The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 622 The Worst Capital in the World!

Chapter 622 The worst capital city in the world! (seeking a monthly ticket)

Bangladesh is subject to various reasons of its own, the domestic situation and order are relatively chaotic, and various rules are relatively less strict.

There is no need to apply for a visa in advance to enter the country. Almost all countries can get a visa on arrival in Bangladesh.

Long Zhan, Taylor and Nicole set off in the afternoon and arrived in Bangladesh in the evening.

Take a night's rest and recharge your spirits.

The party left the hotel the next morning and drove to a luxurious private villa outside the border of Dhaka, which is also the headquarters of the rescue operation.

When the time came to 9 o'clock.

All relevant personnel involved in the rescue operation arrived at the villa one after another to complete the assembly.

This can also be regarded as the characteristic of mercenary groups. There is no fixed salary for contractors, and they don't have to go to work every day.

The environment of the rescue operation is harsh and difficult, and it is necessary to hold a pre-operation meeting and deployment.

The meeting was held in a secret meeting room on the second floor, and all the windows were blocked with curtains.

A total of 10 people participated in this operation, and the other nine were members of the White Rose Mercenary Corps, and each of them had their own field of expertise.

Collecting intelligence, ensuring communication, hacking, actual combat masters, medical experts, special driving logistics, etc., all require corresponding professionals to be responsible.

It is simply impossible for everyone to do it, or for one person to multi-task.

For example, Long Zhan, who is a supermodel in combat ability, is okay to be a temporary interpreter or provide first aid on the battlefield. Let him invade and defeat the enemy's network, which will definitely be a bad thing.

Nicole did not introduce Long Zhan in detail, nor did everyone in the White Rose Mercenary Group introduce themselves.

She simply explained to her mercenary group members that Long Zhan was the expert she had specially recruited for this rescue mission.

He is also an old friend of Taylor's for many years.

The current international situation in the mercenary market is not good, making mercenaries more sensitive to outsiders.

Regarding Long Zhan, an outsider who appeared out of nowhere, the group of White Rose Mercenaries, except for Jim who drove Solitaire back then, actually had some grudges in their hearts at first.

For such a dangerous rescue operation, there are too many hidden dangers for outsiders to come in.

They would not have agreed easily.

Fortunately, Nicole's explanation was very good. Taylor's old friend for many years was more truthful than any other words, and successfully made everyone accept Long Zhan by default.

Taylor is the "ace" of the White Rose Mercenary Group. He is so awesome that he can choose whether to accept the mission or not. Even the boss Nicole can't help him.

Since Long Zhan is Taylor's good friend, he has the most basic protection.

of course.

It cannot be ruled out that Long Zhan's two-meter tall man, with his raised muscle bumps wearing a vest, and the multiple gunshot wounds visible to the naked eye on his exposed arms, gave them a strong oppression for this group of small men.

No matter how much they have opinions in their hearts, they have to hold back in front of absolute strength.

Nicole didn't introduce the members of his mercenary group, and the eyes of the members were full of guard. In order not to suspect other intentions, Long Zhan didn't rush to get to know them.

Just taking advantage of the time when everyone was debugging the equipment, I looked at everyone from the corner of my eye.

Not much to say about Taylor, old acquaintance.

Nicole, it's half cooked.

Jim, it can be regarded as acquainted.

The remaining seven people are relatively ordinary. They are not the tall and big guys that are more common in Europe and the United States. Like Jim, they are the standard small guys in Central and Southeast Asia.

The height of men is around 1.7 meters, and the height of women is around 1.6 meters.

There are no particularly strong ones in terms of body type, which make people look particularly strong, such as Sonny who is not tall, but strong like a bear.

Even compared to normal weight, two of them can be classified as thin.

Ribs can be seen on the chest! ! ! ! !

Only one of them had a brown beard and a small white guy who looked Australian and looked a little muscular.

Long Zhan could also feel the traces of militarized training from the two of them.

Reminiscent of the fact that two snipers were needed for this operation, and they were responsible for covering and cooperating on the periphery, Long Zhan basically guessed their identities——

The rest of the people didn't look amazing, and they didn't look like they could fight. They should be in charge of other logistics tasks.

At the time when Long Zhan was looking at everyone from the corner of his eye, and everyone in the White Rose Mercenary Group was secretly looking at Long Zhan, wondering who the sacred dragon Zhan was.

The young man in a white shirt who was in charge of debugging the equipment debugged all the computer data and connected it to the main screen, completing the debugging of the conference equipment.

"Boss, the equipment debugging is complete." The young man in the white shirt said.


Nicole responded, and ordered to the curly-haired thin man at the side: "Saqima, let's start!"

"Okay, boss."

The curly-haired thin man was the one with ribs exposed on his chest. He was an absolute scumbag in terms of combat effectiveness, but he was definitely good at intelligence work on the Internet. He flexibly tapped with ten fingers to call up a picture, which was projected on the main screen in front of him.

On the picture is a young man with a tender face and looks very quiet.

On the right side of the picture, there are also detailed personal information such as height, weight, blood type, etc. It can be seen that Saqima's intelligence ability is still very good.

"This is our rescue target, Ove Mahajan, 14 years old."

There are detailed personal information on the note, and the curly-haired and thin Saqima didn't give much introduction. He gave a brief introduction, paused for a few seconds, and changed a new picture.

This time it was a middle-aged man with a beard, and the detailed information was also noted beside him.

Saqima continued to explain: "This is his father, old Ove Mahaza, who is currently in jail in Mumbai, so his men found us and asked us to rescue the child."

"Where is our opponent?"

Taylor asked aloud, and the movements of his hands didn't stop.

He opened the red wine he found somewhere, poured it into the two mugs on the table, and handed it to Long Zhan who was at the side first.

Drinking red wine in a mug is really an alternative.

It's like pineapple pizza with mapo tofu in tomato sauce.

If it is seen by a senior wine lover, it is estimated that it will be uncomfortable to jump up and curse, so it doesn't matter if you can't find a glass goblet, you can only use a mug to make ends meet.

Nicole saw Taylor's actions, and it was obviously inappropriate to drink openly at an important action meeting, but he didn't go up to stop him, but just pursed his lips helplessly.

The other members didn't respond, they were used to Taylor's rambunctiousness.

Saqima, who loves to drink red wine, swallowed his saliva and turned his eyes away. He changed a picture and introduced: "Assef Amir, a big local drug lord in Dhaka, this is the enemy you have to face."

Amir in the picture is very young. The remarks show that he is only 34 years old, with a height of 1 meters for an Asian. His fluffy black curly hair is quite eye-catching.

It's a bit like the 70s and [-]s, without the popular atmosphere of modern society at all.

"This is the biggest drug lord in India. It is dueling with the biggest drug lord in Bangladesh. There must be a deep blood feud between them, and you will not let you take him away easily. Therefore, this task must be fast, and he cannot react, otherwise the consequences will be severe." It will be unimaginable,” Nicole added.

"A reader has such great influence and can control the capital of the country, but the Bangladeshi government doesn't care about it. It really sounds like a fairy tale." Long Zhan laughed as he said it.

"Although there is no war in this ghost place, it is actually more chaotic than the theaters in Africa and the Middle East."

Taylor also complained a bit, raised the mug full of wine and clinked glasses with Long Zhan, took a sip and immediately frowned and said, "This wine is really bad."

"Where did you find it? It won't expire, don't you make me sick." Long Zhan put on an exaggerated expression.

Looking at the two unscrupulous guys, drinking and chatting openly in a serious meeting, and the chat even got off the topic, Nicole interrupted quickly: "Okay, Saqima, you continue."

Saqima changed another picture again, and a small fishing boat was displayed on the screen.

"Dhaka is a city surrounded by water, the whole city is surrounded by rivers, if you want to leave, you can only cross the river by boat.

This is the fishing boat we prepared. Jose and Thiago will drive the boat to the rescue point in advance.

The specific course of action is arranged in this way.

The 4 people who participated in the rescue were divided into the assault group and the cover group...

The assault team contacted the kidnappers according to the agreement, found and confirmed the location of the hostages, and then launched a rescue with the help of the cover team.


You rescue the children and put them on the boat, and they will take you to the helicopter 14 kilometers downstream, all the way to the Indian border.


This is the specific plan for the rescue operation. Do you have anything to add? "

Saqima described the task process in detail. Through his task arrangement process, we can know that the action mode of the White Rose Mercenary Group is more similar to the delta, and it is also the mainstream mode in today's era.

That is to say, the intelligence personnel and the boss in the regiment work out a detailed action plan, and other operational personnel cannot participate in the discussion, and are only responsible for the implementation.

Long Zhan is completely unfamiliar with this area, and the intelligence information is also blank, and he doesn't even know the people involved in the operation.

Therefore, he didn't change his mind about the action plan, and it was best to follow along.

Taylor also did not question the action plan, and wanted to use his own plan to carry out the rescue, but asked: "How many enemies are there in the stronghold? Do you have reliable information?"

"I don't know the specifics, because until now, we don't know where the hostages are trapped. Maybe a few, maybe dozens of people guarding them."

Saqima answered very simply, but the answer left Long Zhan and Taylor staring at each other speechlessly.

No one knows how many enemies there are in the stronghold. This is a great hidden danger. If it is placed in the SEALs, it is simply not enough to start operations.

However, this is not the army, and the world of mercenaries does not have so many "certainties".

As long as the money is in place, as long as it is possible, it can be done.

This is "mercenary"!
If every action is foolproof, how can mercenaries be labeled as "cannon fodder"?

"Okay, that's it. There are less than 2 hours left before the agreed meeting time. Let's all go down and get ready. Those who act can start."

Following the final order from Nicole, the leader of the mercenary group, the people in the conference room started to perform their duties.

after an hour.

The four-person team involved in the rescue operation, Long Zhan, Taylor and two other snipers, successfully entered Dhaka through the East Bridge.

As the capital of a country, Dhaka gave Dragon War a bad first impression.

The environment in the city is dirty and messy, and the ground is full of all kinds of garbage and sewage. Because the houses are built very densely, the streets are very narrow, pedestrians and vehicles are crowded together, and there is no road planning at all.

Even some streets are not hardened, and they are still the most primitive hardened mud ground.

Open your mouth and take a deep breath of air, except for the pungent car exhaust, the smell of the sewer, and the dust that makes the air dark yellow.

Long Zhan understood thoroughly why Taylor said that this place was more chaotic than the Middle East and Africa.

Even if wars are fought and people die every day, the environment is not so bad. Even if the air is filled with gunpowder smoke, there will be no smell of sewers.

And the appearance of the entire city here is so backward that it is unbelievable.

It seems to be frozen in the 70s and [-]s.

Fortunately, I just came here for a rescue mission this time, and I went out in a few hours at most.

If he wanted to live here for a long time, Long Zhan felt that such poor air quality alone could save him at least ten years of life.

Entering the city is the first step in rescue, and there are still a series of preparations to follow.

"Long, I'm more familiar with this place than you, so I'll take care of the joint work, how about you to support it secretly?" Taylor suggested.

"Okay, let's do as you said. I will follow secretly and use the shooting as a signal. Once the rescue operation starts, I will rush in from the outside as quickly as possible to cover you and the hostages to withdraw smoothly."

Long Zhan agreed to Taylor's suggestion, in fact Taylor is more suitable.

After all, Long Zhan's height and bulk are too big, even a fool knows that he is not easy to mess with. If he is responsible for connecting with the kidnapper, the kidnapper will definitely be nervous, so as to improve his preparation.

Maybe before the ransom is paid according to the plan, any request to see the hostage to confirm that he is alive will be rejected.

On the contrary, although Taylor is 1 meters tall, he is still taller than ordinary people, but Taylor's muscle circumference is smaller.

The height is nearly 10 centimeters shorter, the muscle circumference is small, and the whole person is smaller, and it is not so scary anymore.

Long Zhan and Taylor agreed on their respective positions, and the next step is to follow the formulated action plan and enter the preparation stage separately.

Taylor went to the meeting place first, and Long Zhan and the two snipers went to the "arms dealer".

On every bridge that enters the city of Dhaka, there are military checkpoints for inspection. It is basically impossible to enter the city with weapons.

The solution is to enter the city with bare hands, and then find a black market arms dealer after entering the city.

The more chaotic places are, the more arms dealers are active. In areas like Dhaka, which are black and white and controlled by drug traffickers, there are as many black market arms dealers as a cow.

Even if Amir is the underground emperor who checks in, he cannot control all arms dealers.

With the strength of the White Rose Mercenary Group in South Asia, there are naturally familiar black market arms dealers in Dhaka.

After making a phone call to confirm first, Ma Zai soon drove over and took Long Zhan and his party to a secret location.

The White Rose Mercenary Group and this arms dealer are acquaintances, and they handle things more readily.

Nicole had already communicated with the arms dealer about the money and the required weapons and equipment, and Long Zhan and his party could leave with the bags.

(End of this chapter)

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