The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 533 The First Bell Ringer Appears

Chapter 533 The First Bell Ringer Appears

"Quick, quick, quicker."

"If you don't want to train hungry, don't be in the bottom five."

"Hunter Academy doesn't cultivate trash. If you don't want to be eliminated, you will run as hard as you can. The one who can persevere until the end is the winner."

"Friendly reminder, extreme cross-country results are calculated in groups."

Under the yelling and urging of Long Zhan and a group of instructors, a group of students, the Eight Immortals and the Eight Immortals crossed the sea, each showed their magical powers. They didn't ask for good grades, but only wanted to run ahead of the others.

Long Zhan was sitting leisurely on the Hummer off-road vehicle, and the students were scrambling on the sandy and muddy ground.

The sense of contrast is overwhelming!
Zhuang Yan and He Chenguang, who originally performed well on the Devil's Road and got the best results, ran at the end of the team this time.

It's not that the physical fitness of the two is not as good as other students, but that the luck of the two is too bad.

Two students in the 8th group where the two belonged suffered accidental injuries during the previous devil's road training and cliff climbing training.

One of them had a sprained right foot, and the other had a nail pierced the sole of his foot.

In this 10-kilometer load-extreme exercise, the two had injuries to their feet and could not keep up with the others. As the team leader, He Chenguang could only help.

Zhuang Yan couldn't bear He Chenguang dragging two burdens by himself, so he had to go over and take one with him.

No. 9 in the same group ran very fast. He didn't care about the two injured students at all, and just kept running with his head buried in the first echelon.

In the end, they passed the finish line of the central square and came to the rest area with the third place.


Nine has to pay for his selfishness.

Fortunately, there were four in the 8th group among the last five people, and all five people were punished to become the last five people, and they were disqualified from having lunch by Long Zhan.

"Fuck you MD, Falk."

No. 9 was furious and swearing, and looked at the other 4 people in the same group with dissatisfied eyes.

It is believed that these four guys dragged him down, causing him, the "excellent student" who ran in the third place, to suffer an unwarranted disaster.

He didn't realize that after so much training in the morning, he was still able to run in third place physically.

But if he has a little sense of unity, he will help He Chenguang and Zhuang Yan take the wounded together.

With three strong players and two injured players, there is a high probability that they can run in the middle of the team, so as not to end up in the last five.

this meal.

He can eat it too.

It's a pity that his selfishness hurt him.

If No. 9 can't wake up, his ending is basically doomed.

Just like when Clay was in the green team back then, if he couldn't return to the team of wolves from the lone wolf thinking, his military height would stop here.


Long Zhan gave an order, and the students rushed towards the place where the food was distributed like wolves and tigers.

After being tortured all morning, I was really hungry.

However, the students who thought they could have a big meal ended up receiving only a palm-sized tortilla and luncheon meat that was two fingers wide.

Add a bowl of vegetable soup with no oily smell and clear soup with little water.

For people who consume a lot of physical energy, this little thing is not enough to fill the stomach, but it is far from enough to even stuff the teeth if it is exaggerated.

However, the students here have no right to speak, so they can only hold back their heads and eat wildly.

No amount of mosquito legs is meat.

When you are so hungry that your chest is on your back, it is the most important thing to stuff something you can eat into your stomach first, and then wait until you finish eating to talk about other things.

Of course, this is just the thinking of most students, and a small number of people don't think so.

The two injured students who received help from He Chenguang and Zhuang Yan, who limped and managed to finish the course, couldn't hold back their emotions at this time.

It was embarrassing for the two of them to accept the help of others to reach the finish line.

After finally coming, there was no food at the end.

Under the double blow, the fire that had been simmering in his heart suddenly exploded.

The sprained ankle has swelled into a huge lump, and the black trainee who did not go to the medical center to continue training due to the pain gasped and said, "I protest, I can't understand it."

"I protest too."

No. 12, who insisted on being pierced by a nail, took off his helmet angrily and threw it on the ground, pointing at Long Zhan and coaxing: "I want to go to the military court to sue, you are not training, you are abusing, you It's a violation of human rights."

"Abusive? Haha."

Long Zhan came out with a big laugh, pointed at the two of them and said sternly, "Listen to me, you two stupid pigs, you can go and sue me, but before you go and sue, go and ring that damn fog bell , admitting to being a coward.”

"I'm not a coward."

No. 12 gave Long Zhan a hard look, picked up the helmet without hesitation, stood up, and limped towards the fog clock.

"Wait, John."

No. 13 screamed and ran out of the team, stood in front of No. 12 and said, "You can't go, if you go, then you will be eliminated."

Both No. 13 and No. 12 are from the British Special Forces, and they have a good relationship in private.

"I'd rather leave this damn place than be insulted by this bastard here. I must sue him. It's not my fault."

No. 12 was completely immersed in anger and could not listen to other people's persuasion at all.

Pushing away No. 13, he continued to walk towards the fog clock.

He completely forgot that when the 13th was taking tranquilizers, he was the one who reminded the 13th not to lose the face of the country, but to remember the honor on his shoulders.

"Hey hey, calm down, buddy."

"Come on, it's not that far yet."

"Your condition is quite good. You can go to the hospital for rest and treatment, and you can continue to go on. There is no need to give up at this time."

Five or six students gathered around, trying to persuade No. 12 not to be so impulsive.

Unfortunately they all failed.

No. 12, who has been completely controlled by anger, has completely lost his reason and calmness, and can't listen to a word anyone said.

Even the more others persuaded him, the angrier he became.

In order to relieve the explosion of anger in my heart, I began to undress while walking,
Rifles, rucksacks, body armor, tactical vests...

All the things that could be dragged down were all dragged down by No. 12 and thrown on the ground. He walked all the way, and he threw the ground all the way.

The black students who first stood up to protest felt that they had led the wrong head, which led to the scene in front of them.

Bearing the pain in his leg under the guilt, he ran over and grabbed No. 12 to persuade him: "No. 12, once you hit it, you can't regret it. You have to think clearly."

"Get out of here!"

No. 12, who became more and more persuaded, shouted and pushed the black student away, came directly to the fog clock, picked up the mallet and knocked on it without hesitation.


The fog bell rang with a crisp sound.

The melodious and melodious spread spread throughout the entire Hunter Academy, and even resounded deep in the soul of every student, revealing the complex emotions of refugees.

(End of this chapter)

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