The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 641 Work for me for 20 years!

Chapter 641 Work for me for 20 years! (seeking a monthly ticket)

The first move Long Zhan used was to break Sayu's psychological defense first, so that Sayu fell into a passive position and could not take the initiative in the dialogue.

To achieve this effect, Sayo must feel strong oppression and question his own abilities.

Long Zhan has deduced the cause and effect of the failure of the rescue plan, which can be used as a sharp weapon to break Sayu's psychological defense.

In fact, it did have a very good effect. Sayu's pupils immediately "earthquake" after listening.

Shocked by Long Zhan's powerful reasoning ability!

Long Zhan's reasoning is basically 90% correct, but the behind-the-scenes plan is not the old Mahajan, but the Sayu who was captured alive in front of him.

Now that Long Zhan had already guessed what had happened, Sayu completely let go.

No longer grinding and hawing, choose to go straight to the core.

He opened up and said that he did not have the money to pay the commission, so he violated the contract and lied to the White Rose Mercenary Group. Now he wants to kill or cut whatever he wants.

The only requirement is that Ove is innocent, and I hope that Ove will not be implicated.

He also promised that he would do anything for the White Rose Mercenaries as long as he could keep Ove alive and take Ove out of Dhaka and return to India safely.

Even if it means killing him!

Sayu came to Dhaka to snatch people single-handedly. In fact, he was mentally prepared to change his life for another, and he never thought that he would survive afterwards.

Because he knew very well that if the robbing was unsuccessful, he would die in Dhaka. Even if the robbing was successful and Ove was brought back to India, he would be retaliated by the White Rose Mercenary Group, and there was a high probability that he would not survive.

The White Rose Mercenary Group can become the number one in South Asia, and any fool knows that it is not so easy to mess with.

Now Sayu not only failed to snatch people, but was captured alive by the White Rose Mercenary Corps. It was his only chance to choose soft cooperation.

In this way, even if he is sure to die, at least his wife, children and family members in India can survive.

Ove survived, so his family survived.

Sayu was able to make such a decisive decision, which made Long Zhan a little surprised, but also very happy. He didn't expect to conquer this tough guy much easier than imagined.

Now that Sayu has made such a statement, Long Zhan no longer hides it.

The request was made: "The boss of the White Rose Mercenary Group has already stated his position before, because of your breach of contract, he suggested that we kill Ovey.

This can not only serve as a punishment, the White Rose Mercenary Group is not so easy to deceive, but also allow us to evacuate more conveniently under the premise of closing the city.

However, this proposal was rejected by me.

Don't think too much, it's not that I have kind thoughts in my heart, I'm not a philanthropist.

I just think that compared to killing this kid, keeping this kid and bringing him back can bring more benefits in exchange. I don't want to make this trip for nothing.

Since you also want to protect this kid, and are willing to trade your life for his, that's fine..."

Long Zhan paused for a breath or two, which was specially used to buffer Sasayu, before finally making a decision: "I will give you two choices.

The first one, work with us and try to get out of the city together.

After you get to a safe place, you go back and get 2000 million US dollars to ransom people. You are only given one day, and if you don’t see the ransom, then don’t blame me for not saving face. That kid can’t come back to India alive.

Second, since you are ready to die, then you sell your life to me.

After leaving the city safely, I will let you take Ove back to India without any ransom, and I will help you deal with the matter with the White Rose Mercenary Group.

However, you must promise me afterwards that you will join my company unconditionally and you will have to work for me for 20 years.

These 20 years can be regarded as the 2000 million signing fee, and I will pay you as usual in the follow-up work.

Even if you want, I can find a way to get your wife and children to get green cards in the United States, and take them to the United States to enjoy a better life and education.

How do you choose between the two paths? I will give you time to think about it. Don't try to deceive me. Once you make a decision, even if you want to change it, you can't help it.

Otherwise... you will see what true regret is. "


Long Zhan ignored Sayu's complex expression, got up, left the small room and went outside.

At this time, Taylor had finished the phone call with Nicole, and was chatting with Ove without saying a word.

The conversation is led by Ove.

Nicole also suggested again on the phone just now, telling Taylor not to take Ove with him.

Now that the task is completely obsolete, I clearly know that there will be no follow-up final payment, and carrying a tow bottle is not good for the next evacuation.

Perhaps it was from the boy Ove who saw the figure of his dead son, Taylor, like Long Zhan, clearly rejected it.

Tyler's phone is loud, and Ove, who is on the side, can hear it clearly.

After this day's ups and downs, Ove seemed to have grown a lot all of a sudden, and he was no longer as scared as before. For Taylor who insisted on taking him away, Ove was grateful from the bottom of his heart, and chose to chat with Taylor.

Seeing the Dragon War coming out like a monster in a fairy tale, Ove no longer had the initial fear in his eyes.

He even offered to say hello.

Long Zhan nodded casually as a response, raised his chin at Taylor and said, "Nicole provided the retreat location, do you have any good plans?"

"The evacuation point is on the other side of the bridge. We need to cross the bridge to get on the helicopter. Now all the bridges are blocked, and we can only forcefully break through."

Taylor said that he patted the shriveled ammunition bag on his chest, and said with a wry smile: "If we want to pass the Sultanakamar Bridge, a fierce battle will inevitably be inevitable. We need more weapons and ammunition."


Long Zhan agreed with Taylor, and suggested: "Then let Nicole contact the arms dealer today, and I can get it back at night."

"No, the risk is too high. Arms dealers are bastards who want money. If he knows our location, he will definitely disclose the news to Amir. Then we will be more passive." Taylor objected.

"It's very possible. After all, Amir is the real master here. If the arms dealer knows that we are here to trouble Amir, he probably won't dare to sell this equipment on us."

Long Zhan had no connections in this small country, so it was really difficult for a while.

If it really doesn't work, he can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and contact his "runners" in the CIA to see if they can think of a way.

The CIA's "dock" intelligence houses are spread all over the world, maybe there are also in this big fart country.

Just when Long Zhan was hesitating whether to make a call or not, Taylor suddenly offered to say: "I have an old man who has worked with me for many years and lives in Dhaka. He may be able to help us. I will ask Nicole to contact him later."

"Oh, really? That's great." Long Zhan said happily.

Taylor claimed to be his old buddy, so he was naturally a trustworthy brother, so Long Zhan didn't think much about it, and gave up the idea of ​​calling Heihu.

"By the way, Long, what's the situation with you?" Taylor asked back.

Long Zhan knew that Taylor was talking about Sayu, so he told Taylor his conjecture intact, but he didn't mention that Sayu would do the follow-up for him for 20 years.

Knowing that Sayu is also here to save Ove, but he has no money to pay the final payment, so he can only use this trick to stop him halfway.

Thinking that this guy killed Gaetan and others just for this little money, Taylor became so angry that he wanted to rush into the house and kill Sayu.

It can be imagined that the current situation is very dangerous, and manpower is urgently needed to tide over the difficulties.

Taylor himself also wanted to take Ove out alive, and there was a common need between the two, so he endured the anger.

Any enmity will be settled after the fact.

"I just proposed to let him cooperate with us and take this kid out of here together. Now the time to think about it is about the same. I will go in and meet him."

Long Zhan saw that Taylor didn't react violently, and his mind was still stable, so he turned around and returned to the hut.

"How are you thinking?" Long Zhan asked.

"Do you really have a way, can you send my family to settle in the United States?" Sayu didn't answer first, but instead visited Longzhan.

It can be seen that he really cares about his family, far more than his own life.

And being able to have a green card from the United States, which can settle in the United States for a long time, has a fatal allure in most countries in Asia.

This includes India!

"I have worked in the CIA for a while, and I have a good relationship with some of the executives. You should know the capabilities of the CIA. Getting a few green cards is easier than drinking water."

Before Long Zhan was a member of GRS in Benghazi, GRS is a subsidiary organization of CIA, plus he has a bunch of confidante in CIA, that is not bragging, he really has this ability.

Long Zhan's answer was very decisive, not like telling a lie at all.

Sayu believed that Long Zhan had this ability, and then made a second request.

"Can I make a phone call?"

"No problem at all."

Long Zhan returned to the outside of the hut, picked up a mobile phone from the table, returned to the hut, uncuffed Sayu, and handed him the phone.

From Sayu's current state, it can be seen that he has actually made a decision in his heart, and he just made some small requests for the sake of face.

For an opponent who was completely conquered, Long Zhan didn't worry about him messing around at all.

"Thank you."

Sayu thanked him, adjusted his expression, smiled at the corner of his mouth, took a deep breath, and then dialed the phone.

"Hey, beauty, miss me."

Sayu's tone of voice was very gentle, with a little pampering and naughty inside.

This image is completely different from the previous Desperate Saburo and Ruthless Man. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, you wouldn't believe it was the same person.

Long Zhan was stunned, and couldn't help but think to himself: "Is this the other side of a tough guy who has a child and a family after marriage?"

Bitter cold outside, warm as the sun at home.

Maybe this is the real man!
Sayo and his wife chatted a lot, and his wife obviously knew the ins and outs of the matter, and asked all kinds of concerns, while Sayo kept giving various comforts.

During the period, he specially asked his son Alaf to answer the phone, and gave various instructions from the perspective of an old father.

Before ending the phone call, he deliberately left a word for his wife.

"If you don't receive my call before 12 noon tomorrow, take your son and money and leave immediately, no matter where you go, as long as you can leave India."

Long Zhan heard the inner meaning of these words, which was equivalent to the worst arrangement.

If Long Zhan and his party fail to break out and evacuate tomorrow, Ove will not be able to return to India alive. The old Mahajan who lost his son will definitely retaliate and ask his younger brother to punish the Sayu family who made mistakes in work.

It is undoubtedly the best choice for Sayu to let his wife run away with all her savings.

As for whether he can escape smoothly...

Maybe only God knows!

After making the call, Sayu handed the phone to Long Zhan. The tenderness and smile on the phone disappeared, and he said with a serious expression: "The last request, I can work for you, but only after my wife and children arrive in the United States."

Sayu did not resist the temptation of Long Zhan, whether it was to have a better living environment, or the current situation, he had no choice at all.

However, in the end, I still kept a careful eye.

"no problem."

Long Zhan didn't go to pick up the handed phone, but extended his hand with a smile and said, "I can assure you that you will not regret the decision you made today, and we will have a happy cooperation."

This cooperation has two meanings.

It is not only the next cooperation to break through the encirclement, but also the cooperation between the boss and the employees in the next 20 years.

Not picking up the phone that was handed over is the first step in starting to trust each other.

"Pleasant to work with."

Sayu felt Long Zhan's trust, and his tone became much smoother.

The two big hands shook hands, and the alliance was formally concluded.

After Sayu untied the straps on his feet, Long Zhan took Sayu out to meet Taylor, and formally formed a three-person combat team.

Taylor called Nicole on the satellite phone and reported the situation here.

The main thing is that Sayu formed a temporary team to break out and evacuate together.

Then let Nicole call Jasper and ask him to prepare the weapons and ammunition for the three of them, which they need to cross the bridge to the extraction point.

Originally, Taylor asked Jasper to drive over to pick him up, but was interrupted by Long Zhan.

Because the current situation of the three of them is too special, it is extremely disadvantageous to expose the location to anyone. It is suggested to put the equipment in one location, and Long Zhan will go there to retrieve it in person.

Jasper was a former member of the White Rose Mercenary Corps. He chose to "retire" after getting tired of fighting two years ago.

Long Zhan didn't trust Jasper, which made Nicole dissatisfied. Taylor also felt that doing so was a bit superfluous, and there was no need to make it so complicated.

However, Long Zhan insisted on being more cautious, and it was indeed more reasonable to do so, so the two of them stopped objecting.

Nicole quickly contacted Jasper, and Jasper readily agreed to the request made by her former boss.

It's just a little troublesome in terms of time.

Jasper said that he had been away from this business for too long, and he didn't have so many ammunition reserves on hand. He needed a little time to contact acquaintances to purchase, so that he could get weapons and ammunition for three people.

In addition, the whole city is now under martial law, and it is more troublesome to go out to purchase, and it will take early morning at the latest.

What Jasper said was reasonable and there was nothing wrong with it. Nicole just told him to be as fast as possible, and then fed back the information to Long Zhan and Taylor.

"Being ready in the morning?"

Long Zhan frowned when he heard the news, and Taylor's expression was also very serious.

It is definitely more beneficial to break out at night, and as a retired special soldier, he is more suitable for night combat, and he can save a lot of trouble by using the cover of darkness.

Jasper would not be able to get weapons and ammunition until early in the morning, and it would be dawn by then when the real action would take place.

It was tantamount to announcing that the night battle plan was stillborn prematurely.

Breaking out during the day made the evacuation more difficult, but only Jasper could help, and Long Zhan and Taylor were unwilling and had no choice.

We can only stay in this abandoned factory and prepare for breaking out and evacuating during the day.

(End of this chapter)

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