The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 494 Transformation of the Reloading Fleet

Chapter 494 Transformation of the Reloading Fleet

The origin of the heavy armored convoy in front was unknown, and it was impossible to tell whether it was an enemy or a friend, but the pursuit of the rear was already certain, and they had strong hostility towards their own side.

In such an inescapable situation, there is no need to discuss how to choose.

Because there is only one way left!

If you stop, you will be surrounded by corporate convoys, so you can only continue to keep your speed and run forward.

Take your chances.

The heavily armored convoy I bet on is not an accomplice of a Middle Eastern religious group, but belongs to other militias, no matter which one it is.

Although in this situation of being chased by people, the convoy that appeared in front seemed to be intercepting.

But things have come to this point, there is no other way.

Everyone in the convoy withdrawing from the intelligence station was very aware of the current situation and knew that this was a gamble for their lives, and the atmosphere was extremely suppressed.

All eyes were fixed on the convoy in front of them, not even daring to take a breath.

100 meters...

80 meters...

50 meters...

With the rapid approach of the teams from both sides, the oppressiveness of the atmosphere also increased exponentially.

Looking at the many black muzzles of the guns, many people, including the station master, were so nervous that sweat broke out on their foreheads.

When the distance between the two sides was less than 20 meters, the oncoming convoy began to slow down.

When the distance was only about 10 meters, the armed convoy slowly stopped in the middle of the road.

This was originally just a two-lane lane, and the reloading convoy stopped in the middle, with no traffic on either side.

The road ahead was blocked and there was no other way, so Tyronn, the captain of the leading GRS team, could only stop the car and order everyone to enter a fighting state.

Even if there is a disparity in strength between the two sides, there is a high probability that they will be crushed in a fight here, and they still have to be fully prepared to fight at any time.

Never give up until the last moment.

"Huh? This...could it be..."

The armed pickup truck that Long Zhan was riding in stopped, and the old godmother heavy machine gun in his hand was already loaded, ready to fight to the death with the corporate convoy at any time.

But what Long Zhan never expected was...

The reaction of the corporate mob convoy was as cautious as the intelligence station's evacuation of the convoy.

Not only did he follow the whole convoy to a stop, but he stepped on the brakes suddenly, and the distance to stop exceeded 20 meters, as if he was afraid of the reloaded convoy ahead.

Long Zhan has a wealth of combat experience, and he can see the details inside at a glance.

Judging from the reaction of the corporative convoy, it can be confirmed that the reloaded convoy approaching ahead is most likely not in the same group as them.

If it is a group, they will go to the front to block the road.

The current reaction of the corporate mob convoy should be to take the opportunity to overtake from both sides to completely surround the evacuation convoy, instead of slamming on the brakes and stopping far away.

In addition, this road leads to the airport, and it is very close to the airport.

Long Zhan speculates that this may be the allied forces who came to support them, that is, one of the Libyan troops who have been shirking their responsibilities at the airport and have not set off.

The reason why everyone at the intelligence station was not notified was that when the airport staff made their decision, the intelligence station had already been empty and turned into an empty shell, and no one could receive the notification they sent.

of course.

This is just one of the possibilities guessed by Long Zhan, and it does not rule out other Libyan militias.

After all, there are more than dozens of Libyan militias living in Benghazi, large and small, and there are no less than 10 heavy-armed convoys.

This might be one of them.

As for the purpose of its coming here, whether it is an enemy or a friend, it is impossible to tell.

Due to this uncertain factor, Long Zhan also did not dare to be careless, and was even more cautious than before because of the addition of a potential enemy.

It is precisely because the three parties are not clear about the hostility, and no one of the three parties got off the car.

Everyone sat in the car and began to find ways to communicate.

"Call B1, this is B5, can you hear me? Please answer."

At this moment of stalemate in the "three-party separatist regime", the radios of everyone in Team B rang, and it was Brock from the left-behind airport.

"B1 received, how is your situation?" Jason immediately replied.

It is less than 3 kilometers away from the airport, which is just a matter of kicking the accelerator. Now the evacuation convoy is stuck here and unable to move, and the rescue of the airport has become the only hope.

"The damned Libyans have finally figured it out. They have sent an escort convoy to the rescue, but something happened on the way and they were blocked by another convoy."

"Are you stuck in traffic?"

Jason was shocked when he heard this. The master had already understood, and said dumbfoundingly: "We have already left the intelligence station, and we are also blocked on the way to the airport."

"You are also blocked on the road? Could it be that..."

Brock was a little confused when he heard this.

After all, he never thought that the besieged intelligence station would dare to come out, but looking at the convoy ahead, he had to believe in a fact.

"As you think, haha."

Jason couldn't help laughing at the thought of being scared to pee by his own people, and the addition of his own escort convoy, which meant that the crisis was completely over.

"Boss, you wait there first, I'll bring someone over right away." Bullock said excitedly.

"Be careful, there are still people following us. They are the group of people who attacked the intelligence station. They must be dealt with first."

Jason was happy in his heart, and he was not too happy to forget to remind him.

"give it to me!"

Brock led a heavy convoy, and his words were particularly confident.

After the radio conversation ended, Bullock communicated with the Libyan commander of the reloading convoy, and then the reloading convoy stopped in front of it and started again.

The lead BTR-94 wheeled infantry armored vehicle, armed with two heavy machine gun pickups, separated from the main force and drove forward with a bang.

"This is the allied forces coming from the airport, specially escorting us, pull the vehicle aside and let them pass."

Jason picked up the car's walkie-talkie and reported the latest situation to the entire team.

Knowing that the reloading convoy in front was his own people, all the intelligence personnel who were so nervous that they almost peed their pants couldn't help shouting excitedly.

The convoy also started again, giving way to the main road.

Wearing heavy armor and equipped with heavy machine guns, the armored personnel carrier, armed to the teeth, followed the path made by the escort convoy and approached the corporate convoy behind.

The firepower of the armed pickup is indeed strong, but it is still a little bit worse for the armored vehicle.

Moreover, the armored vehicle did not directly fire and attack, but used a close-to-force method, which was already enough to give a certain Middle Eastern religious group face.

Anyway, they are all members of the Libyan National Committee. If you don't look up and look down, you still have to give face.

The corporative convoy was frightened by the armored vehicle, and the entire convoy began to move back slowly, but the speed was not fast, and even the guns locked on the armored vehicle.

With this cautious but stubborn posture, it is obvious that he has no intention of giving up.

(End of this chapter)

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