The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 588 The hunters are crazy! ! !

Chapter 588 The hunters are crazy! ! ! (seeking a monthly ticket)
The second method is more embarrassing but more practical, and primitive man hunting has appeared in ancient times.

That is to change from individual hunting on its own to coordinated team hunting, where two or more hunters form a group to hunt.

One hero and two gangs, two fists are no match for four hands.

These are the benefits of the team!
If the hunters only improved one of them, Long Zhan was actually not very worried.

Long Zhan now has a set of throwing knives on his body, although he is probably not as handsome as Charlie when he swings them. After all, Charlie has been specially trained to play throwing knives.

But as long as he cleverly uses the terrain in the battle, relying on his own rich combat experience accumulated over the years.

Long Zhan believes that even if he faces a hunter with a gun, even if he only has a few throwing knives in his hand, there are many ways to win.

If hunters still use their favorite, the best hunting sense of melee combat hunting, they will just upgrade from single-handed combat to team combat.

Long Zhan became more confident.

In terms of hand-to-hand combat, Long Zhan wasn't just bragging. Even if Tyson came, he wouldn't be afraid. The combination of a few hunters wouldn't pose a big threat at all.

Long Zhan believes that as long as he is not careless, he can fight three or five hunters at the same time.

There is only one situation that Long Zhan is worried about.

That is, hunters not only united to fight, changed from single-person hunting to team hunting, but also upgraded all personal weapons to firearms.

A group of hunters with guns, and a group of hunters with knives.

The two are not a concept at all.

The gun is a very special thing. Before it, all living beings are equal, and if it hits a vital point, it will kill it with one shot. No one's body can be stronger.

Give an ordinary person a rifle, as long as he can aim and shoot, he can easily kill a special soldier in a sneak attack.

Even in the case of a frontal battle, the strength of the special forces can beat this ordinary person.

An ordinary person who owns a gun can improve his strength so much. A "professional hunter" who has received professional training and is very familiar with guns, when he owns a weapon.

And it's a group of hunters!
Long Zhan didn't think he was capable enough to continue to kill the hunters as easily as he is now under the siege of a group of hunters with guns, and retreat unharmed.

Perhaps it is in accordance with Murphy's Law——

The more you fear the more things will happen!
The situation that Long Zhan was most worried about happened at this time.


Fifteen minutes had passed since the accurate report, and no hunter appeared in front of Long Zhan, but Long Zhan's cell phone rang.

Long Zhan picked up the phone and looked at it, and found that the contact person displayed on it was Dodge.

This is the only contact in the phone's address book.

The moment Long Zhan saw the phone, the eyelid of his left eye kept jumping up, thinking about the jumping of his left eye, his heart sank.

"Mr. Dodge, you are calling at this time. I hope you are here to tell me the good news."

"There's good news and there's bad news."

Dodge's voice was also very low, and he said with a bit of concern: "The good news is that there is currently no hunter within 200 meters of you, and you are safe for the time being.

The bad news is..."

Dodge paused when he said this, and said in a serious tone: "According to the coordinates on my side, seven of the remaining nine hunters have gathered together, and it seems that they are preparing to switch to hunting.

In the last 20 hunting games I have organized, this kind of enclosure has only happened twice, and both of them have only been in teams of two or three.

Like this large-scale hunt with a team of seven, two of them are also top-ranked hunters.

Not to mention the last 20 hunting games, even if you look at all the records of the entire hunting game, it has never happened.

Hunters are a group of arrogant, arrogant guys, they hate team hunting.

You can force them to break the arrogance in their hearts and hunt in the way they least like, which is enough to prove that your strength has made them afraid.

Although I really want to congratulate you at this moment, you have conquered them with your strength.

But I still have to remind you that group hunting is very dangerous for you, and it is completely different from the previous hunting alone.

I am very optimistic about your strength, and I hope you can pass the level and take the full bonus from me, so I called to remind you.

I also put all bets on you, don't let me down. "

The concern in Dodge's tone is not pretending, he really hopes that Long Zhan can pass the level, because in this way he can make a lot of money.

"Looks like I guessed right."

Long Zhan felt nervous when he heard the news, but I didn't want to make him nervous, so he asked: "Aside from gathering together, is there any other situation for the hunters? For example, changing hunting weapons."

"Hmm... I'll check."

Dodge replied to Long Zhan, and then there was no sound. He should be looking for his subordinates to investigate the data.

It took about half a minute to reply: "I tell you a very bad news, according to the information just received by the people below me.

Some of the hunters contacted an arms dealer in Detroit, most likely to purchase weapons to deal with you.

We do not provide hunters with weapons, nor will they restrict the use of weapons by hunters. Maybe it will not take long before you will be hunted down by a group of hunters with guns.

This is very bad for you, all I can say is, God bless you, so be it, come on. "

After Dodge finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Not only did the hunters form a record-breaking multiplayer team, but they also decided to all switch from melee to ranged, using firearms for this hunt.

It is equivalent to not only losing face, but also giving up the idea that proud hunters never form a team.

They also abandoned their favorite and favorite close-up hunting in hunting games, and changed to long-range hunting, which they used to say was the most boring.

In order to kill Long Zhan, the hunters abandoned so many perseverance and principles, which shows their determination to hunt.

under these circumstances.

Dodge is no longer optimistic about Long Zhan. Even if the melee strength demonstrated by Long Zhan has crushed all hunters, he doesn't think Long Zhan can still survive.

With a group of hunters chasing and intercepting him with guns, Dodge thought that Long Zhan would not survive an hour at all.

The hunters are now holding meetings together, discussing hunting plans, and waiting for the weapons to be in place. This is the last time of Long Zhan in this world.

Although Dodge is very regretful, he was not able to witness the emergence of the record breaking.

But as the coordinator of the planning game, he has no way to change any of the rules of the game. All he can do is hold regrets and notify Joelsen to "collect the body" when the time comes.

"The worst scenario still happened, but it's not that easy to hunt and kill Lao Tzu."

Long Zhan put the phone in his pocket, bloody madness burst out from his eyes, got up from the sofa, and strode towards the door.

Now that the hunters are going all out to prepare for the last fight, Long Zhan is not going to just wait to die like this.

He had to use his dragon fighting method to let this group of hunters who had too much money and no place to spend to seek excitement know that the prey they wanted to kill was not something they could kill.

The small space in the hotel is not a good place for a big battle. He needs to find a good enough terrain to have a hearty battle with this group of hunters.

Just when Long Zhan was two meters away from the door...


The doorbell, which was locked after being destroyed, suddenly rang without warning.

(End of this chapter)

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