The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 505 I caught a big fish

Chapter 505 I caught a big fish (seeking a monthly ticket)
The gangsters in the United States can survive to this era, because they have already eliminated the old ones and created a system that conforms to the times.

In addition, according to local conditions and the composition of members, the operating modes of gangsters in various places are different.

For example, New York and Chicago are dominated by African-Americans, and their operating models are more African-tribal, adopting a pyramid model with closer members.

People with higher levels will also get more benefits.

It was different in Los Angeles.

The world of Mexicans here, most of the gang members are of Mexican origin, and they have an equal relationship with each other. The gang structure is more like a team of buddies.

Put it nicely.

Everyone has the right to vote equally, advocates democracy and free thought, and discusses things together.

It's not a good thing to say.

Everyone couldn’t afford to eat in Mexico and worked so hard to come to the United States to live a good life. Why do you want to tell me what to do?

In addition to these two models that occupy the mainstream in the American gangster group.

There are also the "family model" of the Mafia, the "racial model" of the Free Boys and Rednecks, the respective models of the Chinese gangs in Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, and so on.

Regardless of the differences between the various modes, there is one point that all modes have in common.

That is the management and bottom of the gang, and the polarization between the rich and the poor is very serious.

As a member of a gangster who fights and sells fans at the bottom, he cannot apply for a credit card due to his status, and he is basically a poor existence.

The first thing I do when I open my eyes every day is where to go to fill my stomach, and then where to get bigger, how to meet the needs of the lower body, etc.

A simple summary is...

Thinking about money like crazy, money is not life.

If Long Zhan and Tucker didn't bring any money, if they left the Austin community before dark, at most they would be talked about, and nothing would happen.

There is a big dragon fighting in this town, and there will be no one who will come up to do it.


Long Zhan and Tu Ke not only brought money, but also a lot of money, and they were also very ostentatious, putting it in the most conspicuous place.

In this impoverished XC area, the temptation of the two suddenly rose.

Long Zhan could clearly feel that the eyes of every black man who walked past him would become extremely greedy and hot as long as they saw their butts.

If it weren't for the fact that Long Zhan's size was too large, he wouldn't be such a troublemaker at first glance.

If you rush up to grab money rashly, you might be killed instead.

I am afraid that the first black man who saw the huge amount of banknotes had already rushed up with a machete, blocked the way of Long Zhan and the two and started robbing.

And deterring the worthless little fish and shrimps was exactly the purpose of Dragon War from the beginning.

Only in this way can a large enough fish be caught!

Compared with Long Zhan, he was still calm and composed, ignoring the covetous black people on the street, and continued walking along the street to the depths of the Austin community.

Tucker, who is just an ordinary person, perfectly shows the true side of ordinary people.

Faced with more and more black people passing by, and following behind the two of them, Tucker's mood became more and more tense.

Not only the face is densely covered with sweat, but the back of the clothes and the underarm area are also soaked in sweat quickly.

This is a performance of extreme tension!
If he didn't know that Long Zhan was a soldier and he was very good at fighting, he would have expressed his opinion just now at the gate of the bank, and his life and death would follow Long Zhan to the end.

With Tucker's character of "preserving his life in advance", he had already run away by now.

Now that the words have been spoken in advance, in order to follow Long Zhan to eat spicy food and spend money on people, Tucker can only go all out.

Suppressing the fear and fear in his heart, he continued to follow Long Zhan forward with anxiety.

What is the most important thing about fishing?
two words -


Long Zhan calmed down and continued to walk forward for about 5 minutes. There were already more than 15 black people behind him.

Perhaps it was informed by the informant that the big fish that Long Zhan had been waiting for finally arrived.

The 5 black youths who came to meet each of them had a big lump around their waists, and they all knew what they were carrying without guessing.

Either a machete or a pistol.

Among them, two black men are very big, both of them are over 1 meters tall. The one on the left is fat and big, and the one on the right is a muscular man like Long Zhan.

It's just that Long Zhan's muscles are very well-proportioned, and each piece is perfect.

And this black man has a lot of muscle, his chest and back muscles and biceps and triceps are relatively large, but his stomach is an ugly "Osai belly".

The two legs are more suitable for the uncoordinated upper body, which is obviously one size smaller than the upper body.

Looking at the past at a glance, it looks like a big-headed doll.


Although the black man's muscles are unbalanced, and the other big man is full of fat, the weight of the two people is there.

The two stood together and walked towards each other, the visual impact was still very strong.

Used to scare ordinary people, the effect is really good.

For example, Tucker, who was standing beside Long Zhan, saw five black men with tattoos all over his body approaching, two of them were so big, their eyes were round with fright.

He knew very well that with his own fighting strength, these two big guys didn't need to fight, they could crush him to death.

"Cut, a bunch of strong outsiders but middle-aged people."

Long Zhan came out of the pile of dead people. Although he couldn't tell what kind of person was ruthless at a glance, the guys in front of him definitely couldn't be called that.

Even without a weapon on his body, Long Zhan is confident that he can handle these five guys.

"Wait a minute, you don't have to do anything, and don't say anything, just follow me, and leave everything else to me."

Long Zhan squeezed Tucker's shoulder, as a way to convey a little courage to him.

Lest he couldn't hold back his pee.

Tucker turned around and looked at the black crowd following behind him, and found that as the black group of five in front got closer and closer, he no longer dared to keep up.

Feel the power delivered by Long Zhan, and swallow the saliva to moisten the dry throat.

Forced to calm down: "OK! Boss, I hope you can handle it, otherwise by this time tomorrow, we will both be on the Chicago Daily."

"The Chicago Daily News will have big news in the past few days. This is destined. You have to be mentally prepared."

Long Zhan hinted at something.

Tucker seemed to understand it, but he didn't seem to understand it, but he had no time to think about it, because the gang of five had already come to his face.

"White pig, you have come to a place you shouldn't be, if you are sensible, come with us."

The one who spoke was a black man wearing a jacket in the middle. This guy was only about 1 meters tall, but his tone was very high. At first glance, he was the eldest of the five.

In order to cooperate with the boss, the other 4 people put on a fierce posture and surrounded Long Zhan and Tu Ke in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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