The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 63 1 gram of poison that can kill 10 people

Chapter 63 1 gram of poison that can kill 10 people

After a week of hard training, the newcomers of the green team ushered in their happy weekend.

Long Zhan even rode on his old antique, headed to Hudson State University dozens of kilometers away, and picked Stella over to have fun together.

Get this hot girl down as early as possible by increasing the amount of time you spend with each other.

In this way, I don’t have to take a holiday every weekend, and I can only squeeze in the dormitory with a bunch of old men, smelling each other’s sweat and feet.

But everyone in Team B, who had rested at home for a week, received a call from the base the day before the weekend.

There are no working hours, but you have to be on call 24 hours a day, on call.

Such is the life of DG members.

after an hour.

Our current official members of Team B are all gathered in the red team combat conference room on the 3rd floor of the headquarters.

Before Jason and others came to the meeting, senior intelligence officer Mandy and commander Eric had already taken their positions here, and they also brought a thin and short middle-aged Asian who looked like a researcher man.

"This is a satellite map of an abandoned hospital outside the city of Acher in the northeastern part of Syria."

The laser pointer in Mandy's hand shoots out a red line, and the red dot is printed on the 100-inch LCD TV directly in front.

"According to the reliable information we have received recently, we believe that the Syrian army has used it as a biological weapons factory. If it is true, it will have serious consequences, so we have gathered you here."

"It's really abnormal for a hospital that has been abandoned for a long time to have so many tire marks around it," Jason said thoughtfully.

"After our many strikes, in order to hide their tracks from being discovered, don't they only use mobile laboratories now?" Lei asked curiously.

"That's a good question."

Mandy folded his hands on his chest and smiled, "You all should remember Dr. Lucian from the biochemical department, he will answer all your doubts."

"Hi, see you again, everyone."

As soon as Mandy finished speaking, the middle-aged Asian man sitting next to him got up, greeted everyone and walked to the TV.

"Oh Shit, Doctor Death."

Trent slapped his forehead, covered his eyes, and put on a painful expression.

It seems that he hates the doctor of the biochemical department, but in fact he hates the biochemical operations, and the appearance of Dr. Lucian represents their next mission, which is the most dangerous high-risk operation.

Whether it's poisonous gas or radiation, biochemical things, as long as they are accidentally infected, even if they are cured, they will leave serious sequelae.

Not only did Trent dislike it very much, but Jason, Lei and others who brought their families were also very afraid.

It's just that they didn't express it.

It wasn't the first time Lucian had cooperated with Team B. He had long been used to the willful behavior of everyone in Team B, and he wasn't upset because of Trent's disgust.

Smiling and showing two rabbit teeth, he said: "We recently successfully identified and destroyed the mobile laboratory, and the Syrian army had no choice but to reuse the fixed experimental site.

They finally chose this hospital because the hospital is protected by the international laws of war, and they felt that we would not dare to bomb it.

In fact, we really dare not bomb lightly, and the Ministry of Defense will not authorize bombing strikes.

Unless there is conclusive evidence to show that the hospital has been transformed into a biochemical weapon manufacturing center and no longer has the function of a hospital. "

Lucien didn't say what he said later, because everyone present knew it very well.

Biological and chemical weapons are banned globally. As long as it can be proved that biological and chemical weapons are being produced in hospitals, the U.S. Department of Defense will authorize the bombing.

The task of finding evidence fell to the special forces.

"Then what kind of evidence does the Ministry of Defense consider to be solid evidence?" Jason asked.

"There are physical evidence." Mandy replied.


"That would be best."

Mandy tilted his head and raised his eyebrows, revealing a bit of sexiness, turned back to the TV and said: "The satellite flies over the target every 7 hours, stays above this area for 12 seconds, and can take six high-definition images.

These strange phenomena have been captured in photos of the last three flybys. "

While speaking, Mandy controlled the remote control, switched the picture on the TV, and moved it to a smaller area on the ground.

Lei saw that there were many black spots in the photo, and he could clearly see the limbs and head, etc., and guessed: "Those dead things are domestic animals?"

"Exactly." Mandy nodded.

"There are at least a hundred of them, and they can cause such a large-scale impact. Did they open the poison gas valve and want to water the desert outside?"

Sonny made a black humor out of the blue, but unfortunately this cold joke didn't make everyone laugh.

However, Mandy explained everything, and said in a speculative tone: "In the past few days, there have been fierce exchanges of fire in this area. We believe that the missile missed and hit their material warehouse in the hospital, causing a large amount of toxic substances to leak. .”

"It's very likely."

Jason nodded in agreement, and then asked straight to the point: "How is the defense? Is there a strong army around?"

"You don't have to worry too much about this. We will try our best to monitor the whereabouts of the Syrian army and find the best time for you to attack." Eric, who was sitting in the main seat on the left, said.

"What is the size of the hospital's guards?" Ray asked.

"We have been monitoring for three days, and so far only found traces of a 6-member team." Dr. Lucien said.

"You mean, there are only 6 people guarding a chemical weapons factory?" Sonny asked in surprise.

There are only a few people guarding such an important facility.

This is very abnormal!
"Yes, it's really only six people, small enough to escape the eyes of image analysts, if it weren't for these dead cows, we might not have found them at all."

Hearing Mandy's explanation, Bullock, who has not spoken, joked: "We have been studying them, and they have been studying us, which is very interesting."

Mandy shrugged and spread her hands, implying that, in fact, it was.

"What do you think they built?" asked Trent, who was shy of chemical weapons from the beginning.

"According to the government's past records, sarin or ethyl poisonous gas are the most likely."

As soon as Mandy had finished speaking, Lucian added: "Both are deadly nerve agents, a bucket full of sarin could kill the whole world.

If you hear this and hope it's ethyl gas, then I'm sorry to tell you that I would rather they make sarin gas.

Because ethyl gas is the deadliest substance created by human beings, it only needs 1 gram, and its lethal dose is enough to kill 10 people. "

(End of this chapter)

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