The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 620 Brother Hammer Appears, "Shocking Rescue"

Chapter 620 Brother Hammer Appears, "Shocking Rescue"

Nicole came out of the living room on the second floor, walked down the spiral stairs, and saw the person she was looking for in the lobby on the first floor, and shouted from the air: "Uncle Kanter, I'm ready to go, are you ready?" ?”

Antonio Kanter, the full name of the old butler.

"Miss Nicole, I'm ready, I'll call Thomas right now."

Antonio, who was sitting on the sofa in the lobby, got up and took out the phone after replying to Nicole. After dialing, he said, "Miss is bringing someone over, we can start now."

Long Zhan followed Nicole all the way, heard the conversation between the two, and didn't think too much.

Thought it was for a car or something.

You can go out from the back door, walk through the stylish garden, and come to the back of the villa, where you can see a private medium-sized helicopter parked on the hardened apron.

Even Long Zhan, who was used to seeing big scenes, was still slightly surprised.

The color of envy is beyond words.

The plane parked in front of him is no stranger to Long Zhan, who was born in the army.

He recognized at a glance that it was a twin-engine EC135 civil helicopter manufactured by Airbus Helicopters in Europe.

It uses a window-type ducted tail rotor, which can effectively protect the blades and reduce vibration.

The load capacity has reached 1.45 tons, and the rated cockpit can carry a pilot and 7 passengers, ensuring its excellent performance in terms of carrying people.

The maximum speed of 280 kilometers per hour, coupled with the range of 635 kilometers and the maximum altitude of 6100 meters, greatly guarantees its practicability, and is widely used in police, medical emergency and other fields.

The price of a civilian helicopter with such good performance will naturally not be cheap.

The price in Australia exceeds ten million Australian dollars, which is equal to 5000 million yuan when converted into RMB. If you can afford it and support it, at least you have to be a giant with an annual income of over one hundred million yuan.

Long Zhan now has his own military company, but he doesn't even have his own private helicopter.

A mercenary leader not only has a large villa, but also his own private helicopter. This little day is simply outrageously comfortable.

Do you think Long Zhan can't be envious?
"When I have money, I will also have a private jet. Not only a private helicopter, but also a private passenger jet. I can take my own plane wherever I want."

Looking at the helicopter, Long Zhan was really sour, and secretly set a flag for himself in his heart.

There were already pilots on standby on the helicopter, and when Long Zhan and Nicole sat in the back cabin of the helicopter, the advantages of the twin engines began to play.

The take-off action took less than 2 minutes, and the helicopter completed its warm-up and flew into the air.

Civilian helicopters pay more attention to comfort, and some performance will be appropriately reduced. Unlike military helicopters, as long as performance is required, the interior decoration can hardly be seen with eyes.

What's more, Nicole's EC135 helicopter is obviously specially customized.

The sound insulation effect is particularly good. Sitting in the cabin, Long Zhan does not feel noisy at all. The experience is far worse than that of the most expensive Black Hawk helicopter in the army.

The two don't even need to wear earmuffs, and they can communicate smoothly through oral.

With this foundation...

On the way of the helicopter flying to the Kimberley Mountains, White Rose Nicole explained the key information of this mission to Long Zhan in detail.

The person to be rescued is Harvey, a kid who is still in high school.

The specific identity of the kidnappers who kidnapped him is uncertain, because they have not announced it to the public, but they have already asked Harvey's family to bring 3000 million US dollars to Dhaka to redeem them.

Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is also a place of chaos.

Through the place where the ransom was paid in Dhaka, Nicole guessed that the mastermind behind the kidnapping incident was probably Dhaka’s underground emperor, the largest drug lord, and the real controller of the entire city, Assef Amir.

The kidnapping of Harvey is also likely not only for money, but also for some personal grievances.

Because Harvey's father is the biggest drug lord in Mumbai, India, and has always been Amir's biggest competitor in the reading business. Now that Harvey's father has an accident and has been arrested, his subordinates have no leader and their strength has plummeted.

Amir is the kind of person who holds grudges extremely, and he will definitely not let this great opportunity go.


Nicole doesn't care about these grievances.

Her goal is to rescue Harvey and get a commission of 1000 million US dollars. Anything else has nothing to do with her.

Knowing that this task has a commission of 1000 million, Long Zhan finally understood why his money laundering task was delayed.

Between 1000 million US dollars and less than 300 million US dollars, Called Dragon War will also choose the former.

Can't live with money!
Because of the Amir involved in this kidnapping, Nicole had to be extra "cautious".

Based on her knowledge of this part of South Asia, it is clear that Amir is a real black and white in Dhaka, and the police force is under his control.

In this situation, forcibly robbing people, I am afraid that sending an army will not be able to break in.

If the hard ones don't work, you can only come to the soft ones. If you want to rescue the kidnapped hostages smoothly, you can only send a small team of elites to engage in a quick blitzkrieg.

Before Amir could react, he rescued the hostages and transported them out of Dhaka.

In order to achieve this level smoothly, the premise is that the personnel involved in the operation need to be good enough, and must be the trump card of the trump card.

And the fewer people, the easier it is to do things.

The fewer the operatives, the smaller the target, Yue will not disturb Amir's minions.

Nicole's most ideal action plan is to use four people as a rescue team.

Two people were in charge of breaking into the kidnapper's camp and killing the guards to rescue the people. The two people responded from the side, responsible for providing vehicles and long-range sniping.

The two-by-two mode can not only narrow the target, but also cover each other.

Maximize your fighting power!

Under the satellite remote control command of the headquarters, the coordinators are deployed all the way through the retreat, and the task can definitely be completed without any accidents.

Nicole has enough good snipers and enough support staff.

Only powerful assaulters who have the ability to break into the enemy's lair, have the ability to fight one against ten, and dare to go deep into the tiger's den have become Nicole's most troublesome point.

At that time, she had only one suitable candidate in hand, and she didn't know where to find another one.

Long Zhan traveled thousands of miles to Australia, and an inadvertent confrontation by chance made Nicole discover the "extraordinary" of Long Zhan, which happened to fill in the hole.

And Nicole is now flying to the Kimberley Mountains with Dragon War, just to find Nicole's strongest fighter, and another assaulter for this rescue mission——

Taylor Lake!

The helicopter flew in the sky for more than an hour, and finally landed in front of a wooden house built on a mountain flat deep in the Kimberley Mountains.

The area of ​​this wooden building is not large, even including the corridors outside, it is only a hundred square meters at most.

Next to the main building, there are several small wooden houses, which seem to be used to store sundries, firewood and the like. The outermost part is surrounded by a wooden fence with local materials.

A huge helicopter descended from the sky, and the wind from the propellers sent dust flying all over the sky.

The mixed-haired black dog sleeping in front of the door was disturbed and barked at the helicopter in horror. The sound was heard far away in the deep mountains and wild forests.

This medium-sized working dog native to Australia is called the Australian Cattle Dog, also known as the Queensland Heeler.

The black and white hairs on the body are evenly mixed and interlaced, and mixed with brown miscellaneous hairs. The unique fur that looks black, gray and mixed has a strong resolution.

From the word "herding cattle" in its name, we can see the excellent genes of this dog.

The cattle dog started barking in a panic, trying to keep the intruder away by barking, but when the helicopter stopped, Nicole stepped out of the helicopter.

The dog stopped barking.

Wagging his tail and sticking out his tongue, he hurriedly ran to Nicole's side, rubbing his head against his legs, enjoying Nicole stroking his big head.

From the state of one person and one dog, it is not difficult to guess that Nicole has come here a lot.

Already familiar with it!
However, when Long Zhan got off the helicopter, the cattle dog, which had been enjoying being petted comfortably, suddenly turned around and barked frantically at Long Zhan who started again.

The hair on the neck of the grinning mouth is still frayed, which looks quite scary.

Nicole could have comforted the cattle dog, but instead of doing so, she stood with her arms folded and watched the play.

"Want to see me make a fool of yourself? Or test me?"

Long Zhan glanced at Nicole who was not doing anything, and a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, without any trace of fear, and he didn't make a detour because of his daring.

It's just to adjust the mood and go back to the moment of the bloody battle in Mogadishu.

With gradually reddish eyes, he lowered his head and glanced at the cattle dog.

Just a look...

The cattle dog, which was barking more than baring its teeth, stopped barking immediately, and lay down with its tail between its legs, showing its belly.

The animal is lying on the ground with its belly exposed. Apart from the trust in the owner, it is the expression of absolute suppression and complete ups and downs.


With just one look from Long Zhan, the cattle dog surrendered, leaving Nicole stunned.

The reason why a cattle dog can be used as a working dog is that it not only has a high IQ, but also is not easily intimidated by threats. Even in the face of a bull that is a hundred times its own weight, it is brave enough to drive and graze.

But such a brave and intelligent dog was subdued by Long Zhan with just one look, and he didn't even move a finger.

How could Nicole not be surprised by this!
However, what Nicole didn't know was that due to the angle at which Long Zhan lowered his head and looked at the dog, she couldn't see Long Zhan's terrifying expression just now.

Otherwise, she would no longer be surprised at this time, but would turn into a scalp-numbing panic.

The kind of eyes that were besieged by thousands of people, filled with corpses and blood, and turned into crazy butchers in order to survive.

Not to mention a dog, even a tiger will be afraid of it.

"Isn't that good?"

Easily handle the "violent dog"'s dragon battle, and within a second, his eyes returned to unrestrained, he walked over and squatted down, stroking the soft dog's belly.

have to say.

The dog's belly is soft and warm, with a thin layer of fluff, it is really comfortable to touch, and the feeling is more pleasant than touching 36D.

Seeing the harmonious scene between humans and dogs, even Nicole, who never likes to talk too much, couldn't help saying: "You are such an amazing guy, I can't understand.

The dog never let anyone stroke its belly except Lake.

Even though I have been here no less than 10 times, it is already very familiar with me, and the best I can do is to pet its head. "

Familiarity and surrender are not the same concept, and the difference is even greater in the animal kingdom.

Between Nicole and the Collie, only the former was reached.

"I think it likes men more, because it's a little bitch, haha."


Long Zhan's words were so nonsensical that Nicole couldn't help but laugh and cry. The slightly serious atmosphere between the two of them also turned into a relaxed and natural one.

In terms of chatting and picking up girls to create an atmosphere, Long Zhan still has a hand.

After all, having dated so many girls, it wasn't for nothing.

Nicole and Long Zhan couldn't chat on the same channel, and she was too lazy to chat with this unprincipled man, so she went straight to the chair under the eaves outside the gate and sat down.

Long Zhan hugged the dog into his arms, and seeing that Nicole hadn't entered the house, he asked doubtfully, "Aren't you going in to have a look?"

As a medium-sized dog, the Australian Cattle Dog belongs to the same level as the Husky. Its physical size is already very large, but it does not appear to be large when held in Long Zhan's arms.

Give people the sense of sight of holding a "Chihuahua"!
"Rake lives here alone. His car is not parked in the yard now, which proves that there is no one in the house. We just wait outside."

Nicole's understated reply revealed how much he respected Lake.

Without the consent of the owner of the house, do not enter other people's houses without authorization, even if the door is open at this moment, it is completely undefended.

This is not only polite etiquette, but also respect for people.

"You seem to be very familiar with this person named Lake? Is it between the two of you..."

Long Zhan deliberately didn't finish his sentence, just to give out more information politely.

After all, foreign countries pay special attention to personal privacy. Asking too directly will make people disgusted. It is best to say only half a sentence.

"I have known him for many years. We have experienced many things. If it were another man, maybe something would happen between us, but he is Lake."

A trace of loneliness flashed through Nicole's eyes when she spoke, and what she said was enough to show that she had a crush on Lake.

It's just that Lake seems to have a story on him, so that no matter how much Nicole appreciates Lake, she is destined to not get any response from Lake.

Taken together, the information obtained by Long Zhan is...

The relationship between the two is good friends, and it stops at the relationship of good friends.

"That's really great, I don't have a master, so don't I have a chance? Miss Nicole, after this mission is over, can I invite you to dinner?"

Long Zhan is good at fighting snakes and sticks, so he naturally cut into intimate topics.

Nicole looked into Long Zhan's eyes and said calmly, "You don't lack women, do you?"

Long Zhan didn't expect Nicole's eyes to be so poisonous that he could see right through him. He was really caught off guard, but he didn't panic at all.

He joked and said with a smile: "Smart, she won't be the woman I admire. I really don't lack women. After all, a man as good as me is poison to women. It's normal for women to fall in love with me.

However, I don't like this feeling.

Because, I am looking forward to a woman who will conquer me and make me willing to abandon the whole forest for her, and you, Miss Nicole, I think you have the potential to conquer me, do you want to try? "

Obviously he wants to pick up girls, but he articulates a set of principles and lets girls pick up on him.

In terms of shamelessness, we still have to watch Long Zhan.


Nicole was left speechless.

I have lived for more than 30 years and experienced great storms, but it is only at this moment that I really understand.

What does it mean to be smelly and shameless, and what does it mean to be as thick-skinned as a wild boar.

Seeing that Nicole, who has always had a "zombie face", has finally changed through her own efforts, the challenging nature of Long Zhan was inspired.

"Miss Nicole, not answering means acquiescing, so you are..."

Just as Long Zhan was preparing to use all his skills to dissolve Ms. Nicole's ten-thousand-year zombie face, the remaining words were interrupted by Nicole getting up.

Following the direction Nicole was looking at, she listened carefully with her ears sideways.

"Cocoa cocoa..."

The roar of the accelerator from a distance came faintly.

Long Zhan's facial features were sharper than ordinary people's. Nicole's movements made it easy for her to guess who came over with the clear sound of the engine.

This wilderness, at this time, will drive over, and only the owner of this house will be there.

(End of this chapter)

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