The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 66 Playing exciting, HAHO high-flying tactics

Chapter 66 Playing exciting, HAHO high-flying tactics
"We don't have troops stationed directly in Syria. Taking a helicopter is the worst option. Personally, I prefer to sneak in from high altitude." Ray said.

"We think the same."

The corner of Jason's mouth slightly raised, and he said confidently: "Since the airspace of Xulia is forbidden to fly, we can arrive by parachuting and have a HAHO."

"Oh yeah, high jump and high drive, my favorite." Sonny exclaimed excitedly.

Jumping down from an altitude of [-] meters in the cold and thin air, carrying dozens of kilograms of materials, will make people secrete a lot of adrenaline.

For those who like stimulation, this feeling will make him feel good.

However, if he is a timid person, his intuitive feelings will go to the extreme of opposition, and he will definitely be frightened to the point of incontinence on the spot.

Sonny is undoubtedly the former, who likes to stimulate the pursuit of violent and refreshing existence.

Lei got up and walked to the TV in front of him, pointed to the map of the Middle East displayed on the screen and said, "We can parachute from Iraqi airspace, and then float all the way to the target area under the cover of night."

When Long Zhan heard this, he basically remembered that this was the plot in the TV series.

"Parachute jumping from a country's borderline, increase the drifting distance by opening high, and fly tens of kilometers all the way to the designated destination. This kind of invasion method is really amazing."

Even though he had seen it in TV dramas, Long Zhan still couldn't help but secretly marvel when he heard it with his own ears.

And this kind of tactic sounds very simple and seems to be no different from ordinary skydiving. In fact, it needs a lot of high-tech support, otherwise there is no way to control the direction and distance of drifting.

Ordinary people, even if you are a master skydiver, can't fly accurately and high without equipment.

Long Zhan has practiced HAHO (high jump, high open) training in the Navy SEALs, and is more proficient in HALO (high jump, low open), but has not conducted actual combat HAHO so far.

He felt much the same way Sonny did when he heard that he was going to act in this way.

Two points of tension and eight points of excitement!

"OK, let's use HAHO then."

None of the members of Team B had any objections. Jason decided on the way to unfold, and then said, "The question now is how we should come out."

The United States only supported the anti-government forces in Syria, and did not directly send troops there like Iraq did.

This also means that once Team B lands, it is tantamount to entering the territory of the Syrian government army. Once the task is completed and exposed, it cannot withdraw in time, and it will face the possibility of being encircled and suppressed.

"How far is the operation from the border?" Ray asked a core question.

"Eighteen kilometers," Mandy replied.

"Is there a quick-reaction force near the border?" Ray then asked.

"We don't have any of us nearby, but the government has aid special forces, working with Kuriya Kurdish freedom fighters on the border."

This time it was not Mandy who answered, but Diaz who was in charge of logistics.

Mandy is a senior intelligence officer belonging to the CIA. He has no way to intervene in the affairs of the army, and he has no authority to directly access relevant information.

"Very good, well done, then let them stand by. After we are done, let them drive over to pick us up, and the operation is over."

Jason downplayed the finalized action plan, but Commander Eric frowned.

"Mandy, if I remember correctly, we have seen Russian troops in the border area in the pictures taken by satellite before, right?"

Facing Eric's question, Mandy nodded to show that it was true.

Eric continued with a solemn expression: "The Ministry of Defense will never approve any ground operations that may conflict with Russia."

"Sir, what do you mean..."

Long Zhan frowned, and interjected: "In order to avoid collision with the Russian army at the border, there is no way to let the special forces cooperating with the Kurds enter the country, so we have to find a way to get out, right?"

"Yes, that's right." Eric replied in the affirmative.

Jason and Lei were silent when they heard this answer, one lowered their heads and the other stared at the TV screen, without speaking for a while.

"The Ministry of Defense is a bunch of cowards, a bunch of turtles who only know how to huddle in their offices. They really should be allowed to participate in an actual combat operation by themselves."

Although Sonny couldn't think of any good solution, it didn't stop him from breathing out the fragrance.

Bullock and Trent usually spoke less, and their personalities were not as straightforward as Sonny's. They sat there and did not speak.

You can use the HAHO method to fly in, but everyone in Team B can't fly out.

How to complete the retreat is indeed a difficult problem.

Just when everyone in Team B was silent, Mandy broke the silence in a timely manner and said, "The CIA can find a way to provide you with local vehicles."

As a spy agency, the US Central Intelligence Agency has bought or planted informants all over the world.

Many things that the army cannot accomplish, the CIA can accomplish through their local eyeliners, the so-called "traitors".

Seeing hope, Jason quickly asked, "How many cars can you provide?"

"Two or three."

After Mandy finished speaking, he added: "I have already thought about the issue of retreat, so in terms of personnel arrangement, I will try to compress it as much as possible."

"With our current manpower, two or three vehicles are indeed enough."

After Lei finished speaking, Jason asked everyone: "Guys, do you have anything else to add, or do you have any better ideas?"

"Jason, don't look at me. You know, I just want to know how to do it. As for how to do it, I don't have the energy to think about it. That's what you should do." Sonny said carelessly.

"Just do it."

Trent put his feet down from the table, as if preparing to end the meeting.

Brock shrugged, meaning he had nothing to say.

When Jason's eyes came to Long Zhan at the end, Long Zhan broke out a shocking news.

"Have you ever thought of the possibility that there are not only six guards in the hospital, but there may be others.

If we find them, is there a plan for what to do with them? "

Hearing the possibility raised by Long Zhan, Jason realized that this was indeed a serious problem, and turned his attention to Mandy.

And Mandy turned his attention to Lucian, the senior expert of the CIA's biochemical team.

(End of this chapter)

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