The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 596 Reversing yin and yang, money is so awesome

Chapter 596 Reversing yin and yang, money is so awesome (seeking monthly ticket)

The essence of a hunting game is a game, followed by the main featured real prey.

The most important core and the most indispensable element in the game is the player, and the game must have the participation of the player before it can be called a game.

In order to attract players to come in and play, in addition to the design of the game itself being attractive enough, it is also necessary to provide players with sufficient guarantees and benefits.

The reason why a certain Shuihan, which was so popular back then, rotted is that it didn't pay enough attention to players.

This is even more important in a real-life hunting game.

After all, players participated in this real-life hunt. Although they enjoyed the excitement and excitement of hunting and being counter-killed, they didn't really want to die in the game.

Being able to devote oneself to the game while having a hole card that can save one's own life can make the hunters more relaxed.

I am more involved in the game, and I like this hunting game more, joining in once or twice.

Simple to describe.

It’s just that the stimulation is dead, and I’m talking very exciting, but it’s not really dead.

The Taino Foundation organized the creation of hunting games. In order to allow players who have paid a lot of "ticket fees" to come in, they can let go of everything and enjoy the game, and specially provide each player with a privileged opportunity.

Privileges are not specific in a certain aspect, but a broad conceptual guarantee.

Every hunter has the right to apply for the privilege of ignoring the rules for a small "small fee" according to his own personal needs during the game.

As long as the Tylenol Foundation can do it, it must do everything possible to fulfill it.

Including the aforementioned "makeover" to help, let the Taino Foundation provide additional services, even when the hunter falls into the hands of the prey, let the prey let the hunter go, and so on.

Those hunters killed by Long Zhan along the way, they could have applied to avoid death.

However, Long Zhan's strikes were too fast and decisive, unlike ordinary people fighting for a long time, it was basically over in one or two strokes.

Long Zhan made a move.

Either dead or seriously injured.

Those hunters who were killed by Long Zhan never had the opportunity to take out their mobile phones to dial Tong Qi, and this privilege has never been used.

The hunters trapped in the unfinished building today are different.

Although they are in deep crisis, they still have time to make calls.

On behalf of the five hunters, Yuga called the coordinator Dodge.

"Dodge, I'm Yuga. I know you've been following us. You should be able to see that we're in big trouble now and need your help."

Yuga got straight to the point and didn't talk nonsense.

"You mean... want to enable privileges?"

Dodge was sitting in his spacious office, the red wine glass in his right hand was shaking gently, and the whole state looked very relaxed.

The hunting group was besieged and was about to be wiped out, he didn't seem to care at all.

This is his current state.

If the camera turned to 3 minutes ago, Dodge would not be so at ease. At that time, his face was anxious, as if he was surrounded by gangsters.

The reason is still the same as before, the prey must not die in the hands of the mafia, otherwise his end will be miserable.

It wasn't until he saw the red mark representing the prey and followed Trive out of the unfinished building that Dodge's throat was relieved.

While greatly admiring Long Zhan for doing a good job, he also regained his confidence in Long Zhan.

In order to celebrate this wonderful moment, Dodge couldn't help but return to the office with ecstasy, opened a bottle of red wine and tasted it leisurely.

From the face-changing general reversal of this Sichuan opera, you can see Dodge's thoughts safely.

Whether it is the death of the hunter or the prey, Dodge doesn't care at all. The only thing he cares about is that the game runs within the rules, and he can get his share of the "commission".

As long as the game ends according to the rules, nothing will affect the Dodgers.

Even if he knew that the five hunters were besieged by the Mafia, if no outsiders provided them with help, their ending would be miserable, and Dodge did not take the initiative to intervene.

Because it didn't matter to Dodge whether they were killed by the Mafia or taken away by the Detroit police.

It will not affect the Tylenol Foundation.

Dodge replied very coldly, Yuga was very angry but had no choice but to suppress his old anger and said: "Yes, all five of us have to activate privileges, I need you to find a way to rescue us."

"Okay, no problem, before we start, I need to confirm, the privilege service fee..."

"Damn it, get out and do it quickly. Are you afraid that I won't be able to afford the 200 million service fee?" Yujia interrupted, snarling anxiously and furiously.

"Mr. Yuga, please remain calm. Please believe in our ability to handle matters. Before opening the privilege, I need to confirm again according to the procedure. Since you have agreed, then I will help you deal with it. Please hold on for a while."

After Dodge finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"How? What did the old bastard say?" Morris asked anxiously on the radio.

"The old bastard who is a son of a bitch only cares about money. He told us to wait here. He went to help us deal with it. He didn't give a clear answer for the time being. I hope he can get rid of this group of **** mafia lunatics."

This is already the last way to survive, and Yuga can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Seeing a large number of mafia pouring into the second floor and continuing to attack the third floor, Yuga had to move from the third floor to the fourth floor.

Dodge's efficiency is indeed very good, and it can be said to be the "superpower" of money.

Less than 3 minutes.

Yuga, who was close to running out of ammunition and food and couldn't hold on to the fourth floor, could only be forced to move to the fifth floor again. His cell phone finally rang.

Seeing that it was Dodge on the caller ID, Yuga quickly took out his mobile phone and pressed the connect button.

"Damn it, why did it take so long? If you don't call and settle this matter, you can only collect the body for us."

Yujia's constantly shaking fingers are the true expression of his emotions at the moment.

Nervous, scared, apprehensive...

Who is not afraid of death!

"Mr. Yujia, don't worry, after our efforts to communicate, the misunderstanding has been resolved, and things have finally turned around.

The goal of the management of the consortium is only revenge, and they agreed to let you go. However, in the course of the battle just now, you killed and injured many people in the mafia. They asked you to pay compensation, otherwise they would kill you as well. "

Dodge's words were still calm, but Yuga was furious after hearing it.

"Compensation? Go to tmd, I heard it right, these bastards suddenly attacked us, we were forced to fight back in self-defense, and they asked us to compensate them?"

Dodge kept the phone away from his ears and waited for Yuga to finish his heart-piercing rant before taking it back.

He said calmly: "Mr. Yuga, I need to remind you that this is your only chance, if you don't agree, they won't stop.

Oh, by the way, let me tell you another bad news. The police in Detroit are all on your side now, and you can no longer get back unscathed.

However, if you can be quicker, I can help you think of a way, maybe you can save money and avoid disaster.

You can earn money if you lose money, but you only have one life. You should figure it out for yourself. Whether you want money or life, call me when you think it through. "


The phone hangs up.

"Shet, Falk, get out..."

Yujia looked at the phone that had been hung up, cursed angrily, raised his hand angrily, and was about to smash the phone to vent his anger.

But after holding it up for a few seconds, I finally had to face reality.

Switch to the most concise way through the radio, and tell the other four hunters the result of communicating with Dodge.

Four people including Morris and Rebecca learned that they were inexplicably besieged and beaten by the mafia, and as a result, as victims, they had to pay the perpetrators money.

The reaction was all the same as that of Yuga.

All the swear words that can be spoken in English can be heard here.

After venting, return to reality.

Seeing that the ammunition was almost empty, in order to leave here alive, the five hunters could only accept the reality no matter how unwilling they were.

"MD, that's the only way to go, give them money, and let's go through this first."

"I agree, even though it makes me uncomfortable."

"Thinking about it, they don't need much money. It's okay to give tens of millions. This money is not much to me. I just hope that the old man won't kill me afterwards."

"Yuga, hurry up and call, we really don't have much time."

Four people, including Rebecca and Morris, expressed their opinions one after another. They still recommended Yuga to represent the hunting group and called the coordinator Dodge.

"We agreed to their request, whether it was 50 yuan or 100 million yuan, we agreed."


Dodge laughed when he heard Yuga's words.

Just when Yuga was annoyed at what Dodge was laughing at, Dodge burst out with a number.

"What? Five million a person?"

Hearing this exaggerated amount of compensation, Yuga felt his head buzzing.

500 million was paid to the Mafia, and 200 million was added to the privilege service fee, and 700 million was paid out at once. This is not a small number.

Even hunter players participating in hunting games are worth at least tens of millions of dollars.

But this is worth, not cash.

When Yujia heard this number, not only did his flesh ache, but even his own balls ached, and the other 4 hunters did the same, and they breathed out their mouths again.

oh no,

Rebecca has no balls, she can only feel pain.

Although the name Fang Shizi opened his mouth and made it clear that he wanted to take the opportunity to kill him, but for their own lives, Yujia and others had to agree.

Dodge received the reply of "gritting his teeth" from the hunters, and the smile on his face became more and more powerful.

Thinking that he could take the opportunity to make a lot of money, Dodge immediately dialed the phone as quickly as possible, and sent his men down to take care of various "key points".

He himself dialed the boss of the consortium himself, and then communicated with Carone's phone again.

Money clears the way, immediate results.

The Mafia stopped continuing to attack the Hunters, and reserved a very humane space for Yuga and others to contact the financial personnel to transfer money.

This scene at this moment once again perfectly demonstrated the charm of money.

As long as you have money, you can do anything.

What cannot be done with money is not because the money is useless, but because it is not given.

This is the law of money!

In addition to the inviolable laws of nature, even cancer can be cured now, but only 300 million injections, clearly only serving the rich.

Even if it is called love that money can't buy, it perfectly conforms to this law.

You say it's nonsense?
Can love not be tainted by money?
Don't be funny.

Everything a woman likes can be done with money.

Women like handsome guys?

You can spend money to hire the best plastic surgery doctor, who can easily make you into a handsome face.

Women like romance?

As long as there is enough money, what romance can't be done?I have no money and can’t even afford roses. After getting married, I’m tired of eating rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea all day long. Still want to be romantic?
Women like literary talents?

Simple, as long as you donate enough money, you can get into Harvard University if you want.

Women like to be gentle and understand her?

Give her the "Kazlan Big Diamond Ring" today, the "Donkey brand new big bag" tomorrow, and take her on a yacht around the world the day after tomorrow. You are the Prince Charming who knows her best.

With the continuous development of the times, the gap between the rich and the poor is getting wider and wider, and the power of money will not become smaller, but will only become bigger and bigger.

of course.

It is not ruled out that there are still clear streams in this world,

It's just that the probability is too small. In this era where monks all run companies and drive luxury cars, one or two Qingliu can't shake the wheels of the mainstream.

All the police in Detroit are running here, and the remaining time is very precious.

For the 2000 million US dollars, the Detroit Consortium ignored more than 20 members who were killed and injured, and gave the transfer time very considerately.

They seem to have forgotten that they mobilized people to come here under the banner of avenging their dead brothers.

The five members of Yuga and his party quickly notified the private finance, and transferred 5 million US dollars to the account provided by Dodge, and Dodge then started his "micro-management".

First, Yu Jia and other five people were notified to take off all the weapons and equipment on their bodies and wipe off the fingerprints on them.

Then throw it down from the 3rd floor, let the mafia members below take it away, and let them unify their caliber. They just came here to play at night, but they were attacked by gangsters and had to hide in the building.

Finally, inform Yuga and his party to wait for the police to come, and cooperate with the police while keeping silent.

That is...

Just do what you want, without saying a word.

Dodge has arranged for the top lawyers to rush to the Detroit Police Department as soon as possible to release the five of them safe and sound on bail.

The mafia has money to pave the way, and it turns an enemy into a friend in just a short moment.

Start to cooperate with Yuga 5 people.

The Mafia who picked up the weapons and equipment of Yuga and others began to retreat in an organized way with others, leaving only a small part to continue acting here.

By the way, find the "bastard" who didn't pay the money, and complete their purpose of coming here.


The bastard the mafia wanted to kill had already left this unfinished building, and it was destined that they would not even find a single hair.

When everything was done in the unfinished building, dozens of police cars whining all the way "arrived long overdue".

(End of this chapter)

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