The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 503 The best hunter missed

Chapter 503 The Best Hunter Has Missed (Seeking Monthly Pass)
What can be called the most dangerous community?
Long Zhan drove into the Austin community and had a close-up personal experience.

In broad daylight, the streets are deserted, with few pedestrians to be seen, only plastic bags blown up by the wind, telling the world about the depression here.

Occasionally, I saw a few pedestrians appearing, either unkempt or with sunken eye sockets.

Either a bum or a junkie.

Even Long Zhan saw a woman who was unhurriedly arranging her skirt and bra, and came out of a shady alley.

Ignoring the slowly approaching Cadillac, he calmly pushed on the stroller parked beside him and left.

Then a black man came out wearing a trouser belt, with a cigarette in his mouth and his face full of satisfaction after the fact. Seeing Long Zhan looking at him through the car window, he gave him a provocative middle finger.

Based on the state shown by this couple, it seems that they are doing business on the street in broad daylight.

This kind of thing is basically impossible in any civilized country, but it is a very normal phenomenon in the XC area.

"Take the child out to get some fresh air, and don't forget to do some business along the way, what a fucking cow."

Long Zhan is really powerless to complain. He has a new understanding of the chaos of Chicago, a sinful city, and understands what it means to be rotten.

For this kind of ideologically corrupt XC area, even if God came, it would not be able to save it.

How should life be messed up, or how messed up.

And the people living here have completely degenerated, bringing this once glorious city completely lifeless.

The buildings on the street are basically two or three storeys, and they were basically built in the last century.

Basically 90% of the street frontages that were supposed to be bustlingly open are closed, and only sporadic convenience stores and fast food restaurants are open.

Other convenient municipal agencies, such as banks and HOAs.

(HOA: Community Management Association.

Communities in the United States are similar to domestic neighborhoods, rather than the kind of residential areas that only help people. Community management associations are also equivalent to street offices, which are responsible for handling various miscellaneous affairs of residents in the community. )
Even if Long Zhan doesn't go in, he can be sure that the places that are open to the outside world are [-]% separated by bulletproof glass, and there may even be bullet holes in some of them.

Based on what they saw and heard along the way, even if they entered an abandoned ghost town, no one would refute it.

But is it really a ghost town?



In the Austin community where Long Zhan came from, and even in the entire XC area and South City area controlled by blacks, life routines are upside down.

During the day, there are no birds, no smokers and ghosts killing people here, and at night it will become brightly lit and the walls will be brilliant.

The "aboriginal people" who originally lived in these places would run out and start working, and various "yellow and drug-blocking" neon lights would illuminate every street.

People who like extravagant nightlife will gather in Nancheng District and XC District.

Not only Chicago locals, but even those from surrounding cities will drive here to enjoy the carnality brought by the night.

Those who have no money will find ways to come here to "get money", and those with a few small money will come here to "spend money".

That kind of rich man who is worth millions will also bring his bodyguards here to spend a lot of money, to feel the luxury that money brings to him.

It was this kind of day and night life pattern that made a mess of Long Zhan's plan.

In line with the principle that the best hunter is to regard oneself as prey.

Long Zhan drove into the most dangerous XC area. It is said that the number of gangs exceeds 10, and the number of gangsters exceeds 5000 in the Austin community.

The purpose is to meet someone who "touches porcelain and robs", and then chats with him about life ideals by the way.

This is not only more time-saving but also more labor-saving than finding someone all over the street and finding a way to secretly arrest him.

As a result, Long Zhan and Carter drove the Cadillac around the community for half an hour.

I saw a lot of weird scenes, some of which were even more exaggerated than pushing children out and doing business, but no one came up to find fault.

Even Tucker, who had been nervous all the time, began to pretend to say hi, "The most dangerous community is nothing more than that."

Tucker thought that as a white man, entering a black area completely controlled by African blacks, under the influence of racial conflicts that never disappeared, he would definitely be surrounded by blacks to find fault soon.

However, I met a lot of black people on the road, and saw that he was a little bit disgusted by white people.

But there was no excessive action.

At most, they would spit, give the middle finger, and swear a few words.

At first, Tucker thought it was the black man he met, not the ruthless character here. After all, if he can come out during the day, he must have no work and no money at night.

That is to say, the so-called cowards who dare not come up to the hard work of robbing and touching porcelain.

to be honest.

They're not gangsters, they're just black residents living here.

But as the car drove more and more streets, the number of black people encountered continued to superimpose, and the focus of every black person's eyes.

Tucker finally understands!

It wasn't that the black people he met were too cowardly, or that the gangsters weren't ruthless enough, but that the image of Long Zhan was too deterrent.

No matter how fierce the eyes of a black man are, once they caught sight of Long Zhan in the cab, his eyes would change instantly.

Cadillac's cab has a lot of space, but Long Zhan is still packed to the brim, and a fool can tell how big it is.

There is no kung fu martial arts culture in the United States, and the basic "strength rating" is based on size.

Including boxing matches, WWE, UFC, etc., places where personal combat effectiveness is displayed do not escape this basic rule logic.

Heavyweights are always stronger than lightweights.

Whoever is bigger is stronger.

Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Dwayne Johnson, etc., can become Hollywood's top existence, synonymous with iron-blooded real men.

Relying on their muscles, the strong impact they brought to the audience.

But Long Zhan was bigger than the three of them, because he had actually experienced bloody battles on the battlefield, and the aura he exuded inadvertently was even more ruthless.

The blacks who can survive here basically know who not to mess with, and who are soft persimmons to pinch.

Only a fool would mess with a tough guy like Long Zhan.

"Hey, Long, have you noticed that these niggas are frightened by you. I don't think if this continues, even if it's dark, there will be no gain."

Long Zhan has actually discovered the problem Tucker mentioned.

Grinning with a mouthful of white teeth, he smiled and said, "Why don't you go down and be a bait? I'll follow behind? I'll save you when I catch a fish?"

"No no no no no, this won't work."

Tucker didn't even think about it, shaking his head faster than the wave drum, he was afraid that if he slowed down by a second, Long Zhan would really do it.

"Look at you as a loser, what a shame." Long Zhan laughed out loud at Tucker's cowardice.

"Laugh, laugh whatever you want, anyway, I won't go, I don't want to die in the hands of niggers, isn't he comfortable with a few more chicks while saving his life?"

Tucker is no longer ashamed or ashamed, everything is to save his own life.

As expected of someone who can be an iron buddy with Long Zhan.

In terms of saving their own lives, the two people's views are surprisingly consistent.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

Long Zhan put away the nonsense with Tucker, and said seriously: "They are afraid of me for sure, but there is no absolute in the world, in the final analysis it is nothing more than not enough temptation.

As long as the bait we take out is fragrant enough, it will definitely attract big fish.

And the bigger the fish that passed, the higher the value of his own existence, and the possibility of helping us unlock the bargaining chip gentleman will increase accordingly, so..."

Speaking of this, Long Zhan stopped, grinning and showing a mouthful of white teeth.

When Tucker saw the appearance of the old fox Long Zhan, even though the two had been close buddies for many years, he couldn't help but feel chills all over his body.

But driven by curiosity, Tucker couldn't help but want to know the answer.

So I couldn't wait to ask: "Don't tantalize, tell me quickly, what are you going to do?"

"It's actually very simple. Give me the money you brought, and take as much as you have."


Seeing Long Zhan's outstretched hand, Tucker was even more confused.

(End of this chapter)

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