The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 489 Drone Live Streaming, Witnessing Miracles

Chapter 489 Drone Live Streaming, Witnessing Miracles (Monthly Pass Asked)

Long Zhan's plan seems very risky, and if he makes a mistake, the whole army may be wiped out.

However, if the "bug" can be blocked and the thugs of the corporation are doing morning rituals, there is indeed a high chance of successfully completing the plan.

And the price paid is very small, and it can even be done without anyone noticing.

Jason, Lei and the others all had the same thought in their minds after hearing Long Zhan's plan—"Fuck, why am I still not playing like this?"

While being amazed by Long Zhan's "wonderful ideas", they all aroused great interest in this operation.

And interest represents confidence.

"Okay, let's do that."

As the captain, Jason made a decision on the spot, and asked Long Zhan impatiently: "What time is the morning ceremony, and how much time do we have left?"

"The sunrise time here is around 6:20, and the morning ceremony needs to be performed at the time of day and night. Usually, the bang ke will ring at 5:30, and the difference between before and after will not exceed 1 minute." Long Zhan replied.

"It's 5:19, time is running out."

Jason looked at the watch facing inward on his wrist, and immediately issued an order: "I'm going to find the station master now, Gibran, and you can take everyone to prepare. We will gather at the back door in 3 minutes."

After speaking, Jason strode out of the hall door.

"This place can't be compared with the DG Armory. The only weapons you have are rubbish, and the only thing you can provide is bullets. Do you need to replenish?" Long Zhan asked.

The intelligence stations are all basic weapons. For the B team who are used to custom-made magical weapons, the weapons installed at the grassroots level are really awkward.

It's not that the bullets are not powerful enough, or that they are inaccurate or something.

Rather, weapons without custom mods cannot perfectly fit personal habits, and cannot be perfectly "inlaid" with the body.

The lack of various high-tech auxiliary shooting modules will greatly reduce the combat effectiveness of firearms.

"In order to save you all back, I was fully prepared before I came." Clay patted the tactical backpack at his feet, as if I didn't lack anything.

"My current state is great." Trent pouted, also showing no interest.

"The guy you used is really bad. Otherwise, come back to team B early and continue to work with the brothers. I don't mind giving you this big baby who has lost me for many years as a gift."

Sonny patted the custom modified model on his chest, covered with various tactical modules, the handsome and domineering Mk46mod1 light machine gun tempted Long Zhan.

"Haha, aren't we fighting side by side again now? How about you give it to me now?"

Long Zhan used a very ingenious way to answer the question thrown by Sonny. Because of his personal interests and aspirations, it was difficult for him to answer the burden.

Sonny didn't speak, and gave Long Zhan the middle finger.

Seriously despise the empty-glove white wolf who fights dragons.

"I don't need anything now, but a guide to lead the way."

Ray was the last to speak, and what he said was true.

"The best guide is me. I am the best guide you can find. Let's go. You go to the back door first. I have to prepare."

Long Zhan gave a little fart, turned around and left Building C with big strides.

Go back to the roof of Building D, take off the machine gun belt and grenade belt hanging on your body, and change weapons with Teague.

Use HK416D as a heavy weapon, with 6 magazines and a few grenades.

This time the operation was an infiltration stealth raid, and all the ammunition boxes and ammunition pouches were brought and fired. Only the ammunition belt can be used for the M249 light machine gun, which looks quite majestic and domineering.

However, the bullet chain is rattling all the way on the road, which is not suitable for special operations.

Instead, leave the light machine gun to Teague. Although the technology of the Teague light machine gun is not as good as Long Zhan, it must be more defensive.

Long Zhan temporarily replaced his main weapon, fully filling the details of the action without leaving any flaws.

When Long came down again after changing his weapon, and joined Clay and others at the back door of the intelligence station, Jason came in less than 10 seconds later.

All the assembly took less than 2 minutes, more than a minute faster than the scheduled 3 minutes.


There are only 9 minutes left until the morning ceremony, and the villa where the corporate headquarters is located is more than 300 meters away. The remaining time is already very tense.

It's time to race against time, and even a second cannot be wasted.

Without any fuss, Jason ordered directly: "Gibran, you are the vanguard, lead the way in front, and follow the others, pay attention to concealment, set off, go."

Following Jason's order, Long Zhan unlocked the latch and opened the door just wide enough for one person to enter and exit.

After a general observation, Mao Yao walked out first.

Clay, Ray, Jason, and Trent followed closely behind, and Sonny, holding a light machine gun, walked at the end of the team as usual.

Quickly cross the nearly 10-meter blank area, avoiding the big crater blown out by the previous car bomb.

Long Zhan led a group of five people from Team B, and with the help of the field of vision provided by the head-mounted night vision goggles, they quietly entered the Corpse Paradise that was already full of corpses. The air was filled with a pungent bloody smell, just like a Shura field.

"I thought Gibran was the only one who was crazy, but I didn't expect that all these guys were crazy."

Standing on the roof of Building D and watching Team B and Long Zhan drift away, Tyronn's eyes were full of admiration and fascination.

Teague, Boone, Tanto, and Ozzy, guys from the Marine Corps and Rangers, felt more deeply than Tyronn.

Because they were not even special forces before retiring from the army, let alone a higher-level existence than special forces.

As for the three DSS members who seldom even participated in actual combat, they learned that Long Zhan and the few reinforcements who came over, this trip is to go deep into the enemy's den and kill the enemy's leader.

While extremely shocked and envious, I also have to admire and respect from the bottom of my heart.

Soldiers are born for war, and being able to perform difficult tasks with masters is an incomparable honor for soldiers.

Even if the mission is extremely dangerous!

It's a pity that if you want to become the top "soldier king", it is difficult to choose one in a thousand, let alone a group of equally strong "soldier kings" who can fight side by side.

For the vast majority of soldiers, it is impossible to have the opportunity to touch this kind of glory in a lifetime.

the only thing to do...

That is envy and fascination.

And to say that the place where the atmosphere is the most tense at the moment is not Tyronn and his party on the roof, but the office hall where elite intelligence personnel gather.

Knowing the beheading plan from Jason, he gave up passive defense and took the initiative to attack himself to save himself.

The station master almost thought he was hallucinating.

It wasn't until Jason explained the follow-up precautions, asking him to communicate with the drone to give him a high-altitude vision to leave, that the station master recovered from the shock.

Contacted Tripoli as soon as possible and informed the new plan of the B team.

Tripoli rejected it immediately, because the plan was too risky. Unfortunately, Jason had already joined Longzhan at the back door, and they had already set off.

This trick was cut first and played later, and the Tripoli embassy had no choice but to agree.

Immediately notified the African Command of the situation, then adjusted the monitoring target of the drone, and began to assist Team B in the whole process.

The action scenes of Team B and Long Zhan's group were relayed to various big screens.

Witness this miracle, whether it can really happen.

(End of this chapter)

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