The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 60 CQB Tactics, Area Sweep

Chapter 60 CQB Tactics, Area Cleanup

the next day.

Long Zhan has officially joined the third stage of training. In the morning indoor military class, no one came to teach him the same content as other newcomers.

The excellence shown in the B-team action didn't do him any favors.

Long Zhan still needs to find a way to make up for the nearly one week of training sessions that he missed. If he can't keep up with the training rhythm in time, he will have to bear the consequences himself.

Whether it's elimination or something else.

Clay and Long Zhan are treated the same, and he needs to find a way to make up for the missed subjects.

This might sound a bit unfair, but this is the green team known as the devil training camp, and it is impossible for everyone to enjoy privileges.

No matter how great your achievements are, you are still just a rookie before you "graduate".

Fortunately, the training content starting from the third stage is all based on the SEALs, and the basic core has not changed.

In addition, both of them belong to the brains that are relatively easy to use, especially Long Zhan's brain ability is far beyond ordinary people.

With three to five days of spare time outside of training, you can basically make up for the course without affecting the progress of the next training.

After the daily lunch break at noon, the new members of the green team gathered in the killing room and started the afternoon CQB training.

"The first group, Clay and Long, mission objective: clean up the area."

Clay and Long Zhan, who were lagging behind in training, were the first to be called in by the special warfare instructor Yadan.

CQB is a compulsory basic subject for special operations. Since Long Zhan and Clay joined the Navy SEALs, they have conducted hundreds of hours of actual combat and training, and they are already familiar with the rules.

Even without any instructors coming to guide them, the two skillfully took their simulated training equipment and entered the training ground built with sleepers.

The CQB mode and tactical methods of the Green Team are actually not much different from the SEALs.

The biggest difference between the two mainly lies in the various false targets that appear in the training, or the role of the training partner played by the instructor.

The former will be more ferocious than the latter, and will also be more clever and cunning.

This increase in the rigid difficulty index in training is directly related to the fact that the enemies DG has to face are more difficult to deal with.

Both Long Zhan and Clay have felt the "sinister" of the green team, and guess that the CQB training of the green team will definitely not be easy.

In addition, today is the first time for the two to train, and it is also the first time to step into this simulated training field, and they are very unfamiliar with the environment in this field.

Neither of them dared to be careless, before tightening their vigilance.

Long Zhan was the one who walked in the front. He found that before officially entering the training ground, he needed to walk along the corridor and pass through a closed door.

The door is made of plywood, and there is no door handle on it, just various potholes.

It looked dilapidated.

For the burly guys who participated in the training of the green team, this door has persisted for a week without being torn into dozens of pieces, which is obviously enough for it to be gentle.

If it was replaced by Long Zhan for door-breaking training, it is estimated that the door and the door frame would be sent flying with one kick.

Since the CQB task this time is to clean up the area, it is usually used by one's own people after occupation on the battlefield, or the space is vacated for other uses.

So don't do too much damage.

Long Zhan did not break into the door violently, but took the method of touching.

Quietly approaching the side of the door, pressing the hand with tactical gloves on the door and pushing gently, the door made of plywood opened.

Long Zhan didn't rush in immediately, but hid by the door for a while to observe.

The information that can be seen is very little, but it is very intuitive.

Behind the door is a very long corridor, the walls on both sides are made of discarded sleepers, and can support live ammunition for training if necessary.

After making sure that there were no dangerous targets in the corridor, Long Zhan walked in with a gun.

It is still his iconic gun-holding action to maximize his field of vision, and at the same time the muzzle makes an arc search to ensure absolute control of the front field of vision.

Long Zhan didn't turn his head to look behind him, he heard Clay's footsteps through the headphones.

Know that he has followed.

Although handing over the back to the lone wolf Clay, Long Zhan felt that it was not very reliable.

But the two are now swimming partners.He can only choose to believe in Clay, and believe that Clay will finally get rid of his problems and grow up like in the TV series.

The two walked less than two meters one after the other, and came to the first room on the left side of the corridor.

For some training purpose, the door of this room was not closed. Long Zhan easily obtained the situation in the room through the field of view of the corner card.

The house is square and square, without any decorations, and it is empty inside.

"What the hell is this?"

Long Zhan couldn't understand the layout of the house. He thought there was some kind of mystery hidden inside, so he walked in to investigate without believing in evil.

It turned out to be an empty house indeed, and that's how it was laid out.

"It turned out that I was too nervous to do it for a long time. I demonized the CQB training of the green team. In the end, I scared myself. The training period lasted for three months. How could it be possible to be a big dish at the beginning."

Long Zhan secretly complained about his nervousness, lowered his gun and walked out of the house.


Long Zhan yelled a tactical command, relaxed his tense nerves, and continued to move forward in a more relaxed state.

But as soon as he relaxed, an accident occurred.

As soon as I went out and walked less than two meters forward, a mob target suddenly protruded from the room on the right side of the corridor, holding an automatic rifle in his hand.

The distance between the two sides was less than four meters, so Long Zhan didn't need to aim at all.

"Choo Choo Choo."

Quickly mobilized the muzzle, pulled the flight three times in a row, and killed the mob on the spot.

Then he kept vigilant and approached step by step. When he got close to a distance of one meter, he fired another shot at the target's corpse. Then he lowered the gun and shouted: "Clear!"

Clay, who was following Long Zhan, had already rushed into the house at this time.

Long Zhan finished shooting at the corpse, and Clay also eliminated a mob target in the room, and also shouted the tactical command: "Clear the target, be safe!"

The overall quality of both of them is excellent, and they easily solved the first emergency.

The initial cooperation is not bad.

With a good start to cooperation, Long Zhan and Clay continued to move forward in cooperation.

"Choo Choo Choo……"

With the sound of silenced gunshots, one after another, the eggs hit the target, and one after another, the camouflaged imaginary enemy targets rushed out from every corner and fell to the ground.

Long Zhan and Clay alternated vigilance and counting, and smoothly advanced from the entrance to the last room.



PS: Congratulations to our country on its 72nd birthday. On this day of national celebration, Xiaobing wishes all book friends and brothers a happy holiday.

There is one thing you have to say, it is a bit of a last resort to be true.

This book has also reached the most important month. October will determine how far this book can go, because it is related to a series of recommended resources.

Many monthly tickets, recommended tickets, and follow-up reading are hard indicators for editors to evaluate a book.

Xiaobing hopes that all brothers can try their best to support monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. One of them counts as one. Maybe because of your extra tickets, this book can get a good recommendation.

In order to thank everyone for their love, Xiaobing, as a handicapped party with a speed of hundreds of words per hour, decided not to go out on National Day, and all stayed at home to write books.

Strive to get more manuscripts, and when the time comes, the rules for adding updates are as follows.

Every 200 monthly tickets will be updated once they are put on the shelves.

(October 10st to 1th is a double monthly ticket, brothers get bored.)
For every 2000 recommendation votes, one update will be added.

If there is a local tyrant holding an umbrella, it will be updated, just in case.

Count as much as you have until the end of October, and you will add updates together when you settle the accounts.

At last.

I wish all the big book lovers that you can have fun, eat happily, and most importantly, have a smooth journey during this 7-day long vacation.

Play safely and eat happily.

(End of this chapter)

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