The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 57 The most mismatched pair of "swimming partners" in history

Chapter 57 The most mismatched pair of "swimming partners" in history

The three-day period of "Public Expenses" has ended, and everything will return to before the action.

The action team that traveled across the ocean to complete the mission crossed the entire Atlantic again and returned to the DG headquarters in Beach City, Florida.

Everyone in team B, including Mandy's intelligence team, dispersed after getting off the plane.

Jason was in a hurry and couldn't bear the frightened days, and his wife, who was arguing to either divorce or let Jason retire from the army, went to her daughter's high school activities together, trying to restore the family that was falling apart.

Ray rushed home immediately, hugging his pregnant wife who was about to give birth.

Derek, the second person in charge of team A, met Quan Metal, the captain of the first person in charge, and took his wife to his house for a daily family gathering to celebrate their safe return home again.

No matter how good the outside world is, it cannot match the warmth of home. This sentence is perfectly interpreted here.

When you have a wife and children, rush home as soon as possible. The wife and children are hot on the kang, and the family is warm and warm, so happy.

Bachelors and childless men have their ways too.

Sonny warmly invited Long Zhan, Trent, Bullock and others to go to the newly opened restaurant on 64th Street and enjoy his favorite spicy chicken together.

In the evening, go to the bar next door on the same street and taste the newly arrived brandy.

The others had nothing important to do and happily accepted Sonny's invitation, except that Long Zhan couldn't go to Xiaosha together.

There is no other reason.

As a rookie who is still training in the green team, Long Zhan is not as free as these old DG fritters.

If Long Zhan wants to enjoy the same relaxed life, he must survive the next 6 months of training until he has his own exclusive storage cage on the third floor of the headquarters.

Clay and Long Zhan, who returned to the base by car from the airport, came to the green team office area on the first floor of the headquarters to report back to the team, and a new round of training cycle began again.

Compared with the second stage, the third stage of training is more difficult and more professional.

The physical training time was compressed again, and only one class was held in the morning every day, and the rest of the time was devoted to teaching various special operations theories.

Instead of physical training time for exercising the body, improve the brains of newcomers.

CQB, the core of anti-terrorist special operations, has become the main training subject of the third stage. Because of the importance of CQB to special operations, the third stage lasts for three months unprecedentedly.

Long Zhan had heard such a rumor when he was still in SEAL Team [-].

If you can pass the indoor melee training of the green team and not be eliminated within these three months, it means that you have already stepped into the special development team.

Although this rumor has not been confirmed exactly, it is enough to illustrate the importance of cqb training.

In order to ensure the quality of indoor combat training, Adam, the special training instructor of the green team, also painstakingly made many deliberate adjustments.

For example, the swimming partner mechanism was officially launched, and teams of two were formed into groups for training to cultivate a tacit understanding of each other's actions.

Regardless of whether it is the SEALs or the DG, no matter whether 4 or 8 people are dispatched for each operation, the basis for their combat coordination is the two-man model.

From cooperating to break the goal to handing over firepower, etc., it is based on the cooperation of two people.

Then extend to the team.

Let the newcomers become swimming partners in advance, help each other during the three-month training, and cooperate with each other in indoor combat, which is enough to correct many bad habits and benefit future team combat.

For example, a "too aggressive" lone wolf like Clay will inevitably feel very uncomfortable at this stage.

If there is no way to correct his own bad habits during these three months, then it will be impossible for him to pass the team selection.

There is only one result to welcome Clay, and that is to be ruthlessly eliminated.

Since Long Zhan and Clay participated in the B team's operation, it took a total of 6 days before and after, and the green team has already started the third phase of training during this period.

Therefore, Long Zhan and Clay don't have to choose at all, they can only and must form "swimming partners".

Neither Long Zhan nor Clay were very satisfied with this.

Clay felt that Long Zhan was too strong. After participating in the actual combat operation of Team B, he had no hope of surpassing Long Zhan.

Forming a team with such a strong rookie will only reduce him to a foil.

Clay is a very ambitious person, he is eager to get the opportunity to show himself, instead of becoming an "unknown person" under the halo of someone stronger.

Even if he just needs to lie down and hug his thigh, he is very repulsive.

As for Long Zhan, whose personal combat ability is already very high, and the entire green team is almost running sideways, what he needs is a "perfect support".

Brian, who has a strong sense of team, is willing to give up his own interests to help others in the usual training, and is willing to contribute to the team. This is the most wanted swimming partner for Long Zhan.

On the other hand, Clay is too competitive, obviously not a good match for him.

This is like two professional shooters forming the bottom lane. Both of them need to replenish soldiers and eat money, and both have a heart of Carry.

If there is no way to coordinate well later, this next road will collapse.

However, it was too late for the two of them to go out to carry out the mission and come back too late. The other 24 people have already "paired and paired" and have been training for nearly a week.

It is impossible to break up the other two teams by engaging in privileges for the returning Long Zhan and Clay.


No matter how unwilling Long Zhan and Clay were, they could only accept the arrangement of instructor Adam and form swimming partners to start the third stage of training.

As for whether the two will give in to each other in the future, or one person will completely suppress the other, allowing this most mismatched swimming partner combination in history to successfully complete the next three months.

Still, the two couldn't cooperate at all, which led to a mess in the training results in the third stage.

The answer no one can predict!

(End of this chapter)

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