The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 560 A Man Worth 5000 Billion

Chapter 560 A Man Worth 5000 Billion


A casserole-sized fist suddenly appeared, hitting his left jaw heavily.

Because the power of this punch was too great, and it hit the relatively fragile chin of the head, as a result, the punch had a stiff effect.

Niubi coaxed the confident captain of the bodyguard without any reaction or movement.

It was as if the body had stepped on a high-voltage wire, and it hit the ground straight. After falling to the ground, it was like a piece of wood, and there was no movement at all.

"what happened?"

Seeing this dramatic scene, everyone in the room was stunned.

They didn't see the fist, but only saw the burly and powerful captain of the bodyguard striding towards the door, and then heard a moderate thumping of flesh and blood, and then fell straight to the ground.

"something wrong."

The bodyguard of Cuenka, a middle-aged white man, reacted quickly. Realizing that the captain of the bodyguard might have been attacked, he immediately lifted his clothes and went to take out his pistol.

The other bodyguards also knew that something was wrong, they took out their weapons one after another, and stood in front of Cuenca and Fonseca to protect them.

From the beginning to the end, Kunka stood still, as if everything was under control.

At this time, his face also changed.

No gunshots were heard, and there was no blood on the ground, which could only have been caused by a punch.

The black bodyguard captain is more than 1 meters tall, covered with dark, strong tendons, and weighs at least 85 kilograms. His ability to resist blows is unmatched by ordinary people.

Even if the black bodyguard stood there and was beaten, even a professional boxer couldn't beat him with one punch.

But in fact, he was knocked down with a single punch, and the man who knocked him down was like a ghost, not showing a single corner of his clothes from the beginning to the end.

Even though Kunka was well-informed, he couldn't help but secretly marvel in his heart: "This too terrifying."

The bodyguards present here are also experienced people. Through the sudden death of the captain of the bodyguard, they can also guess that the enemy outside the door is unusual.

Under the premise that they don't know the enemy is in front of them, no one dares to go out rashly.

He could only point his gun at the door nervously.

At this time, they all hoped that there would be a grenade, and it would be settled by throwing it at the door and blowing it up. There was no need to be in such a dilemma like now.

However, the other security guards have already been sent out, and the rest of them are bodyguards.

Personal bodyguards are different from regular security personnel, they are very special.

Their responsibility is to defend, and they will never attack.

In order to ensure that they can move quickly to protect their employers in case of emergencies, they will not carry heavy weapons, let alone dangerous grenades.

Bodyguards need to be physical shields when necessary, and there is a risk of being exploded by bullets with grenades.

Pistols, communication equipment, bulletproof shields (black briefcase camouflage), body armor.

These are basically a full set of personal bodyguards!

Kunka knew that it was not an option to continue this confrontation. Now that the back road was broken, the plan could no longer be successful, so he rolled his eyes and was ready to run.

He winked at the bodyguard on the left. The bodyguard took out his mobile phone and pressed it when he received the signal, and put it back in his pocket again.

"Mr. Fonseca, the mouse outside the door is handed over to you. Hurry up and get rid of it. Be sure to get the hostage. She is the only bargaining chip in our hands. I will take people to kill those guys in the front passage."

Kunka stood up from the sofa, and walked towards the hatch leading to the deck after speaking.

Fonseca knew that Cuenca was going to run away, and wished he could take out his gun and kill the bastard, but he knew he couldn't do that, and he couldn't mess with the Angel Legion.

He could only watch Kunka leave fiercely.

What's more, what Kunka said was indeed true. The situation is very bad now. This group of hunter school students are more powerful than he has encountered before, and they have already controlled the cargo ship in just a few minutes.

If the plan can be implemented normally, Lina is their only "life-saving talisman".


Fonseca did not dare to stop Cuenca from leaving, but it does not mean that others did not dare to do so.

"Ding, bang bang bang bang..."

Kunka stood up and just took a step, when a grenade was thrown in at an oblique angle, hit the door frame, bounced into the hall, and rolled far away on the ground.

Seeing this round thing on the ground, everyone in the hall changed expression.

Especially Fonseca, his face turned pale.

Because the grenade was so deadly, it just rolled in the direction where he was.

The bodyguards went to protect their masters one after another, some set up tables to block in front of them, some rushed over and used their bodies as human bulletproof panels.


Not shock bombs, but defensive hand bombs.

Hundreds of small steel balls propelled by the kinetic energy of the explosion spread to the entire hall like celestial maidens, and there were endless screams in the hall for a while.

"GO! GO! GO!"

The two bodyguards of Cuenca are extraordinary at first glance. They are definitely veterans of actual combat special forces. They skillfully use the tables and chairs in the house to protect the vital points.

He actually supported the steel balls in his hands and feet, resisting the dizziness caused by the sound of the explosion.

Immediately after the explosion, he took Cuenca and ran out the front door.

But what is intriguing is that the three of Cuenca and his party did not go to the passage leading to the deck, but went to the "dead end" on the left leading to the bathroom.

Kunka fled with his people, and the combat power in the hall was suddenly reduced by half.

Although Fonseca's bodyguards are also very professional, they are all trained professional bodyguards, but they are several grades lower than Cuenca's bodyguards.

the gap between the two.

It is equivalent to special forces and ordinary soldiers, with a huge gap in between.

In this wave of explosions, the only three bodyguards who used their bodies to protect Fonseca disappeared, and their entire backs were bloody.

The other left half was hit by more than a dozen steel balls, and he screamed on the ground in pain.

Only the last bodyguard left was okay, and was not hit by the steel ball.

But after all, he is just an ordinary bodyguard. Although he has received professional training related to security, he has not received professional "adaptive tolerance training" after all.

The resistance to explosions and shock bombs is far inferior to that of specially trained special forces.

Cuenca's two bodyguards could handle it, but Fonseca's bodyguard couldn't.

Just when he was still dizzy, deaf, and tinnitus from the bombing, his brain stem was unbalanced, and he was staggering when he walked, and he couldn't find the south, east, north, and west.

With his head almost hitting the top of the door frame, Long Zhan, who cast a large shadow from the light, appeared by the door with a gun.

It's like the devil is coming.

Instead of rushing into the house immediately, he took a safer and more violent way, which is also a way to fully demonstrate his "reckless style".

Facing the stunned people in the hall, it was an indiscriminate shooting and massacre.

"Da da da da..."

Flame and smoke fly together, bullets dance with blood.

The 30-round magazine was all empty.

The two bodyguards, together with the four crew members who had been staying here without any right to speak, were all shot dead on the spot by Long Zhan's facial expression.

Everyone in the hall was smashed, and normal people would start rushing in to finish it off.

However, there is still no dragon battle.

Long Zhan took out another shock bomb and threw it into the already devastated hall, as if the grenade cost nothing.

Then retreat to the hatch and wait for the shock bomb to explode, and replace the magazine with a full one by the way.


The ear-piercing high-decibel explosion sound, followed by the powerful lumen flash that can blind the eyes.

The screams in the hall also disappeared, and finally completely quieted down.

Like a midnight cemetery.

After ensuring that there was absolutely no threat in the hall, the dragon battle was carried out with extreme caution, and then he entered the hall full of gunpowder with a gun.

The light bulb was blown off and suspended in the air, emitting flickering lights, which did not affect Long Zhan's actions.

The gun that fell on the ground unloaded the magazine, threw it in two directions separately, checked one by one to confirm the identity of the enemy, and then repaired the gun at the vital point,
CQB's safety procedures are smooth and smooth.

"I found you and pretended to be dead?"

Long Zhan walked around the room, and finally found Fonseca, whose legs were dripping with blood and whose upper body was also stained with blood, under the corpse of a bodyguard.

Ordinary people could really be fooled by him, but it wouldn't work here in Long Zhan.

For Wuhu, who has seen tens of thousands of dead people and killed thousands of people with his own hands, no matter how good the fake death disguise is, it is just poor acting in front of him.

There is nothing else to do but lie to yourself.

Seeing that he was found out for pretending to be dead, Fonseca did not continue to pretend, for fear of being supplemented by Long Zhan.

Hastily begging for mercy: "Let me go, I'll give you money, I have a lot of money, I'll give you as much as you want, as long as you let me go."


As soon as Long Zhan heard that there was money to give, Long Zhan suddenly got excited, and quickly asked: "Do you have it with you? Is it a card? If you have it, I can spare your life."

"I don't have it on me. As long as you protect me and leave, I will give you a lot of money, 1000 million, no, 2000 million, even 5000 million. With this money, it will be enough for you to spend the rest of your life in style."

Fonseca was still a little talkative, and he made one set of seductive words.

It was also very smart to choose to give the money later, to avoid giving money to Long Zhan and not doing anything, put the money in his pocket, and then handed him over to the Hunter School.

"You don't have the money? Then what a fart you are."

Long Zhan staged a wave of face-changing in Sichuan opera, aiming his gun at Fonseca's head.

Seeing the indifference in Long Zhan's eyes, Fonseca saw what kind of ruthless character Long Zhan was, and realized that he was bound to die.

Before he died, there was also a wave of ferocity, and he laughed and said mockingly: "You will not be happy if I die, you ruined the good thing of the Angel Legion, they will not let you go, you..."


Long Zhan was too lazy to listen to his nonsense, he pulled the trigger, and half of his head was knocked out.

As a man who dreamed of being worth 5000 billion yuan, he was "reborn" if he was popular and hot.

Let’s not talk about whether we can achieve it, let’s start with the dream first.

5000 million US dollars is indeed very tempting, but compared to privately releasing mission goals and ruining one's reputation, this amount of money is not worth mentioning at all.

If Feng Saika got stuck on his body, Long Zhan wouldn't mind chatting with him again.

It's a pity that he doesn't have anything on him, so there's nothing to talk about.

And Fonseca never dreamed that his kidnapping for the Hunter Academy would provoke such a living Hades.

In the end, the hundreds of millions of net worth were not spent, and he was killed on a broken ship.

"Angel Legion? Could it be those few?"

Long Zhan recalled what Fonseca said before he died, and smiled without putting it on his body, but it reminded him that there were still people who ran away.

So he replaced it with a new magazine, and fumbled out through the front hatch vigilantly.


Just as Long Zhan came out of the hatch, he suddenly heard a loud noise.

The explosion was so powerful that the huge cargo ship was shaken. Long Zhan could clearly feel the shaking of the ship under his feet.

"This direction..."

Long Zhan felt that the direction of the explosion was not right, so he didn't care about what happened, so he accelerated his pace and followed the direction of the explosion.


Taking a turn forward and turning to the left, Long Zhan couldn't help but use the C language.

I saw that at the end of the passage that was originally a dead end, someone used explosives to force a hole in the hull of the ship. Through this hole, you can see the endless ocean outside.

This way of escaping is really unique, completely unexpected by Long Zhan.

Realizing that someone had slipped away from the gap, Long Zhan didn't care about outflanking the enemies still blocking the passage, and rushed towards the big gap that exploded.

Halfway through the run, Long Zhan heard the sound of the speedboat engine starting.

"MD, did you really let him run away?"

Long Zhan got a little anxious, and speeded up again, ready to go to the gap to sweep up the speedboat.

But as soon as Long Zhan took two steps faster, he found a black ball flew in from the outside, fell on the deck with a bang and rolled forward.


Long Zhan was shocked.

What this thing is, he knows even when it turns into ashes.

He didn't care to run towards the gap, so he braked sharply to make a turn, then dived sideways, smashed open the hatch next to him and hid in.


The bulkhead that was shaken by the explosion shook, and everything hanging on the wall fell off.

"MD, this gang is ruthless enough."

The explosion distance of the grenade is too close, and people will be blown up if it is slower than 0.5 seconds, causing even the dragon warrior who has received adaptive tolerance training to be dizzy by the explosion.

When Long Zhan staggered out and came back to the gap.

The speedboat that came to pick him up dragged the waves and ran 300 meters away, and then disappeared from Long Zhan's field of vision after a sharp turn.

Even if Long Zhan wanted to shoot, it was useless to use the mobile handle with confidence.

"Fack, you run really fast. Such a professional retreat method is so crisp and neat. At first glance, they are not ordinary people. Could it be that they are the Angel Legion that Fonseca said? This strength seems to be really extraordinary."

Long Zhan didn't pay much attention to it before, but seeing their escape in such a smooth manner, his brows could not help but frown.

(End of this chapter)

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