The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 498 Top Special Forces and Top Killers

Chapter 498 Top Special Forces and Top Killers

"Miss Stella, I haven't seen you for several days. You seem to be in a good mood today."

Seeing Long Zhan and Stella walking towards each other, the woman in the wheelchair greeted them, and then saw the two holding hands.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise, and he laughed and joked with deep meaning: "Oh, I seem to understand."

The woman's pale and morbid face due to illness did not affect her elegant temperament at all, and the smile between the corners of her mouth and brow exuded a comforting affinity.

If she was not sick and could only sit in a wheelchair, this woman would definitely make all the men look at her.

The long-haired man sitting next to the woman was originally as quiet as an unworldly lake, and the elegant smile on the corner of his mouth was more like a European gentleman in the last century.

But when he saw Long Zhan walking towards him, he had the same astonishment in his eyes as Long Zhan.

And unstoppable vigilance!

This vigilance did not come from Long Zhan's figure, but from Long Zhan's inadvertent aura, which made him feel strongly threatened.

It was like a wolf resting and suddenly found a Siberian brown bear walking towards him.

as a wolf.

He had to arch his mane.

Just when Long Zhan and the long-haired man were essentially hostile to each other for "1 years of seriousness" due to their professional relationship, the two ladies had already chatted happily.

"Mrs. Wick, you look very well."

Stella and the woman looked very familiar, and they should have met many times. After greeting each other familiarly, they pulled Long Zhan's shoulders and introduced: "This is my boyfriend, Long Gibran, who has been Worked outside and just got back the other day.

Maybe he will leave after a few days, home is like a hotel to him, I'm used to it. "

Stella said she was used to it, but in fact, even a person with an EQ of -200 could hear how strong the resentment was in the words.

Boys and girls who are in the honeymoon period can't wait to be together 24 hours a day.

This kind of days of being together for a few days, at most a few weeks, and then being apart for a few weeks or even months, is really unbearable for most people.

It's normal for Stella to have grievances, but it's abnormal if you don't have grievances.

After venting the little melancholy in her heart, Stella turned into an optimistic little woman again, reaching out to introduce the couple in front of her to Long Zhan.

"This is Mr. John Wick, and this is his wife. They live next door to us. They are very easy to get along with. They helped me a lot when I bought a house."

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm busy with work and rarely at home. Thank you for your care."

Long Zhan took the initiative to take two steps forward and shook hands with the Wicks enthusiastically.

On the one hand, it is really a thank you from the bottom of my heart that Stella was able to meet such a good neighbor in this warm and cold rich area.

On the other hand, it is also out of his personal liking for John Wick from the bottom of his heart, and he is willing to be friends with him.

This man who is a cold-blooded killer can be so loyal to his wife, even after his wife died, he will fight an entire gangster for the dog that his wife gave him without hesitation.

Just because of this real man's temperament, it is worth Long Zhan to take the initiative to make friends with him.

If a private military company is opened in the future, and he can sign him to his company as an employee, it will be equivalent to having an extra right-hand man.

"Hi, nice to meet you too."

John Wick shook hands with Long Zhan, the smile on the corner of his mouth was still so gentlemanly, but it seemed that his words were very concise due to his personality.

Long Zhan didn't mind either.

After all, he knew that the man in front of him was one of the top killers in the world. If he was a nagging, it would make Long Zhan uncomfortable.

"My husband used to be similar to you and spent very little time at home."

Mrs. Wick seemed to understand Stella very well, held Long Zhan's hand, and said in a tone that shouldn't be at this age: "Mr. Every day we are together."

Feeling Mrs. Wick's cold hands, Long Zhan knew that she was "showing the truth", and felt inexplicably sad in his heart.

Those who are about to die can best understand the truth.

Mrs. Wick is already in the terminal stage of cancer at this time, and the days she can live are calculated on a day-to-day basis. Perhaps what she misses most is John Wick.

And John Wick, who was sitting next to him, heard his wife's words, his originally calm eyes were full of emotions.

Among them, the most important thing is regret.

Even if he has already washed his hands and stayed with his wife 24 hours a day, the time he can walk with his wife is very limited.

Young, but about to die.

This is the most painful thing in the world for the couple behind the relationship.

Long Zhan didn't want to disturb this couple. In the short time they spent together at the end of their lives, they enjoyed the beautiful world of two people by the sea.

After a simple reservation, he left with a smile and left with Stella.

Before leaving, in order to express their love for them, it was also used as a communication between neighbors.

I sincerely invite the Wicks and his wife to participate in the party specially held by the two for their new house tomorrow night, so as to get closer to each other's neighbors.

As a killer, Wick John didn't like excitement, so he originally wanted to refuse.

But Mrs. Wick and Stella had a good relationship, and before John had time to say no, Mrs. Wick agreed first.

John now puts his wife first in everything, so he can only change his mind and accept the invitation.

After parting with the Wicks, Long Zhan and Stara continued to roam the beach, enjoying the quiet night view of the beach.

Stella's mood didn't change much, she was still excited like a child who bought a new toy, chatting with Long Zhan.

It expresses the longing for Long Zhan and the yearning for a better life in the future.

Dragon War is just the opposite.

The expression on his face didn't change much, he nodded and replied to cooperate with Stella, but he was thinking about another scene completely in his mind.

"Tonight's harvest is not bad. It seems that we will have to specialize in the next routine. The top killer lives next to him. It would be too bad not to be a partner."

"The killer organization behind him is even more huge. If it can be used, it will definitely be of great use."

"I watch relatively few foreign movies, and John Wick is one of the few I know. With the help of my understanding of the plot, if I can design it well, I might be able to win John Wickla."

"A man with a genuine temperament like Wick, as long as he can win over, there is absolutely nothing to say about loyalty."


Long Zhan is skilled at dual-tasking. While chatting with Stella, his mind is full of various plans. The more he thinks about it, the hotter he feels.

As if one of the pre-determined original team members, the number of killer assassins has been confirmed.

Financial experts, weapons experts, intelligence experts, logistics executives, accounting and finance, killers, doctors, lawyers, company executives...

These are all special talents that need to be prepared in advance in addition to direct action players before Long Zhan starts the company.

Each one is very important!

That and Long Zhan have been preparing for so long, and now only a small number of suitable candidates have been found, and the rest still need to step up their efforts.

Now that there is a top candidate brought to his mouth, Long Zhan felt that if he couldn't eat it, he would be sorry for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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