The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 647 Violent Breakthrough

Chapter 647 Violent Breakthrough
Both the offensive and the defensive forces moved together and gathered at the Sultanakamar Bridge. This little-known bridge is about to become a tragic battlefield for Shura.

Long Zhan and Taylor continued to entangle with the military police at the checkpoint, moving towards the bridgehead while fighting.

In fact, the speed is not slow.

Sayo and Ove, who were walking in the front, could clearly hear the gunshots behind them, and the surrounding ordinary people and military police could also hear them.

The military and police have different divisions of labor and are responsible for different tasks.

Even if the other end of the bridge was full of fire and the sound of gunfire and explosions was not economical, they still stayed at their posts and did not blindly rush to support.

It's just that compared with before the battle broke out, the vigilance has improved a lot.

The exit personnel wanted to leave as soon as possible, but they had to line up for inspections one by one, and it would not be soon, so they could only pray that the battle would not spread to the bridgehead under the anxious mood of waiting in line.

At least the battle spread should not be so fast, if you continue to maintain tens of hundreds of meters, everyone will not panic so much.

In this tense and depressing atmosphere, the team slowly moved forward with time, and after seven or eight minutes, it was finally Sayou and Ove's turn.

It was time to leave the checkpoint, but Sayu's brows frowned even deeper.

Even if there were only two soldiers at the exit of the checkpoint, so many people crowded at the exit and waited to get out, making the two of them a little careless.

But Sayu and Ove didn't have any documents, and when they came in, they were covered by Long Zhan and Taylor. Once it was their turn, they would definitely be exposed.

This time without any external assistance, Sayu knew that he could only rely on himself. While observing the surrounding situation, his brain began to work quickly.

There are only two soldiers in charge of inspection at the exit, and there are two armed soldiers guarding behind.

There is a car parked on the left and the right of the exit, and the empty road in the middle of the front of the car is the exit.

The two soldiers stood behind the two vehicles, with the fronts of the two vehicles as cover, and the two soldiers were enough to completely control the exit.

In order to avoid being blocked at the exit by 4 soldiers, Sayu had to find a way to get out first.

At least leave this narrow exit and go to the outside of the exit passage, as long as you shoot, you can 100% hit the positions of the two guard soldiers.

After collecting enough information and finding out the key, Sayu immediately took action.

With the help of the exit to check the lack of manpower, while the two soldiers were lowering their heads to open the documents and passports handed to them by the previous wave.

Taking Ove as a cover from the previous wave of people, he sneaked past behind them.

The scene is very similar to that in China 10 years ago. When entering and exiting the station, it was still the era of cutting tickets manually with pliers. Many passengers without tickets rely on this trick. The ticket inspector's vision, slipped out smoothly without being caught, and saved a few dollars without paying for tickets ten bucks.

If Sayo was 10 centimeters shorter, this trick might really work.

The two of them would sneak out and pass through the checkpoint smoothly to the bridge if the soldiers who had no skills to pay attention were not paying attention.



Sayo, who is 1 meters tall, is like a big telephone pole in the crowd, a head taller than the others.

Properly stand out from the crowd.

It is very difficult for such an obvious target to sneak away. Even if Sayu deliberately lowered his head and blocked his field of vision, he still failed to sneak away.

As soon as Sayu's front foot crossed the line of the inspecting soldier, his back foot was spotted by a soldier.

"Hey! Hey! Stop."

"You haven't been checked yet, so you can't go on the bridge."

"Are you deaf? I told you to stop and come to me for an examination."

The soldiers issued three warnings in a row. It is impossible for Sayu to stop if he is haunted. Just pretend he didn't hear you and continue walking. You must go outside the exit passage.

At the same time, when walking, look around and quickly collect useful information.

"Stop, or I'll shoot."

The soldier issued an ultimatum, his voice raised several degrees, and at the same time he waved to the two security soldiers guarding behind the two vehicles, which were equivalent to the last line of defense.

Sayu continued to move forward until he walked out of the passage, and he could see the whole body of the guard soldier walking towards him, and he stopped when his goal was achieved.

And obeyed the order to inspect the soldiers, turned around and looked at the soldiers.

Pointing to his ear, he shook his head.

Meaning he can't hear.

Since Sayu himself is an Indian from a neighboring country, he is brown in appearance like the Bangladeshis, and he did not reveal his appearance in the battle before.

Naturally, these soldiers did not know that Sayu was also a member of the gang of thugs.

The reason why Sayu didn't do it directly, and pretended that he was deaf, had his special purpose, which was to let the soldiers relax their vigilance.

In fact, it did have an effect.

The inspecting soldier who had already touched the gun, and the guard soldier who was about to open the insurance, saw Sayu turn around in cooperation and said that he was deaf.

Suddenly realizing it, he relaxed his vigilance and stopped drawing his gun.

The inspection soldier walked up to Sayo at a distance of about 1.5 to [-] meters, raised his right hand holding Ove's photo as a signal, and gestured with his left hand: "You take out all the documents, that kid takes off his hat, I want to see if you are the person in the picture."

"What? I don't understand."

Sayu continued to pretend to be a deaf-mute person, and responded with gestures, but he was still scanning around from the corner of his eye to confirm the exact number of targets around him.

Pointing to his hat, the soldier said, "Hat, take it off."

Sayu suddenly realized that he nodded again and again to express his understanding, then turned to look at the nervous Ove, and signaled him with his eyes to follow what the soldier said.

Ove knew that he would be exposed as soon as he took off his hat, but he could only choose to believe Sayu at this moment.

With apprehension, he slowly took off his hat.

Ove took off his hat to reveal his true colors, and he looked exactly like the person in the photo. Needless to say, he was the boy their superiors ordered to arrest.

The soldiers were pleasantly surprised when they discovered what they were trying to catch.

But also because the attention was focused on Ove at this moment, he selectively ignored Sayu next to him, giving Sayo the best chance to make a move.

This is also what Sayu wants to achieve by asking Ove to cooperate and show his face.

The moment when the soldiers were surprised to find the target, their brains were still immersed in "completing the task", and they had not had time to execute the next order.

Sayu made a decisive attack with thunderous means.

Lift the MP5 submachine gun hidden under the cloth robe, and kill the soldier standing in front of the inspection with one shot, and then quickly switch the gun left and right to switch shots.

In less than two seconds, three soldiers were easily killed with 6 bullets.

The last inspecting soldier who was still inside the exit found that something was wrong, and was just about to raise his gun and shoot Sayu who was holding the murder weapon.

As a result, before he raised his gun, he was knocked down by the crowd behind him.

The battle that broke out between Long Zhan and Taylor was tens of meters away, and the people blocked at the exit could still hold on, so they wouldn't ignore order and mess around.

But gunshots appeared in front of him, and three soldiers were killed on the spot.

That's a whole different story.

Human beings have the seven emotions and six desires to become a higher animal, but it also brings serious disadvantages of being emotional, and they will be affected by emotions to do things that they usually dare not do.

A bulletless gun battle erupted right in front of our eyes, and the hundreds of people crowded at the exit, under the control of fear, couldn't care less about order.

Apart from screaming and shouting, all of them fled in all directions desperately.

At this moment, not to mention only one soldier, even if there is a group of soldiers around here, these ordinary people still dare to forcibly rush to escape in order to save their lives.

Hundreds of people flocked to disperse, completely breaking up the entire exit checkpoint.

This led to the scattered soldiers and police who were maintaining order near the exit and looking for suspicious persons. Even if they found a major problem at the exit checkpoint, they could not rush over for a while.

Although they were very violent to the people when they enforced the law, they didn't dare to really shoot and sweep. No matter how dark the surface is inside, there is still work to be done.

Using the cover of the chaotic scene, Sayu led Ove away from the checkpoint and onto the bridge.

There is also a checkpoint on the east bank of the bridge, which is the border station for entering and leaving the capital. If you want to leave after getting on the bridge, you have to check one by one.

As a result, the situation on the bridge is similar to that of a checkpoint, full of people and cars waiting to be released.

Sayu fired bursts of fire at the bridge head, causing a group panic effect, which spread rapidly from the bridge head, and spread to the entire bridge deck like a virus.

The people who were sitting in the car waiting to pass the customs all abandoned the car and fled for their own lives.

The dozen or so soldiers and staff at the border station had no way to stop the surging crowd and could only allow them to rush through the border and escape.

This also provided a lot of help for Nicole and others to enter the venue next.

The same reason.

Sayu had an accident at the exit, which attracted part of the firepower at the checkpoint, and the enemies Long Zhan and Taylor faced were also greatly reduced.

Long Zhan and Taylor, who had almost killed the Sandmen, switched to combat status.

Instead of killing as many targets as possible, rush to the bridge to reinforce Sayu as soon as possible, relieve his pressure and cover him to cross the bridge as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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