The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 516 The Invisible Richest Man in the World

Chapter 516 The Invisible Richest Man in the World


City of Caracas.

Long Zhan came out of the airport smoothly, and did not stay in the capital city of Venezuela, even though this South American city is very charming.

Then he prepared non-stop and headed to the next destination——

Cumana City!

Cumana is the capital city of Sucre State, one of the oldest cities in South America, and the first South American city founded by European colonists.

Every year, many tourists from all over the world come to this ancient city for tourism.

Part of it is for the colonial-style European architecture of the [-]th to [-]th centuries, as well as the sunshine and sandy beaches of the Caribbean coast;
A Pirates of the Caribbean movie became popular all over the world, and it also made this place popular all over the world.

Most of them use this place as a transit point to go to the nearby Kanaima National Park, where there is the famous Angel Falls.

The official name is Angel Falls.

The reason why tourists came to see this waterfall was also influenced by a movie. The name of this unknown movie is "Flying House".

Looking down from the flying house, the tall and beautiful waterfall looks like the Milky Way falling into the sky.

Long Zhan has no interest in traveling. In his two lifetimes, he has already traveled to most places in the world. He has seen both beautiful and unbeautiful scenery.

However, as a popular tourist attraction in South America, Long Zhan is very satisfied with the convenient transportation.

Arrived in Cumana city in the afternoon.

Although it took seven or eight hours to ride the rickety train for a distance of more than 500 kilometers, this speed is already very good in such a small country.

Long Zhan was very satisfied.

The only thing that bothers him is that Kumana is not the end point. He has to rent a car to go to a place called Gogoya in the mountains south of the city.

The campus of the Hunter School is located there.

As expected of a place dedicated to training special forces, the headquarters had to be built in a corner.

Although people from the Hunter School came to pick him up in advance, and Long Zhan didn't need to find transportation to go there, but the unhardened mountain road still made Long Zhan "amazing".

The "poorest" official unit I have seen so far, Hunter School is definitely on the list.

If it weren't for the "Second Brother Colombia" in the west and the "Big Brother Brazil" in the north and south, these two are the most famous figures in the drug lord world.

If Venezuela does not have a strong enough military and police force, it will not be able to control the domestic situation at all.

It is likely to lead to a second Brazil, where the armed forces of the domestic army are stronger than the government army, and the government is powerless to deal with the army.

The Venezuelan government will certainly not spend so much money to continue to maintain the expensive hunter school.

Long Zhan was not the only person who went to the school in a school vehicle, but there were also two PMCs, one black and one white. Like Long Zhan, they went to the Hunter School as instructors.

The white man is called Bobby, and the black man is called Cook.

There are tens of kilometers of mountain roads from the urban area to the school, and it takes nearly two hours to drive. Long Zhan got to know the basic information of the two through chatting with them.

Both of them are from the Green Berets, and they are good friends together in the army.

Standard US ex-Army Special Forces.

Because they couldn't find a suitable job after retiring from the army, the two had nothing to do at home for more than half a year, so they had no choice but to join a Pmc company.

They are not "contract workers" who sign long-term contracts, but "temporary workers" who only rely on their names.

Recently, the company promoted a project for the two of them, that is, to come to the Hunter Academy as an instructor. Although it was only a short-term contract, both of them immediately agreed.

They couldn't help but not agree.

Otherwise, you can only work as a dishwasher in a restaurant, or guard the gate outside a supermarket, with a weekly salary of 500 US dollars.

The two received a pure instructor contract, unlike Long Zhan who was qualified to compete for the chief instructor, and the daily salary was only 300 US dollars.

Hearing this, Long Zhan couldn't help laughing.

Thinking of the project information I read, the daily salary of the instructor is 1000 US dollars, but the two instructors in front of me only have 300 US dollars.

This means that the PMC company above the two took most of the money just by acting as an intermediary.

It is the most vivid performance of "capitalist".

At the same time, Longzhan has come to understand more and more the importance of information channels and personal networks in this era when the industry is increasingly monopolized by "predators".

There is no right or wrong here!

PMC can connect to Party A, which is the capital and rights for its survival.

Bobby and Cook have no network resources and connections, and have no way to get in touch with the recruitment of Hunter Academy, so they can only be exploited by Pmc.

Contribute most of your labor income to companies that only provide information.

Through the encounter between Bobby and Cook, Long Zhan's idea of ​​starting a company became more and more urgent, and he wished he could start the company immediately.

Think about it……

Sending an employee out to execute the contract can earn a high intermediary fee, which is "service information fee" in a nicer word.

What if 10, 100, 1000 are dispatched?

Based on the commissions of Cook and Bobby, each person can generate US$700 a day for the company, and 1000 people can earn US$70 a day.

30 days a month is more than 2000 million U.S. dollars, and you can earn more than [-] million dollars a year.

Even if you don't engage in any tax evasion and tax evasion, and pay taxes according to the amount collected by the US tax, you can still have hundreds of millions of dollars in funds a year.

If the company can be registered abroad, for example, like some large companies, it can be registered in a small island country.

10 billion RMB a year casually!

This is only the case of the minimum wage, if you are sent to a war zone, the commission will be higher.

This means that wage income will increase.

Is it a lot for that company to send 1000 employees abroad?

Actually not much!
The United States is the main demand country for PMC companies. There are millions of PMCs employed by various military industries across the country, and more than 10 are dispatched to war zones to perform tasks.

These are all markets that can be seized, and they are all "cash cows" that can bring huge profits.

The most important point...

Employee dispatch is just one of the businesses that occupies a very small proportion in the huge military market.

The profit contained in each item of military weapons production and research, arms trading, professional military logistics support, etc., is not lower than that of employee dispatch.

The whole fuck is a cash cow!
"Sure enough, it's better to get rich before the war. If you can get a bite in every line of business here, becoming the richest man in the world will not be a problem."

Thinking of the possibilities in the future, Long Zhan couldn't help laughing.

Although even if that day does come, Long Zhan really becomes the richest man in the world, because of the gray attributes of the industry, it is impossible to really be on the Forbes list.

But becoming the invisible richest man in the world is more exciting than becoming the visible richest man in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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