The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 527 He Chenguang "Glows"

Chapter 527 He Chenguang "Glows"

Hunter Academy.

The 36 trainees completed the group work, and it was just a little over one o'clock, and the long night had just begun.

The trainees thought this was just a surprise test, mainly for grouping and torturing them by the way, and they should be sent back to rest after finishing.

According to the previous training arrangement of the Hunter Academy, the day's training would start at four o'clock.

It's a pity that the students think too much.

"Ronnie, bring people over and start the next training session."

Long Zhan gave an order lightly, and all the students were immediately rushed to the left side of the central square, which was specially used for "the training ground for refreshing the mind".

A high concrete platform with a height of more than three meters, a length of more than 10 meters, and a width of less than one meter.

This is a slogan monument, but also a training ground.

On the front of the high platform painted dark green, a sentence full of military atmosphere was written in paint——


Meaning: We triumph with a will of steel.

On the back is a row of half-meter-high steps, through which students can climb to the top of the high platform without difficulty.

Is it for the students to stand tall and look at the scenery by climbing to the three-meter-high platform?

of course not!

As a hunter school, before the official training every day, in order for the trainees to wake up from the confusion of getting up and start a new day of training, it is a specially designed special subject.

Students need to stand on a high platform and accept high-pressure cold water washing for up to three hours.

In this deep mountain with an altitude of nearly 2 kilometers, even if the annual average temperature in Venezuela is 20-30 degrees, the temperature will drop to more than ten degrees in the middle of the night.

Coupled with the cold water washing the body, it will lead to a continuous and rapid loss of body temperature.

The trainees will go from normal body temperature to low temperature in a short period of time, producing the coldness similar to wearing shorts in winter.

Under the stinging pain from the cold to the numbness and pain of the limbs, he had to stabilize his body to avoid falling.

This is not only a test of physical fitness, but also a test of strong will.

After all, more than 30 people are crowded on a one-meter-wide high platform, and the area that each person can have is very small, and it is easy to fall off after being washed by a high-pressure water gun.

Once you fall from a three-meter-high platform, even if the ground below is dirt, you will not feel good.

Those with good physical fitness can hold on for a few more times, and those who have almost fallen twice will be unable to hold on. There is a high probability that they will fall into a coma and be sent to the medical center. The training time will be at least three hours.

48 hours of out-of-training time seems like a lot, but in fact, three hours a day can't stand the exhaustion at all.

It was gone in ten days.

The entire training period lasted as long as 80 days.

What's more, the word "devil" in the devil training month is not only in this subject, but also a lot of live ammunition training and actual combat training.

No matter how strong a student is, there is no guarantee that he will not be injured during training.

Once injured, start at least half a day.

This requires a lot of off-training time as a guarantee to avoid being forcibly eliminated when time runs out.

This means that if they can't support the high platform and splash water, it is impossible for the students to survive until graduation, and they will not be able to return home with the honor of the Hunter Medal.

For this "exclusive training" of the Hunter Academy, the trainees have learned about it before coming here.

After all, it has been held for so many sessions, and it is no secret what kind of training the hunter school has.

There was no need for Ronnie to talk too much nonsense. The students consciously climbed to the top of the high platform from the stairs at the back, and stood in a row on the top.


Special training instructor Ronnie gave an order.

"Brush brush..."

More than a dozen searchlights and brushes were turned on, and they directly shone on the students' faces.

A group of students who were exposed to the strong light instinctively shielded their eyes with their hands, and some immediately closed their eyes to avoid eye damage.

At the same time, a thought popped into my mind——

"What is this about?"

Originally, during the water spray training on the high platform of the Hunter Academy, searchlights were not used to illuminate the eyes forcibly, which was deliberately arranged by Long Zhan.

The purpose is to make the students lose their vision, and even less able to maintain balance during training, so as to greatly increase the difficulty of training.

Taking advantage of the moment when the students lost their vision, three water trucks with high-pressure pumps started simultaneously.

"Puff puff--"

The high-pressure water jet sprayed out more than ten meters away in an instant, catching the students by surprise.

The two unlucky students were hit in the chest by the water gun the moment they lost their vision, and they immediately tried to balance and fell from the high platform to the stairs behind.

The other students didn't expect the water pressure to be so strong, and they were all shaken to pieces.

The scene was a mess!
Lina, who had just sent the injured students back to the medical center, was worried about the safety of the students and ran over again, and immediately ran up when she saw someone falling.

Regardless of the current of the water, the clothes were soaked, and a student lying on the ground was lifted up.

She asked with concern: "Number 25, do you need help?"

When Zhuang Yan fell down, his face was knocked on the steps, not only the skin wounds began to ooze blood, but also bruises and purples began to appear at a speed visible to the naked eye.

For Xiao Xianrou who would have to be sent to the hospital for broken fingers, he must be sent to the ICU for "first aid" after falling so hard.

However, Zhuang Yan didn't even wrinkle his eyelids, and refused without hesitation: "Thank you, no need, this little injury is nothing to a soldier."

After speaking, he didn't stay for even a second, enduring the pain and climbed up to the high platform again.

"Is this the Red Army soldier?"

Looking at the solemn figure climbing upwards, Lina couldn't help but be in awe.

(PS: The Red Country is our country. I used my real name before, but that chapter was blocked, and it took me a long time to release it. Please forgive me, brothers.)
In this American continent, where the Red Country is said to be extremely backward due to the dominance of the American media, most people have a bad impression of the Red Country people.

Lina has never been to the Red Country, she only knows that the Red Country is bad in the media.

But the firmness in Zhuang Yan's eyes just now gave her a deep shock. From this soldier, Lina felt the courage that only soldiers of great powers have.

The fixed-line image in memory began to collapse.

The three instructors who sprayed with high-pressure water guns did not have such sympathy as Lina.

Seeing some students being rushed down from the high platform by them, not only did they not have sympathy, but they became excited and played even more vigorously with water guns.

One of them was particularly "insidious" and sprayed it on the students' heads.

The student who could only squint under the searchlight, his eyes were filled with high-pressure water and couldn't open them. This time, he completely lost his vision, and his body swayed even more violently.

The balance ability of a person with eyes closed is much worse than that with eyes open.

This is common sense!

"Neymar, well done!"

Satisfied with the insidious instructor's wit, Long Zhan gave him a thumbs up from the air, and then he got out from the turret skylight of the Humvee with an electronic loudspeaker in his hand.

Sitting on the roof of the car with his buttocks and his feet on the hood, he shouted at the students.

"Friendly reminder, as long as you are rushed down from the high platform, every second you disappear will be counted in the communication time. Don't try to play tricks on me."

Hearing this friendly reminder from Long Zhan, most of the students became numb and got used to Long Zhan's omnipotence.

A small number of students who thought they were smarter and just wanted to use this cleverness to delay the training time directly scolded their mothers in their hearts.

As the water column continued to charge, the faces of the students began to turn pale, and some even began to shiver.

The body began to tremble, proving that it had lost its temperature.

In order to ensure the body temperature, the body's instinctive self-protection program starts to function, and then the body's required temperature will be maintained through rapid muscle tremors.

Well known.

Once the body's instinctive self-protection mechanism is activated when it feels threatened, it means that the body has already faced a crisis.

If it is not dealt with in time, the body function will weaken rapidly.

The students here are very aware of this truth, and they also know that with the continuous loss of body functions, it will become more and more difficult to stand on a high platform.

You must know that the water column is not always hitting one person, but it is constantly hovering among all people.

When the water rushes to you, you need to lean forward and push forward to withstand the impact of the water and avoid being washed down from the high platform.

After the water flow is removed from you, you need to bring you back in time.

Otherwise, the force you just rushed forward to the top will bring your whole body forward, causing you to fall from the front of the high platform in a somersault.

The body function is still there, the reaction speed is still there, and you can guarantee that you can react well.

But with the continuous loss of body temperature, the body's self-protection mechanism will reduce the blood supply to the limbs and concentrate on protecting the core and vital parts of the body.

This will cause the reaction of the remote hands and feet to slow down, unable to keep up with the reaction of the boss.

As the water column keeps rushing back and forth, as long as you can't react once, you will definitely lose your balance and fall from the high platform.

And one thing is for sure.

Under the enhanced version of Long Zhan's high platform splashing water, it is impossible for the students to last for three hours with only one person's strength without a wide range of vision.

Not even two hours is enough.

There is only one way to survive, and that is to rely on the strength of the team.

This is also the purpose of Long Zhan to increase the difficulty of this training subject again on the original basis.

He hopes that through this training, the trainees can feel that individual strength is never as good as team strength, and that only by working together can we overcome all difficulties.

And it happens to be able to sit together with the group mechanism to complement each other and strengthen the cohesion of the group.


An hour has passed.

Long Zhan didn't see the strength of the team, he only saw everyone struggling there, trying to pass the training on their own.

At most, students from one country just help each other out.

An hour and a half passed.

Still the same.

Even more than half of the students have already had a record of falling down once.

"It can't go on like this."

Long Zhan was very dissatisfied with the performance of the students, so he decided to give them something more ruthless.

"Ronnie, arrange it and add another water truck to increase the water pressure."

"Roger that!"

It's hard to be tortured by others, and it's always exciting to torture others.

Ronnie got the order from the Long Zhan organization and got the job done in less than 30 seconds. The four water trucks were running at full speed, and the engines roared like beasts.

Four more violent and thicker jets of water spewed up, whipping the students like whips.

The students who had endured for an hour and a half, their bodies had already entered a state of hypothermia, and everyone's lips were white and their bodies were trembling.

As soon as the thicker and stronger current came, six students were overturned on the spot.

The six fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

Lina, who was always worried about the students, immediately rushed over nervously with the medical team to check the status of the fallen students one by one.

"We can't keep going like this, everyone will fall here, we have to unite with each other, everyone is holding hands together."

He Chenguang's Spanish was not very smooth, but his voice spread throughout the high platform.

When everyone heard the words, it was like enlightenment.


A person who cannot withstand the power of the high-pressure water gun will easily fall from the high platform.

As long as everyone joins hands to form a human wall, even if one of them fails to stand firmly, the others can hold him to ensure that he will not fall from the high platform.

Do it when you think of it.

Under the strong desire to survive, all the students did not hesitate.

Immediately reached out to hold hands with the people on both sides, even No. 9, who was very dissatisfied with He Chenguang, the team leader, could only temporarily abandon the previous suspicions, and stretched out his right hand to form a human wall with him.

A chopstick is easily broken, and no amount of strength can help a chopstick.

The students who formed the human wall on the high platform changed from being wobbly and precarious just now, as if they would fall from the top at any second, and became much more stable in an instant.

Even if the water rushes over everyone, they still shake, but it's just shaking.

Every student whose body was hit by the water flow, with the fixation provided by the students on both sides, quickly adjusted his body while still swaying.

The high platform, which was falling down like dumplings, finally stabilized the situation and held it.

"Finally got the hang of it, not bad."

Long Zhan knows that there will always be people who "can't stand" getting enlightened. He would be happy if it was a soldier of another nationality, and he would be even happier if it was He Chenguang who stood up.

This is the sense of belonging!

This is the national sense of honor and recognition!

Seeing that the purpose of his training has been achieved, and the students finally understand the importance of unity, Long Zhan is not going to continue to spend time here.

After explaining that Ronnie continued to supervise the work on site, he returned to the training command center alone.

He ordered the chef to make him a black pepper steak, treat himself as a supper, and reserve energy for continuing to torture the Muggles.

Then I made a cup of high-calorie coffee with sugar and milk, sat on a chair with my legs crossed, and waited for the big meal.

As a result, less than 2 minutes after he sat down, the black pepper steak he asked for hadn't arrived yet, and Lina ran over all wet.

Although the wet body of Lina shows off her figure, she looks extraordinarily sexy and charming.

But Long Zhan doesn't want to see her now.

Because Lina, who is a military doctor, ran over at this time, even with his heels, Long Zhan could think that it would definitely not be a good thing.

If it was someone else, he could just throw his face away, but this girl is the daughter of the headmaster Hunter, and I still want to pick her up and use her as a "background board" later.

With emotion and reason in mind, Long Zhan has nothing to do with her, let alone drive him out.

He could only warmly greet Lina to sit down, and tried his best to fool him and said: "Oh, Miss Lina, although I really want to admire your beauty, but this is not a big occasion, I suggest you go back and change your clothes first."


Lina refused immediately, with an ugly expression on her face.

What Lina said was correct. Wearing the jungle camouflage training uniform, even if it was wet and more close-fitting, you would not be able to see anything.

It's not like a white shirt that turns transparent when wet.

Rejecting Long Zhan's "hypocritical" kindness, Lina made a formal negotiation: "Chief instructor, I think it is necessary for me to have a good talk with you."

(End of this chapter)

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