The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 491 The top "quiet step"

Chapter 491 The top-level "quiet step" (seeking a monthly ticket)
When a person is unlucky, even if he drinks cold water, his teeth will get stuck, but if this good luck comes, it can't be stopped.

Long Zhan and his party had just successfully entered the target building, and good news came from the station master.

"There is a person who appeared on the roof of the main building and has already knelt there to start the morning ritual. With this special treatment, he is likely to be your target."

Hearing the news from the station master, the first action of Jason, Lei and the others was to turn their attention to Long Zhan.

He guessed right again!
The whole process seemed to be following the script of Dragon War. All the things predicted in advance have now happened without any deviation.

With the reasoning ability in front of this fact, Jason and others can't accept Long Zhan.

Now that he has the exact information, knowing that the target to be captured is on the roof of the main building, the next step is very clear.

Just trying to find a way to sneak into the main building and catch the unsuspecting commander.

Since they didn't know the structure of the main building, nor where the stairs were, Long Zhan and his party could only investigate while moving.

In order to ensure that the task was completed before the prayer ended, Long Zhan made several tactical gestures to Jason.

It means that the team moves separately, wrapping around from both sides, one left and one right, so that they can find the stairs to the rooftop at the fastest speed.

Jason accepted Long Zhan's suggestion, and still ordered with tactical gestures, quickly dividing the team into two.

He himself led Trent and Sonny, running along the back wall of the main building from the left to the front door, and the rest of Ray took Clay and Long Zhan, and went around from the right to the front.

"set off!"

After the personnel assignment was completed, Jason made an action gesture.

The two groups of people formed a standard CQB assault formation. They started to move forward from one side to the other, turned to the side at the corner, and continued to walk towards the front of the main building.

From Long Zhan's side, he entered the side from the corner, and he could already see the thugs of the corporate thugs doing their morning salute in the courtyard.

Roughly, there were at least 50 to [-] people, all kneeling on the ground with carpets, their buttocks facing the direction of the main building, praying devoutly.

There is no bunker between the two sides, and the middle is completely straight through.

Not even a landscape tree.

Whenever a praying thug wanders away, opens his eyes and turns around to look behind, he can find the Long Zhan trio sneaking out.

Fortunately, as the militia of a certain Middle Eastern religious group, they are the most devout Muslins.

The three of Long Zhan came out from behind their buttocks less than 10 meters away from them, and then turned to the front door to enter the first floor of the main building.

Of the more than 50 incorporated militiamen who were praying, none of them noticed.

Including the three Jason who came in from the left afterwards, they also didn't alarm anyone.

The decoration of the main building is biased towards European style, but the internal structure is more biased towards the local Libyan style, with corridors in the middle of the house on both sides.

It's a bit like a domestic hotel room layout.

This type of house has a simple structure, with stairs going up on the left and right sides.

The three of Long Zhan came in from the right, and chose to go up the stairs on the right, keeping vigilant during the process to prevent any accidents.

At the same time, some combat methods have also been changed, and all rooms are no longer checked.

If it is not clear that the target is on the roof, Long Zhan and his party will definitely have to check the rooms one by one. After clearing the first floor, go to the second floor until they find the target.

Now that the drone found that the target had reached the rooftop, it happened to be time for a large number of house clearance searches.

As for whether there are armed personnel in the room and whether it will affect the subsequent retreat, Long Zhan and his party have too little time to take care of it.

The Long Zhan team came to the second floor from the stairs, and went straight to the roof along the stairs without even looking at the entire second floor.

There are lights in the corridor, so it's easy to walk.

Normally, he would fight as a machine gunner at the back, but this time he took an assault rifle as a front row soldier, and there was no discomfort in walking in front.

From the rear to the forward, Long Zhan made a perfect transformation.

It can be seen that Long Zhan's adaptability is strong!
Following the stairs to the door of the rooftop stairwell, Long Zhan didn't rush out immediately, but hid by the door to observe first.

The target must be subdued silently, which is one of the prerequisites for action.

Long Zhan had no choice but to be more cautious.

It took nearly 10 seconds to search, and Long Zhan successfully found the target in the city at the center left of the rooftop.

Long curly hair, white hat, white shirt.

This costumed image of Long Zhan is too familiar, it is the on-site commander of a certain Middle Eastern religious group who has appeared in the rear of the battlefield many times and commanded the battle.

There is absolutely no mistake.

"I saw the target. You guys are waiting here. I will touch him and knock him out."

Long Zhan gestured to Clay and Lei to communicate, and at the same time took off the assault rifle he was carrying, and handed it to Clay for safekeeping.

Try to avoid alarming the target due to abnormal noise when approaching the target.

Everything is ready, Dragon War begins to move.

The scene that appeared next looked like a tauren being a thief. It could no longer be described as discordant, it could be said to be eye-catching.

The tall and powerful dragon war, walking on tiptoe, the sense of picture is really too strong.


Although the contrast of this image is indeed a bit big, it is undeniable that the attacking dragon battle style is the most professional, walking quietly is more professional than anyone else.

Every time you step down, the outside of the sole of the foot touches the ground first, then the entire forefoot, and finally the rear heel.

This walking method of touching the ground first with the smallest area and then expanding the contact area after touching the ground is one of the top "quiet steps".

The external mobile personnel who watched the live broadcast through the night vision of the drone also witnessed the action of Long Zhan.

As Long Zhan approached the target step by step, the hearts of those watching the live broadcast became more and more tense, and they even stopped breathing.

All the focus and thoughts are put on the picture in front of you.

Looking forward to the dragon war can succeed in one blow.

I was also afraid that the target would find something abnormal, so I yelled for help, and then the whole screen fell into a riot, and all the red dots surrounded the green dots.

This is the scene that everyone least wants to see, and is also the most afraid to see.

Especially through the night vision lens, Long Zhan, who was going to attack, was a big man, and according to everyone's common sense, the sergeant was not suitable for ambushes.

This adds a bit of urgency!
And Long Zhan, through his own hard power, like the people watching the live broadcast in half the world, perfectly demonstrated what it means to be "light as a swallow" even if you are a big guy.

With his back facing the target reported by Long Zhan there, he didn't even realize that there was a giant approaching behind him.

Until Long Zhan was less than one meter away from him and was already standing behind him, the group commander still didn't notice, and still knelt there muttering words.

Long Zhan didn't say a single word, he just made a simple set of movements.

The left hand stretched from the back to the front to cover his mouth, and while forcibly pulling him up from the ground, he turned his head to the left to expose the right neck.

Then he raised his right hand and made a hand knife, which struck neatly on the vagus nerve behind the ear.

Human syncope is mainly mediated by the vagus nerve. Once the vagus nerve suffers a strong blow, it will release a strong stimulation signal.

The blood vessels that cause labor expand rapidly, and the brain falls into a general ischemia, resulting in a transient fainting.

Compared with the carotid artery blood transfusion during the heavy blow stage, which leads to brain hypoxia and coma, hitting the vagus nerve is more effective and more stable.

It can be guaranteed to the greatest extent that a knife in one hand can make people dizzy.

(End of this chapter)

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