Chapter 5 The Wonder Boy
Beach City is one of the cores of the defense system on the east coast of the United States, which also created the important position of Oceana HNA Base.

The base has everything from the air station, warship port, to the soldiers' barracks and training center.

There are two naval special forces bases alone, one of the top ten special forces in the world, the SEAL Commando, and the Navy King DEVGRU, which was split off and renamed.

Many basic training facilities and venues are negotiated and shared between the two parties.

However, the paper regulations of the base are dead. In fact, most of the time, they give priority to serving DG. The elite seals have more training resources, and the white seals of the commando team can only rely on it if they want to use it.

With Sonny, the "local snake" personally leading the way, Long Zhan's next journey will be smooth sailing.

All the way across the beach city smoothly, passed through the heavily guarded gate of Ocean Naval Base, and arrived at the final destination of the trip——

Naval Special Research and Development Brigade Headquarters!

Since DG has only more than 300 people in total, it adopts an elite centralized management, so the office commanders of the 7 squadrons, eating, drinking, etc., except for training, are all concentrated in one building.

In order to complete his plan, Long Zhan has consulted a large amount of internal information related to DG, and knows this kind of basic information like the back of his hand.

"OK, here we are, idle surfer boy from the west coast, hope to see you on the 2nd floor."

Sonny didn't get out of the car to send it in, and didn't even turn his head. He raised his right hand behind his back and made a cool gesture, and drove straight to the entrance of the underground garage.

Unconstrained with obvious arrogance, this is Sonny's unique character.

From the fact that he didn't even take the initiative to tell Long Zhan his name, it can be seen that he was just helping out by the way, and didn't think that Long Zhan was qualified to be his friend.

Long Zhan has been in the "Jianghu" for so many years, so it can be seen naturally.

But no matter how much he wanted to befriend Sonny and pave the way for joining the b team in the future, he didn't catch up with his hot face and cold ass.

After going from life to death to "resurrection," Long Zhan has fully realized that in life, strength is king, and other shit is not.

Showing your fists works best if you want to gain the respect and approval of others.

He believed that as long as he showed his strength in the assessment, Sonny would take the initiative to tell him his name one day instead of licking his face and asking.

"Hey, big man, are you a new trainee of the green team?"

Hearing someone yelling from here again, Long Zhan turned his head following the voice, and asked unexpectedly with his finger: "Are you talking to me?"

"Big guys weighing more than 200 pounds, we don't see many here, not you, who do you think it would be?" The E4 sergeant at the door laughed.

"Well, although I don't really like the title of big guy, but since you call it that, I'll take it as you envy me." Long Zhan put on Schwarzenegger's signature pose.

"I really envy you, but unfortunately, no matter how hard I try now, I can't grow to 6.3 feet tall, and I can't become a big guy."

The black logistics sergeant at the door seemed to like strong men, and had a good chat with Long Zhan, whom he met for the first time, and even came to guide Long Zhan to park the heavy locomotive, and then introduced himself while leading Long Zhan inside: "Jianni Buddha, today I will be in charge of receiving the green team newcomers, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"You can call me Long. I'm from Team Three, and it's nice to meet you." Long Zhan shook hands with Jennifer.

The two chatted all the way into the gate, and they had a preliminary understanding.

In the process of walking through the hall to the office area of ​​the green team, Jennifer walked all the way inside, introducing the various areas on the first floor to Long Zhan.

And I made a special trip to focus on one thing-don't go to the second floor without authorization.

Because the 2nd floor belongs to the DG office command area, except for the official members of SEAL Team 6, no one else is allowed to go up without permission.

Including Jennifer!
Jennifer is just DG's support staff, just a "temporary worker" serving SEAL Team 6, and his identity is still the white seal of the SEAL team.

Strictly speaking, it is actually similar to Long Zhan's current status as a new trainee.

Temporary workers and newcomers to the green team are limited to the first floor of the building in the DG headquarters, as well as a series of outdoor training venues.

Going to the second floor is the dream of all White Seals, and it is also an incentive for the green team newcomers.

Fortunately, all kinds of facilities on the first floor are very complete. Except for the office area of ​​the green team management, other necessary infrastructures are available.

Even compared to the area above the second floor, there is an additional function——

Canteen restaurant!

All the soldiers in the whole building, including green team rookies, support staff and regular members of DG, eat in the restaurant on the 1st floor.

In the United States, officers and soldiers are two systems, and food and life are basically strictly separated.

Long Zhan was surprised and happy to hear that everyone was eating at the restaurant on the first floor, because in this way, he would have the opportunity to get in touch with the main and supporting roles in the TV series in advance.

Especially Jason, the team leader of Team B, was the focus of Long Zhan.

Whether he can join the b team and get 1000 million US dollars, and Jason, who has the right to select new players for the team, can be said to be the key.

Long Zhan felt that if he could get acquainted in advance, he could further increase his chances of entering Team B.

Long Zhan was thinking about how to get in touch with Jason and leave a special impression on him, but he didn't expect that someone had already done it for him in advance.

"Hey, J, you don't look very well."

Sonny came out of the elevator on the 3rd floor where the red team was located, and happened to run into his captain Jason, handed over the paper bag in his hand and said: "The spicy chicken on 64th Street is my favorite, and it tastes good after eating it." Mood, do you want to try it?"

"Forget it, I've already had lunch." Jason shook his head and refused.

During the VBSS operation two days ago, Team B accidentally dropped a member, who happened to be Jason's best friend.

(VBSS: One of the special mission modes, the translation is very long. In simple terms, it is operations related to sea and boarding operations.)
As the captain, Jason is under a lot of pressure and needs to do a lot of aftermath work.

After participating in the "Reflection after Action" yesterday, I just finished the "30-minute dialogue test" with the psychiatrist, and I am really in a bad mood now.

"Old man, it's all over, let go."

Sonny regards Jason as his best brother. He doesn't want to see Jason suffer so much, and wants to help him, but his personality makes him unable to comfort others.

Thinking of the dragon battle encountered on the road, he decided to try to divert Jason's attention.

While following Jason to the command room, he pretended to be mysterious and said, "I met a very interesting newcomer on the way to the base today."


Jason really fell for Sonny's "trick", and his attention was attracted by the newcomer he said.

"It's been so many years since you joined my b team, and this is the first time I've heard you mention a new player. This really surprised me."

"That guy is from San Diego on the west coast. He's only one rank lower than me at the age of 25. He's completely different from other calendar boys. I'm curious what he did during his deployment. J, can you tell him Is the file called out?"

The second SEAL Group in San Diego on the west coast once took a photo of a calendar poster topless, which was considered by the SEALs on the east coast as a betrayal of lust, and has been ridiculed to this day.

"It seems that this newcomer is indeed unusual. Unfortunately, I cannot access the personal file. The commander may be able to, but it is not appropriate to do so."

Jason's curiosity was fully aroused, he finally smiled, raised his eyebrows and said, "However... we can go to the Green Team to observe the training, just as our B team needs to replenish manpower.

When we come back from this mission, let's go to the green team to find out. I hope the magical boy you speak of won't let me down. "

"I also hope I won't be disappointed, haha."

Sonny chewed the spicy chicken and laughed, and walked into the command room with Jason.

At this time, the meeting room was full of people, everyone looked very serious, and the red team commander, Major Blackburn, was already in place.

(End of this chapter)

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