station Master, I hope you are not joking with me. We have more than 30 people trapped here. Can seven of them rescue us?"

Tyronn asked very seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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