The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 49 Let go and grab a big guy

Chapter 49 Give it a go, grab a big guy

"Choo Choo Choo……"

Three silenced rifles fired at the same time, and the barrage rushed out of the alley.

With the support of the sturdy individual combat capabilities, the three of them completed the kill in the first round of bullets, and each knocked down 1 to 2 enemies.

The soldiers of the Lionheart's army are poor in military quality, but they are better in numbers.

The few soldiers who rushed to the front were knocked to the ground, but the people behind were not afraid at all, and rushed towards Hei Qiuqiu's alley with their guns pointed.

At the same time, all kinds of old-fashioned weapons in his hands fired wildly in various weird postures.

Fighting at night without the help of night vision goggles, these Lionheart soldiers had almost no vision. The alley in front of them was pitch black, and even with the help of lights and moonlight, they could not see any targets.

But it doesn't seem to matter to them!
Regardless of whether the target is seen or not, whether the bullet can hit the enemy or not, it is just aimed at the front area, and it is over while rushing forward.

Even though Jason and the others were only three of them, they had to face nearly 10 times as many enemy attacks.

It's actually not that stressful!

With the help of infrared night-vision goggles, the three of them are equivalent to cheating in night battles, because the more accurate their shots, the more powerful their firepower will be.

In less than 30 seconds of the exchange of fire, nearly 10 people fell at the entrance of the alley.

The officer of the Lionheart King's army realized that something was wrong, and the combat power on the other side was far beyond his imagination, so he issued a new order.

The rest of the people all went into the house by the alley and used the house as a cover to get closer.

The Lionheart King's army entered the houses in large numbers, and there were so many houses on both sides of the alley that they could shoot from any window or door.

Jason realized that it was dangerous to continue to stay in the alley, and instead entered a strong enough house.

Using this kind of solid brick house as a bunker, the heavy machine guns armed with pickup trucks cannot penetrate. The three of them can alternately fire from different positions and cooperate to fight against the entry of the Lionheart army.

CQB indoor combat is more of a test of teamwork, and it just so happens that General Lionheart's troops have never practiced at all.

The three of Jason used the house as a cover to resist, and their offensive methods became weaker, and they had to hide behind the cover and shoot at each other.

At the same time, notify the barracks to continue sending people over, and bring some heavy weapons such as rocket launchers.

If you can't do it technically, you try to make up for it with firepower.

"It's almost there, get ready and cover me."

Seeing the Lionheart King's army below, Sonny had already been attracted by Jason and the others, and while speaking, he made two quick gestures to Long Zhan.

"OK, I understand."

Long Zhan also gestured in response.

Sonny took a deep breath to adjust his breathing, stood up abruptly from under the fence, put the gun on the fence and pointed it at the armed pickup truck that was firing below.

Long Zhan also got up almost at the same time and aimed at the infantry near the pickup.

So that when Sonny is attacking the armed pickup, he can attack these surrounding targets at the same time, so that they have no way to fight back and interfere with Sonny.

However, the moment Long Zhan put the gun down, a familiar person appeared in his triple scope.

"Clay? Why is he there?"

A big question mark popped up in Long Zhan's head, and at the same time, based on Clay's current location, he suddenly had a good idea.

At the same time, he finally understood why Jason called Clay suddenly.

Feelings have become a lone wolf again!

"Wait, Sonny, there's a situation."

Long Zhan immediately stopped Sonny next to him, and pulled his arm back behind the wall.

"Is there a problem? We don't have much time, we can't delay any longer."

What Sonny said was indeed true. Once the second wave of Lionheart King's army arrived, there would be enough troops to form a sufficient encirclement.

At that time, no matter how strong Team B is, it will be extremely difficult to break through.

"I saw Clay, near the pick-up truck, and I don't know why he's there, but if we can team up with him and get that big, fire-powered guy, it's going to be a lot easier to get out of here. Easy." Long Zhan quickly expressed his thoughts.

Although Sonny was surprised by Clay's appearance, he also knew that there was no time to worry about it now.

He roughly sorted out the situation between the enemy and ourselves, analyzed the problem of the B team's evacuation, and soon had an accurate answer.

Although the risk is high, the feasibility is also high, so you can give it a go.

Two legs must not be able to run with four legs, not to mention that there is a heavy machine gun on these four legs, which can play a big role in retreating.

"Okay, I'll do as you like. You contact Clay. I'll take care of the heavy machine gun targets. Let him deal with the targets in the cab. After taking the car, go around to the exit of the alley, and then we will meet there."

Sonny arranged this to save the pickup truck.

If he shoots the cab remotely, it can certainly kill the enemies in the cab, but it also has a high chance of damaging the car control system and engine, turning the armed pickup truck that wasted effort into a pile of scrap metal.

Instead of Clay jumping close and shooting, this risk can be greatly reduced.

"Okay, give me 20 seconds!"

Long Zhan replied that Sonny immediately pressed the team communication, and called Jason twice in a row, trying to contact Clay through the call.

In the end, the answer was also unknown, and Clay did not make any response.

"Did this bastard do it on purpose? He messed around enough in the basement." Sonny was a little annoyed, and his affection for Clay plummeted.

"His communication equipment is probably broken. It seems that he can only use the emergency plan. I hope he can understand."

Things have come to this point, Long Zhan can only gamble.

Bet on whether Clay's head is bright enough, and whether the two have given up enough tacit understanding after living together in the green team for so long.

(End of this chapter)

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