The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 558 Lightning-fast marksmanship

Chapter 558 Lightning-fast marksmanship (seeking a monthly ticket)
Walk straight in from the passage on the left, and there is a T-shaped fork in the road about ten meters away. Turn right and less than 10 meters away is the lobby of the living area.

Fonseca and Cuenca are there,
Long Zhan could guess that the enemy leader was not far ahead, but the structure of the passage in front of him was too special, and it could be called one man guarding the gate.

There are many living cabins on the left and right sides of the passage, and enemies can fire outside if they hide inside.

In addition, the main body of the ship is made of steel, and the passageway is only less than one meter wide. Even if you keep throwing grenades into it, it won't have much effect.

under these circumstances.

If Long Zhan and his party forcibly attack inside, not to mention that the enemy can stretch out the gun at any time to strike blindly, and one bullet can penetrate several times.

If you throw two frag grenades, it will be a lot of fun then.

If you want to run, you have no place to run, and you will be taken over by the pot.

"It seems that the road in the living area can't go. We have to change another road, and we have to block this road. We can't go in, and we can't let them out."

Long Zhan came to a quick turn of thought, and soon came up with an alternative plan.

"On the 13th, you guys stay here and hold them back. On the 9th, follow me here."

Long Zhan asked the other 5 people to guard the left cabin door, and ordered No. 9 to follow him into the right passage, and go to the living area from under the cabin.

The main force of the enemy is arranged at the "front door". Although it is a long way to sneak attack from the "back door", it is the only way to resolve it.

As for why he has the "venomous tongue" of No. 9, the reason is very simple. Although this guy has a cheap mouth, his ability is worth mentioning.

Of the 13 remaining students, only No. 9 has had multiple deployment experiences in theaters.

Long Zhan made a detour to steal the enemy's chrysanthemums. The distance is long and the time is short and the risk is high. The better the mentality of the students, the more help he will have.

People like No. 13 who collapsed after being shot, and whose mentality is still a little bit worse, are not suitable for this kind of high-pressure action.

The channel on the right leads to the bilge tank, through which areas such as chain locker, engine, aft peak tank and ballast tank can be reached.

This also makes the passage wider and larger, and the interior space is more complicated.

Long Zhan didn't know if there were any enemies guarding here, even if time was tight, he had to proceed cautiously, holding a gun and using cqb combat mode step by step.

Prevent being shot black.

"Gunshots? Why does it seem... it's inside?"

Long Zhan walked forward and went down another staircase. He didn't meet any enemies along the way. He was wondering why no one was guarding this side, when suddenly a faint gunshot came from the depths of the passage.

The further you go, the louder the gunshots become.

"Who ran ahead of me?"

Long Zhan was sure that the people he brought were all fighting the enemy outside, and no one had entered the bottom cabin, so he couldn't help feeling suspicious.

"Could it be..."

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Long Zhan's mind, and a name popped up in front of his eyes.

"Solemn, it must be him."

The more Long Zhan thought about it, the more likely he felt that the possibility was high. Thinking that Zhuang Yan went deep into the enemy's abdomen alone, he might be in danger, so he couldn't help speeding up his pace.

inside the cabin.

After a few minutes of life-and-death struggle, two corpses were already lying on the ground.

One had a hole in his heart, and the blood gushing from his chest had already flowed all over the floor, while the other was shot in the forehead and lay straight on the ground.

The one who got stabbed in the heart was a drug dealer, and the one who was shot in the forehead was a ponytail bouncer.

Majestic, who had previously fought with the bodyguard by the horse's tail, now hid behind the left rear of the engine and used a pistol to shoot out the enemy outside the cabin door.

There was also a dagger stuck in his left shoulder, the root of which pierced the entire shoulder.

It is not difficult to analyze the current situation. During the battle just now, Zhuang Yan should have grabbed the gun, while the ponytailed bodyguard only grabbed the dagger.

Solemn paid the price of a hard knife, and ended up with the ponytailed bodyguard with one shot.

Then the two bodyguards arranged by Fonseca finally rushed over at this moment, and immediately shot when they saw the situation, forcing Zhuang Yan to the current position and unable to move.

There is no way to get the pirate's rifle on the ground, and there is no way to save Lina who is tied at the other end.

As for the two bodyguards who rushed over at the door, because the position of the hatch was too embarrassing, they would definitely be beaten to death if they forced their way in.

As a last resort, he could only rely on the hatch as a cover, and suppress the solemnity by shooting at each other.

The two sides were temporarily deadlocked.

However, the two bodyguards were not in a hurry at all. They were all experienced bodyguards. After analyzing the scene, they found out that Zhuang Yan snatched a pistol from Will.

Their bodyguards are all equipped with M9, because this gun is prone to clip jamming when the magazine is full for a long time, so only 13 rounds of ammunition are loaded in order not to fail.

A total of two shots have been heard so far, which means that there are only 12 bullets left in Will's gun.

And this cabin is just this one entrance and exit.

The two bodyguards knew very well that as long as they guarded the hatch, the solemnity with limited bullets would not cause any waves, and the two of them would win in the end.

Zhuang Yan didn't expect the bodyguards outside the door to be so cautious in two-on-one, and there was nothing they could do for a while.

Just now, the bodyguard with ponytails almost overturned. Now that he is injured and only has one hand to use, he has to face two tough opponents.

The odds are already extremely low.

In order to prevent the bodyguards outside the door from rushing in, Zhuang Yan had to rush out of the cabin door and shoot "scare".

As the bullets became less and less, the solemn situation became worse and worse, and his mood became more and more irritable. He knew that once the bullets in his gun were fired, they would become meat on the cutting board.

The strong uneasiness turned into a devil, and began to quickly devour the solemn remaining sanity.

Even if he could hear the fierce gunshots outside, guessing that there was a high probability that the rescue force had rushed over, it still couldn't resolve the anxiety in Zhuang Yan's heart.

"The 11th shot, the 12th shot..."

Zhuangyan silently counted the remaining bullets in his mouth, and after firing the 12th bullet, realizing that there was only the last bullet left in the gun, Zhuangyan couldn't hold back any longer.

"It doesn't matter, even if you die, you have to gamble on it. It's better than waiting here to die."

Zhuang Yan's eyes were red and his face was sweaty, staring at the rifle on the ground by the door, determined to take a risk and get the rifle that fell by the hatch.

Even though the gun was less than two meters away from the hatch, if it rushed over, it would definitely be shot by someone outside the door.

You can only bet that you will not be hit in the vital parts. After you get the rifle, you can use the advantage of the rifle to fight for your own troops that have been dragged outside.

But for his own life, and even more for honor, Zhuang Yan could only risk his life to gamble.

"You can do it for sure."

Solemnly took a deep breath and pointed the gun at the hatch.


The last bullet goes out.

The majesty with all its strength was like a spring, and it rushed out from the hiding position almost at the same time as the gunshot, and quickly ran towards the rifle that was eight or nine meters away.

"This damn mouse can't hide at last."

"Asshole, I'm here to send you to heaven."

The two bodyguards at the door were also counting the bullets. After Zhuang Yan fired the shot, they leaned out, just in time to see Zhuang Yan rushing towards him at high speed.

The two proudly raised their pistols at the same time, aiming at the no longer threatening Majesty.

With a grim expression, he pulled the trigger.


Two shots were fired.

The interval is less than 0.2 seconds.

The solemn body that was rushing forward suddenly shook, and shoveled sideways to grab the gun in his hand, and rushed to the door to hide by virtue of inertia.

While pointing the muzzle at the door, he quickly checked where he had been shot.



Zhuang Yan felt all over his body and found that except for the sharp pain in the place where the dagger was stuck on his left shoulder, the other parts were safe and sound.

This made him a little confused.

"Shouldn't be."

"These people have all been professionally trained, and their melee combat abilities are so powerful, and their marksmanship is definitely not bad. It is impossible for them to miss me at such a close distance."

"Did I step on shit luck? Miraculously dodged two bullets?"

When Zhuang Yan was thinking about all kinds of wild guesses, there were two thuds and thuds from outside the cabin door, interrupting his train of thought.

Immediately afterwards, there was a familiar voice that once made him feel disgusted when he heard it, but now it is extremely kind.

"Oh my god, Chief Instructor, you're shooting too fast, it's unbelievable, it's as fast as lightning, and before I could even react, they were killed by you."

(End of this chapter)

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