The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 522 The 5-star red flag flutters, the hot heart

Chapter 522 Five-star red flag flutters, hot heart

Sensing the fear of the students towards him, Long Zhan raised his mouth slightly.

When he saw the two rookies of the special forces from the "Red Country", their eyes showed fear of the tiger, and Long Zhan even raised his eyebrows.

"I don't know how to be afraid now? It's too late, let's meet your hell life."

A black-bellied thought crossed Long Zhan's mind, arousing a certain human instinct in his heart, making him eager to torture the rookies in front of him.


Long Zhan gave instructions to Ronnie.

Ronnie turned around and ran back all the way, standing at the leftmost head of the first column of the team.

"General Ross, the students are here and have passed the entrance test. The entrance ceremony can begin." Long Zhan extended an invitation to General Ross.

General Ross nodded, straightened his clothes, and adjusted the position of his hat.

Walked unhurriedly to the front of the team.

"stand at attention--"

Ronnie, who stood at the head of the line, stepped out in three steps and gave orders in a loud voice.

The trainees, who were so tired that their bodies were wet and sweaty and their feet were shaking, had just rested for less than 10 seconds, had to cheer up again, with their chests and abdomen raised, their heads raised to show a military appearance.

Still the old saying.

Standing here represents the country, and every word and deed is related to the honor of the country.

Therefore, even after a long-distance raid of 30 kilometers, every cell in the tired body is mourning, and it is necessary to rely on willpower to continue to support it.

Sit down and rest when tired?Can you bow your head and breathe hard when you are tired?


What are special forces?
Persist in what ordinary people can't do, do what ordinary people can't do, challenge the limits of the human body, and become the strongest blade of the country.

This is special forces, not a title.

General Ross was very satisfied with the performance of the trainees, and he was worthy of the name of the elites they carefully selected and sent. He said to the special training instructor: "Let's get started."


Ronnie raised his hand in salute, turned back to face the students, and gave the queue command: "Start from the leftmost row in the first row, sign up one by one."

The first trainee standing in the first row took a step forward with his M16a4 automatic rifle in his arms, and shouted forcefully: "Jaguar Airborne, Nighthawk Commando Mike Smith reports to you."

"Royal Navy Commando Rosen..."

"Lieutenant Johnny of the Red Bailey Field Raiders..."


"The "Red Country" special forces unit is solemn..."

"Report to the general, I am from the "Red Country" People's Liberation Army special forces unit, my name is He Chenguang."


As each student stepped forward, he loudly said the name and name of his troop, which symbolized that they had officially joined the Hunter School.

From the moment they called out their names, they truly became students of the Hunter School.

Self-declaration is only the first procedure, and the next procedure is the entrance ceremony.

Under the personal leadership of General Ross, with the assistance of Chief Instructor Long Zhan and Special Training Instructor Ronnie, the procedures were carried out in an orderly manner.

Officially granting a "number" to each student is the second procedure of the entrance ceremony.

Numbers from 2 to 37 are pasted on their left chests, where the heart meets the most important place, which means they only have numbers left from now on.

It also means that from this moment on, the names, nationalities, military ranks, etc. that the students disclosed just now will have nothing to do with them.

Everyone has only one identity——

Student No. XX!
As for why there is only No. 1 missing, it is not that there is no No. 1 student.

At this time, the German black-backed military dog ​​lying at Long Zhan's feet was wearing a camouflage vest with the same numbered Velcro stickers as the students.

"1" was written on it.

The No. 1 number of each international class will be awarded to a military dog, and in the following training, the military dog ​​will also have "various interactions" with the trainees.

Through various insulting interactions, let the students understand that their status in the school is lower than that of a dog.

This sounds very insulting, but special operations itself is not a place to talk about human rights. If the enemy catches you on the battlefield, they will not talk about human rights with you.

Training strong psychological endurance is one of the basic training of special forces.

The number granted to become the international class of Hunter School is the end of the student program, and the next step is to raise the national flag belonging to the student country.

United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Italy, France, "Red Country"...

When the national anthem of each country is played, the corresponding national flag will float over the central square of the Hunter College as the national anthem is played.

Whenever the national anthem is played and the national flag is hoisted, the students of the corresponding country look extremely solemn.

For a soldier, watching his country's national flag rising in another country will have a kind of pride and honor from the bottom of his soul.

As the chief instructor, Long Zhan silently followed the whole process.

As the elite of the US special forces, the national anthem is played when the American flag is raised, and the dragon battle does not have much feeling.

As someone else, I really don't feel a sense of substitution.

But when the national anthem of the "Red Country" resounded over the square, the bright five-star red flag climbed slowly along the flagpole, and finally fluttered in the wind to become a familiar red.

The dusty Long Zhan has been deep in his heart for many years, but he has never forgotten a moment of memory, and he was uncontrollably aroused.

For the Red Army.

Long Zhan has always been extremely sentimental.

The thing Long Zhan regretted most back then was choosing to retire from the army.

I knew I should have stayed in the army until I was old!
Because only the familiar army is the real home of a soldier.

Recalling the days when I was a "Red Country" People's Liberation Army, wearing olive green and guarding the country with my comrades in arms, Long Zhan really misses it too much.


The past has passed, and no matter how much you regret it, it will be in vain.

Watching the five-star red flag fluttering high, looking at the two childish faces in the team, Long Zhan further established his thoughts.

As long as these two guys can bear it, I must let the two of them return home with full rewards.

In this way, after the two returned to the country, they could bring the various special warfare experience gained from fighting in the battlefield for more than 10 years in their two lives, and build the most elite troops for the motherland.

This can also be regarded as the last contribution a wanderer who cannot return to his hometown can make for the country in his heart.

Even if he is an American now, he still can't stop his burning "red country" heart.

After going through the previous four procedures, the next step is the most important link——

The headmaster speaks!

Start with a "slow".

"Children, I am General Clin Ross, your headmaster, code-named Hunter."

Although General Ross is over 60 years old, his voice is still loud and powerful, revealing the toughness of a soldier. Those who don't know think he is only 50 years old.

A simple self-introduction at the beginning, followed by a long and eloquent speech.

(End of this chapter)

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