The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 600 Making a windfall, 1 word, cool! ! !

Chapter 600 Making a windfall, in a word, cool! ! !

The old fisherman belongs to the type that does not move, but will go all out when he moves.

Seeing that a great opportunity has appeared in front of him, coupled with Long Zhan's arrogance that he doesn't take the hunters seriously, this strongly stimulates the old fisherman's self-esteem.

The old fisherman was determined to kill him, and he no longer hesitated.

Picking up the beer on the high table and gulping it down, he pulled out the dagger at his waist with his right hand and used his left hand to shield it. The fierce and sharp hunting look flashed past, and he quickly returned to calm.

It looks no different from ordinary people.

He got up and blended into the crowd like a fish, and slowly moved towards Long Zhan's position.

In order to avoid being discovered by Long Zhan, the old fisherman also chose a very tricky angle, deliberately going around the blind spot behind Long Zhan.

20 meters... 10 meters...

The hunter approached the prey step by step, and as the distance got closer and closer, the killing intent in his eyes, which was deliberately hidden, could not be hidden at first.

Long Zhan was still immersed in the hormonal carnival, holding the scantily clad woman in his arms, dancing to the blaring bar music.

How happy are you playing, how happy.

5 meters... 3 meters...

Looking at the prey that was already close at hand, the old fisherman no longer concealed the fierce light in his eyes, and the adrenaline secreted rapidly under the excitement made his face start to flush.

As an experienced old hunter, logically speaking, he shouldn't have such an exposed emotional reaction.

However, the prey of Long Zhan is too special. It is the strongest prey in the history of hunting games. It would be a great sense of accomplishment to hunt him down.

Under such strong stimulation, it is a normal reaction for a seasoned old fisherman to be unable to suppress his emotions.

This is like betting on stones for decades, and if you cut it across the board, you will be stimulated to sway your hands.

2 meters... 1 meters...

This distance has already entered the killing range, and the tall and huge figure is in front of his eyes, but the person who is the prey is unaware of it.

In the eyes of the old fisherman, a fierce light suddenly appeared.

"go to hell."

The ecstasy in the old fisherman's heart is easy to express. His face was flushed with excitement and his eyes were bloodshot. As he took a step forward, he held the cold light dagger tightly in his right hand and stabbed it hard.

With a distance of one meter, the whole process only takes a few tenths of a second.

That is, the blink of an eye.

The old fisherman had already prepared a stab, pierced the heart precisely from the back, and then rotated the knife body fatally at ninety degrees inside the individual, turning the wound into a bleeding hole, and then fled away gracefully before the prey fell down. Prepare to go unnoticed by anyone.

But the knife stabbed about half a meter forward, and the ecstasy on the old fisherman's face suddenly froze.

The next moment it turned into fear again!
Turning his eyes to the dance floor where the demons danced wildly, he could clearly see that the hand that the old fisherman stabbed out with a dagger had already been firmly grasped by a big hand with an arm that was much thicker than ordinary people.

"how can that be!!!!"

The old fisherman was so shocked and terrified that he couldn't believe his eyes.

With only a few tenths of a second of reaction time and a sneak attack from the blind spot behind, how did the prey react?
The old fisherman could not understand!
Unless Long Zhan had eyes on his back, knew that the old fisherman was coming to kill him, and made predictions in advance, then he could grab his hand properly.

But this possibility is even more weird, and the old fisherman is even more incomprehensible.

Until Long Zhan turned around to look at the old fisherman, there was no trace of drunkenness in his clear eyes, only ridicule and ridicule.

At this time, the old fisherman finally reacted and understood why he missed.

The old fisherman's right hand holding the knife was restrained and unable to move, but he was still trying to break free, and at the same time said resentfully: "You are acting from the beginning to the end, and you are not drunk at all."

"Baby, I have a friend here. You go to the bar to rest first. After I finish dealing with things here, we will go to play some exciting things later."

Long Zhan didn't respond to the old fisherman immediately, and he didn't worry about the old fisherman's counterattack at all. Instead, he patted the buttocks of the sexy girl in his arms.

"That's what you said, I'll wait for you, baby."

The sexy girl fell into Long Zhan's hormones, and because of the angle, she didn't see the dagger, obediently kissed Long Zhan, and left the dance floor with her hips twisted.

With the woman in his arms getting in the way, he grabbed the dagger with his left hand after just slapping his buttocks.

Go forward.

Stick it on the belly of the old fisherman.

The cold knife tip pierced his clothes and touched his skin, making the old fisherman's whole body tense uncontrollably. The original flush of excitement on his face was replaced by nervous paleness.

"You just realized it now, it's late, let's go to the side to play, don't disturb other people, you don't want to be the headline of the news, do you?"

Long Zhan was full of smiles, completely drunk, and stopped acting when he caught a fish.

If it is an old friend who is familiar with Long Zhan, he will definitely not fall for it like an old fisherman, because anyone who has had a drink with Long Zhan knows that this product is a proper "wine barrel". Show drunk.

It's a pity that the old fisherman is not familiar with Long Zhan, and he was a little impatient to be ridiculed, so he fell into the trap of Long Zhan.

This also reflects from the side that Long Zhan has already mastered not only in acting skills, but also in controlling the psychological reactions of others.

The explosive power and rich fighting skills contained in King Kong's bulky body are just one of his "specialties".

Sometimes he also acts as a cover-up.

When people saw Long Zhan as a big man, they mistakenly thought that he was a simple-minded person who could only go straight, and would not play tricks like a sinister villain, so he seriously underestimated Long Zhan's ability, and finally fell into a big fight.

In fact, the hunters who died at the hands of Long Zhan all more or less committed the problem of "being deceived by common sense".

The old fisherman is one of them!

Facing the countered situation in front of him, and comparing the huge size gap between the two sides, the disparity in strength in melee combat is huge.

Every cell in the old fisherman told him that any resistance would be futile.


He hasn't despaired yet.

Because as a veteran Jianghu, he still has the last hole card.

This hole card is useful in most cases.

With this life-saving trump card in hand, in order to be able to survive from Long Zhan.

The old fisherman did not put up unnecessary resistance and let the conflict intensify, causing him to suffer. Instead, he cooperated with Long Zhan's movements and withdrew from the dance floor and walked to the left.

There's a passage over there to the back door of the bar.

Compared with the deafening noise in the bar, it is indeed a better place to talk.

Long Zhan originally wanted to take the old fisherman out of the hall and find a place without cameras to kill him.

They have even made mental preparations. If the old fisherman dares to resist and not cooperate, he will be stabbed first, and the serious injury will be controlled.

Then pretend to leave with a drunk friend, and dispose of the body after leaving the bar.

As a result, the old fisherman not only did not resist, but also cooperated very much, which really surprised Long Zhan.

The two came to the back door passage of the bar. Long Zhan found a blind spot for the camera. Seeing the old fisherman's cooperation throughout the process, he didn't do it right away.

Pushing into the corner, he said: "Speak, I will give you a chance to leave a last message. As long as it is not too troublesome, I will finish it for you."

"There's no hatred between us, is there? Let me make a deal with you. I'll give you $50. How about you let me go?"

The old fisherman is still a little nervous, this trick is not 100% effective.

However, the old fisherman happened to bet right. Long Zhan had nothing to do with it. As long as he was talking about money, he could talk about anything.

"I didn't expect to be able to play like this."

Long Zhan was very surprised, even more pleasantly surprised.

When he was surprised by the old fisherman's words, the corners of Long Zhan's mouth rose slightly, which was a reaction that represented his interest.

As a "money only person", the old fisherman found the right door.


In line with the fine traditions of the Chinese nation, bargaining and haggling is a must when doing business.

If you ask for 50 and I will agree, wouldn't that be too embarrassing.

Even the 50 Dragon War is already exciting.

After all, it is money picked up for nothing, so don't want it for nothing.

If the old fisherman was more courageous, he would give Long Zhan 1000 million or 2000 million if he opened his mouth. As long as he didn't stab a vital part and go to the hospital to save him, Long Zhan didn't even mind letting him stab a few more times.

One knife is 2000 million, ten dollars is two hundred million.

This tmd is too cost-effective!
For the sake of money, flesh and blood injuries are nothing, Long Zhan said that with my general appearance, I can make you bankrupt.

$20 is considered a starting point, $30 is not a problem, and $40 is also affordable.

Just poke me as hard as you can and it's over! !
It's a pity that the old fisherman is still too timid, and the pattern has not been opened.

Facing the mere 50 life insurance money, Long Zhan said calmly: "Hehe, is it only 50? Do you think I will let go of someone who wants to kill me for 50? I'm not that cheap. "

"No no no."

The old fisherman is worthy of being an old Jianghu, and he immediately understood the meaning from Long Zhan's words, knowing that this road will work, but the conditions have not yet been met.

Immediately changed his words and said: "100 million, I will give 100 million, and as long as you let me go, I will quit the game immediately, and I will never bother you again."

This sincere tone, this respectful demeanor.

There is still a trace of the "face" of a peak hunter, no different from the little gangster who was beaten down on the street.

Driven by the instinctive desire to survive, human beings are indeed capable of doing any behavior, even if these behaviors have been seriously despised by themselves.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you coming to kill me?"

Long Zhan's reply was expressionless, even with a hint of contempt.

Although the old fisherman was a little upset, he could only hold back in order to survive, and he suddenly had to ponder what Long Zhan meant by his words.

Just when the old fisherman didn't understand for a long time, Long Zhan took the initiative to say the answer.

"It's okay if you want me to let you go, but a mere 100 million is not enough, you have to add more money to a figure that I am satisfied with, otherwise you should understand..."

Long Zhan deliberately said half to keep the other half, just to squeeze the old fisherman's bottom line.

This kind of intentionally suspenseful words is more effective than telling a specific number directly, and it can squeeze out the cards.

Hearing that the number given was not enough and more money was needed, the old fisherman's nervous expression relaxed slightly.

Gritting his teeth, he stretched out two fingers and said, "200 million, I'll give you 200 million. In a short time, I can only take out so much."

There was something in the old fisherman's words, and Long Zhan also heard the meaning inside.

It is nothing more than 200 million is my bottom line, if you want more, I can give it to you, but there is no way to get it together in a short time.

Changes may occur over time, so Long Zhan should not be too deceptive.

Stay on the line and see you in the future.

"200 million? Hehe."

Long Zhan was already happy in his heart, and he made millions with just a few words, which was so fucking cool, but he had a look of disdain on his face.

The old fisherman couldn't figure out Long Zhan, so he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet cruelly.

"300, I only have so much."

The old fisherman is not the second generation of rich family. He just opened two dental hospitals. He is indeed richer than the average person, but he has not yet reached the point of spending money like water.

300 million is almost all of his belongings, the limit of liquidity in the company's account.

When he said this number, the old fisherman's heart was bleeding.

Long Zhan saw that this was the limit of the old fisherman, his original expression was turned 180 degrees, and the corners of his mouth and eyes were full of smiles.

He said very kindly: "Okay, 300 million, pay the bill quickly, just this account."

As Long Zhan said, he turned on his phone and switched to the page of the account from Tylenol. This overseas account has undergone special processing, so he is not afraid of IRS investigation afterwards.

"Give me a moment, I'll call."

Long Zhan's face-changing speed left the old fisherman speechless, but in the end he saved his life, and it was a blessing in misfortune to save money and avoid disaster.

Even though this fortune is a bit broken, the whole old bottom has been pierced.

2 minute later.

"Ding Ding~"

With a familiar voice, 300 million was successfully credited.

"Perfect, beautiful."

Long Zhan's smile became sweeter and more beautiful, his joy almost overflowed, his eyes lit up when he looked at the old fisherman, he didn't know that he thought Long Zhan had taken a fancy to the old fisherman, and the two of them were playing with broken backs in this corner.

"Thank you boss for the 300 million. It's refreshing enough. I'm the most honest person. If you're happy, I'm happy too. This is your weapon, please take it with you, boss."

Long Zhan patted the old fisherman's shoulder with a smile on his face, and returned the dagger to the old fisherman thoughtfully.

By the way, he also added a special sentence: "Boss, go slowly, there are still a few hours before the end of the hunting game. Boss is welcome to continue to mess with me."


When the old fisherman heard Long Zhan's words, he almost lost his foot and fell to the ground.

The coffin has already been given to you, why not come?

That doesn't mean you have to pay the company to you!
"Hey, if I knew that I could make money like this, those hunters shouldn't have been killed before, leaving them to blackmail slowly, let alone make millions, it's a pity."

Looking at the back of the old fisherman who left, Long Zhan recalled the hunter who was killed and maimed by himself, and was heartbroken for a moment, regretting the past.

I missed tens of millions all of a sudden, this is completely cutting the meat of the dragon battle! ! ! !
"Fortunately, there is still the last hunter. I hope that guy is a real local tyrant. By then, if he works hard, he should be able to make a fortune."

Thinking of another hunter ambushing nearby, Long Zhan's remorse suddenly disappeared, replaced by full of anticipation.


The old fisherman went away depressed and annoyed. He completely lost the thought of hunting and killing dragons. One was defeated, and the other was drained.

Accidentally made a windfall, made a lot of money in the dragon war, and returned to the bar with a smile on his face.

Hot girls, wine...

get up!

Dodge in front of the monitoring screen, as well as a group of gamblers who were expecting a big battle, saw the two separate coordinates, black question marks all over their heads.

This tmd, what's the situation? ? ? ? ? ? ?

According to the hunting situation of all previous game sessions, the hunter and the prey must die or be injured when they meet.

This kind of meeting and then parting, let alone a life and death fight between each other, even without seeing blood, this is the first time that it is true.

Are hunters and prey friendly?
This is really off the mark!
Fortunately, since Dragon War joined this hunting game, all kinds of weird things have been happening, which really exercised the nerves of the gamblers and Dodge.

Let them have a certain resistance to phenomena beyond common sense.

Although he didn't understand why the old fisherman who was second in strength left the bar quickly after meeting Long Zhan, he wished he could lose two legs at that speed.

But there is still the strongest hunter outside the bar, and this hunting game is not over yet.

The strongest hunter VS the strongest prey.

The excitement continues!

Whether it was Dodge, the gamblers, or even the old fisherman who had been slashed, they all focused their attention on this final battle.

Compared with the gamblers who hoped that the hunter would win, Da Qi hoped that the dragon battle would be the last.

The old fisherman's attention is the most wonderful!

He didn't want the hunter to die, and he didn't want Long Zhan to die. He just wanted to see Musketeer Musk being captured alive by Long Zhan, and then he was severely blackmailed.


Only in his heart can he balance.

(End of this chapter)

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