The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 513 3A Action Standard, Dragon War Exclusive

Chapter 513 3A Action Standard, Exclusive to Dragon War (Continue to the 5000-word chapter.)
Long Zhan stood proudly alone, while a dozen security guards around him lay on the ground and howled in pain. This scene needs no introduction at all.

He rushed over with a dozen younger brothers, and the black boss with a shiny bald head locked on Long Zhan at a glance.

"It turned out to be you bastard, haha."

Seeing Long Zhan's appearance clearly, the anger in the eyes of the bald boss added another three points, as if he had met the revenge of killing his father, he was so angry that he laughed to the extreme: "I have been looking for it for more than a year, and I have tried various methods to find it. Thinking of you, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it.

Since you took the initiative to send it to your door today, then you don't even think about getting out alive. "

After the bald boss finished speaking harshly, he waved his big hand and gave orders to his subordinates: "Damn it, whoever can kill him, I will reward him with 10 yuan."

To be able to reward 10 dollars a day, the dozen or so younger brothers who followed were instantly excited.

As if they had been overdosed on stimulants, they all took out their pistols and rushed towards Long Zhan screaming.

"Clap clap clap..."

More than a dozen pistols fired at the same time, and there was a loud gunshot in the casino for a while.

The gamblers, who were still watching the show with great interest just now, watched the bullets flying everywhere, and finally understood what it means to watch the excitement and get angry.

Several gamblers who had run out of luck were knocked to the ground as soon as the gunshots started.

Lying on the ground, crying for help.

The gunfire mixed with the screams, and the scene became even more chaotic.

Long Zhan, who has rich experience in actual combat, retreated to a safe place in advance by virtue of his foresight to prevent, and hid behind the large roulette the moment a dozen guns fired.

More than a dozen guns hit him indiscriminately, but they didn't hurt him at all.

Reflection As the casino thugs continued to fire, the panicked gamblers ran around, one after another, they were shot and fell to the ground screaming.

"Ji, kill him as soon as we meet. This bald head must have something to do with the burning of the house."

Long Zhan really wanted to catch this bald head right now, torture him and question him, why did he burn his house down since he had no enmity with the PG gang.

However, the situation is not good now.

Relying on his strong body and abnormal physical fitness, Long Zhan is worthy of anyone in hand-to-hand combat, even if there are 20 more, he can still overwhelm them.

But guns are different.

No matter how awesome a person is, he will fall to the ground with a single shot.

Long Zhan thought that with his big body and the power of a pistol, he would basically not get in the way if he carried a few shots at critical places.

If you bring a custom-made body armor, you can fight the gunman in front of you with your bare hands.

Not to mention if you have a gun in your hand.

Playing Gun and Dragon War is the ancestor of these PG gang gunmen. These dozen or so gangster gunmen look fierce, but in fact they are just fighting in front of him.

He can do it casually, it's not a big deal at all.


Not only is Long Zhan not wearing a bulletproof vest, he is also not carrying any firearms. Going out with bare hands to grab a gun and fight back is too risky.

As a qualified "reckless dog", this kind of high-risk life-gamble battle is not in Long Zhan's plan.

What's more, he brought a "oil bottle" today. If he chose to fight the gunman in front of him in the casino, Tucker might not be able to get out.

Tucker is still useful to keep, but he can't die here.

Since there is no benefit in taking the initiative to work hard, we can only temporarily avoid the enemy's sharp edge.

But how should we retreat?

This is a problem!
"These gunmen should be gangster elites, who have a certain understanding of gun battles. Instead of rushing forward one by one like in the movie, and then being robbed and killed by the protagonist, they chose to outflank in a semicircle, which is a bit tricky. "

Seeing more than a dozen gunmen approaching in a semi-arc from the direction of the front door step by step, the distance was getting closer and closer, Long Zhan quickly observed the surrounding environment, but couldn't find a way to retreat, so he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Once the gunners outflank the left and right sides, the large lottery roulette built on the middle load-bearing column will lose its role as a cover.

At that time, there will be no dragon battle in the bunker, and it will be difficult to escape from a dozen guns.

Just at this critical time.

Tucker, who was simply dragged by Long Zhan, finally realized the value of his existence.

"Boss, this way, come here, I saw some gamblers running over there. If I'm not wrong, there is a high probability that there is a back door over there."

As expected of being a core member of the "Fear of Death", he has an extraordinary talent in escaping.

Long Zhan has no other way to go now, he can only trust Tucker's intuition and judgment, and chooses to run backwards to Tucker for rendezvous.

In order to run over without being hit by bullets, Long Zhan turned into a super strongman again.


Long Zhan let out a loud roar.

The large roulette gambling machine weighing more than 500 kilograms was dragged forward abruptly by Long Zhan, which became the best shield in front of him.

"Shet, is this guy a monster?"

Listening to the ear-piercing creaking sound of rubbing against the floor, more than a dozen gunmen could figure out how heavy the thing was, and they were all stunned by Long Zhan's divine power.

You must know that 500 kilograms of things are placed there, and it is difficult for a group of people to push and shake them.

What's more, they have to be pulled together.

But the surprise is the surprise, the boss's words are put there, and Long Zhan must not be allowed to slip away.

More than a dozen gunmen knew that Long Zhan was hiding behind the machine, so they couldn't help speeding up while shooting, and approached Long Zhan as fast as possible.

Long Zhan hid behind the roulette machine, couldn't see the shooter's position, and could only judge by the sound.

Sensing that the gunman had quickened his pace, he also quickened his pace.

When the distance from Tucker is less than 10 meters.

Long Zhan gave up the bulky roulette machine, grabbed the baccarat table next to it, weighing more than 200 kilograms, and effortlessly flipped it over and fell to the ground.

He bent over and pressed his shoulder against one leg of the gaming table, and continued to run backwards against the entire gaming table.

The weight of the gaming table is lighter than that of the roulette machine, and it is better to use the shoulders to exert force, and the speed of Long Zhan's retreat has doubled in an instant.

Even with a gambling table weighing more than 200 kilograms, it is not much slower than ordinary people running with bare hands.


With the harsh sound of rubbing against the ground all the way, Long Zhan ran to the back of the casino to join Tucker.

As soon as he entered the passageway less than 1 meters wide, Tucker, who witnessed the whole process of the dragon fighting against heaven and man, said in admiration: "Boss, you are so fierce, crazier than the western bison."

"Stop flattering, don't want to be beaten into a hornet's nest, run away quickly."

As an awesome existence who has always been number one, Long Zhan has long been used to being admired by others, and is immune to flattery.

With a slap on the back of Tucker's head, Long Zhan ran deep into the passage.

The wall lamp in this passage is very dark, similar to the passage in the bar. If you listen carefully, you can clearly hear the panicked yelling of the gamblers running ahead.

With this information, it is not difficult to judge, as Tucker said before.

This passage should lead to the back door, so after the gun battle broke out in the casino, the old gamblers who often come here will know how to escape from this place.

"There must be someone guarding the back door. Be careful and follow me."

While Long Zhan ran forward, he didn't forget to tell Tu Ke, who was still immersed in worship.

It turns out.

Long Zhan's judgment was correct.

Just when the distance between the two was less than 3 meters, they could go out after turning a corner.

Long Zhan heard something strange and scolded, and cautiously peeked outside, and found that there were three casino security guards with guns at the door, blocking the guests for investigation.

Probably received a notification from the infield, knowing that Long Zhan and Tucker had escaped into the back door.

Tucker also took a look, and said frightened: "Damn, the back door is blocked and we can't get out. What should we do?"

The pursuers will come immediately, and the way to leave is blocked again.

This situation is really bad!
"Don't worry, look at me."

The more the situation gets worse, the more calm the dragon fights. This is the steel mentality cultivated in many years of actual combat.

After appeasing Tu Ke who was sweating profusely, Long Zhan shouted loudly: "Damn it, come and help, I've caught them, hurry up."

The three security guards who were blocking the back door to investigate heard someone shouting for help in the passage.

In this chaotic and urgent situation, thinking that his own people were fighting Long Zhan, two of them immediately beat and pushed the gamblers who had opened the door, and rushed in.

After entering the door, he trotted forward, ready to support his brother.

Didn't know it was a trap.

As a result, at the moment of turning the corner, a strong elephant-legged arm was thrown out, hitting the most vulnerable bridge of the nose of the security guard on the left, and the whole person was knocked to the ground by inertia.

Under the strong stimulation of pain, soreness and swelling, it was impossible to fight back for a while.

The other security guard didn't have time to react, and was hit in the jaw by an uppercut that followed, knocking out his teeth.

After easily handling the two security guards who came over, Long Zhan snatched the pistol from one of them.


The gun went off.

The last security guard standing outside the door was hit precisely between the eyebrows, and without even a snort, he slammed on the ground stiffly.

"Did you kill someone? Shet, Falk, hell..."

It was the first time in Tucker's life that he saw the sandman with his own eyes. There was a bang in his head, and he was stunned, leaving only all kinds of dirty words there.

"I'm doing this in legal self-defense, you're afraid of an egg."

To Long Zhan, the sand man was no different from killing a chicken, and ran out while grabbing Tucker by the collar.

After going out, he ran back to the front door along the wall, caught the casino security guards by surprise and returned the carbine, and easily retrieved the parked car.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the parking lot, everyone drove away smoothly.

After driving about 500 meters, when passing by a trash can, Long Zhan carefully wiped off the fingerprints on the pistol, drew the gun and threw it into the trash can.

Then he continued to drive 2 kilometers forward, took off his clothes covered with blood and fighting marks, poured gasoline on them, and set fire to them.

After putting on new clothes, I deliberately walked around the XC area for half an hour.

After making sure that there was no tail hanging behind, he and Tucker returned to Beicheng District, where white people gather.

"Boss, you don't work in the CIA, do you?"

After witnessing Long Zhan's skillful handling of various traces after tonight's battle through various methods, Tu Kelong Zhan's eyes changed.

From the beginning of worship, until now it has completely become an idol.

"I can't reveal this to you for the time being, but I can tell you clearly that the CIA is just one of my partners."

"The CIA is just one of the partners?"

What Long Zhan said was mysterious, but Tucker became even more excited.

Since the legendary omnipotent CIA is one of Long Zhan's partners, isn't the other FBI, HRT, etc. all related to Long Zhan?
When Tucker thought about it, he had an intracranial orgasm in an instant.

My best friend from childhood has such a powerful identity and background, let alone Tucker, who would be too excited to sleep on anyone.

Long Zhan took a panoramic view of Tucker's demeanor, and did not interrupt his imaginary yy.

If you want a younger brother to follow you sincerely, it is undoubtedly the best way to be so strong as the boss.

The two drove all the way chatting and walking, and finally found a hotel to stay.

Long Zhan and Tu Ke made an appointment to meet tomorrow morning. When the time came, they would discuss things with him in detail, so they went back to the room alone and began to sort out the information.

By finding out the true identity of the burnt chip, plus what the bald boss said after meeting.

Long Zhan can basically confirm that the burning of his house was done by the PG gang, and it is probably because he burned the house to vent his anger because no one was found.

Now that the murderer has been identified, this revenge must be avenged.

That house has all the good memories of Long Zhan Jibran and his adoptive parents since he was a child, and it is also the "home" where Long Zhan came to this world.

Now that the family has been destroyed by others, as a bloody man, it is impossible to let it go.

PG has to pay the price.

Either pay a satisfactory number, there is no problem that money can't solve here in Longzhan, or remove the PG gang from the XC area.

There is no 3rd way!


After all, PG is the leader of the Madrid community, with hundreds of core members under his hands, and the number of peripheral helpers is even more terrifying.

If Dragon War is not fully prepared, there is a perfect plan of action.

It is very likely that not only will the revenge not be avenged, but it will also become a gift to the door.

become a joke.

The birth of a perfect action plan requires enough intelligence to understand the enemy, enough manpower to protect itself, and a suitable opportunity to launch an action.

Based on this foundation, Long Zhan developed a set of his unique action standards——

It's called "3A standard"!
That is to say, the formulation of the entire action plan is divided into three steps: evaluation, integration, and action.

Start by evaluating the information at hand.

Find out the troubles that may be encountered in the operation, make plans to consider these variables at any time, and use the existing advantages to make up for the shortcomings.

Then there is the integration of all factors.

Get rid of all kinds of troubles that may arise, find all kinds of personnel and equipment needed for the operation, and the most suitable terrain for the operation, etc.

The last thing to do is to act.

If you don't move, you are done, move like a thunder, and complete the action goal with the least cost.

The "3A standard" is an action standard designed by Long Zhan based on his actual combat experience. He thinks it is better than the U.S. military's special operations standard.

At least it suits him better!
Based on the "3A standard" structure to the actions of the PG gang, Long Zhan now not only lacks enough intelligence, it can even be said that he knows nothing about the enemy, and he also lacks enough manpower.

For Tucker, a "soy sauce bottle" who has never killed anyone, the two want to destroy the "PG gang" is just a dream.

If you want to call someone...

With the network he has accumulated over the years, Long Zhan spent a little time and added a little capital investment, and it was not a big problem to get a group of helpers.

But in terms of information about the PG gang, there is no way to complete it in a short time.

After thinking about it for a while, Long Zhan decided to start from two aspects at the same time, using some connections to dig deep into the internal information of the PG gang.

So I called the two old lovers and asked Black Fox and Mandy from the CIA to help investigate the PG gang.

Long Zhan suddenly became interested in a gangster, which made Heihu and Mandy very puzzled and curious, and asked a few casual questions during the chat.

Out of the trust in the in-depth communication between the two women, the absolute confidence in their own charm, and the grasp of the two women's personalities through the TV plot.

Long Zhan told the truth about the situation.

Knowing that Long Zhan and the PG gang have become enemies, the house in their hometown has been burned down.

The two women were both shocked and angry.

While exhorting Long Zhan to pay attention to safety, he promised to use all his means to collect all information about the PG Party and hand it over to Long Zhan.

And because of his understanding of Long Zhan's character, he specially told them to inform them when Long Zhan took action.

Long Zhan was very satisfied with the reaction of the two women, and lamented that his hard work day and night was finally not in vain, and he was rewarded handsomely.

The only thing he regrets is...

The CIA is in charge of foreign affairs, while the FBI is the exclusive department in charge of domestic affairs. Both Black Fox and Mandy can only entrust someone to access the information.

Collecting information is already time-consuming, and in the middle you have to entrust others to increase the time.

As a result, the two girls did not give Long Zhan an exact time, they could only guarantee that the matter would be settled as much as possible within one month.

For an ambitious and clean person, waiting a month is unacceptable.

In order to buffer this period of time, Long Zhan decided to take advantage of this period of time to take on another mission, no matter what type it is, he can earn more or less.

So he called the sixth team of Secret Service, Kobe, his contact person.

Got three options.

The first one is to go to "Wu Kelan" to be an instructor. "Wu Kelan" recently got into a fight with Siberian bears, recruited mercenaries all over the world as cannon fodder, and absorbed an organization called Yasu Camp.

With so many foreign armed forces joining the army, instructors are urgently needed for relevant training.

Salary is $2000 per day!

The second is to go to the Iraq region and perform some secret missions.

The specific task was not informed, and only after accepting the task and arriving at the assembly point would a special person come to give a verbal explanation.

The remuneration is a one-shot deal, and 30 will be paid when it is completed.

The third is the "Hunter School" in Venezuela, and the international class will start soon.

A group of contractors with sufficient qualifications are needed to go to the hunter school to serve as the instructors of the international class to complete the hunter training for this year.

The instructor's commission is $1000 per day, and the chief instructor's commission is $2500 per day.

As for whether to be the instructor or the chief instructor, you need to go to the Hunter Academy for an on-site assessment, and select the best one to be the chief instructor through selection.

(End of this chapter)

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