Chapter 678 CA-415!

Now that you know where the guy you want to kill is hiding, the next thing to do is very clear.

Long Zhan and Wick went straight back to their respective rooms, put on all the weapons and equipment they brought, left the hotel and drove straight to the Red Circle Club.

Since the preparation time for departure last night was too tight, and it was a surprise assassination operation, the appearance should not be too conspicuous.

Tactical helmets, night vision goggles, etc., a set of equipment that is fully armed to the teeth, the enemy will startle the enemy hundreds of meters away.

Therefore, the weapons and equipment carried by the two have not changed much from when they were fighting in the villa.

Wick's weapon configuration has not changed. It is still the P30L pistol used in the battle with the gangster gunman last night, supplemented by a miniature pocket pistol Glock 26, and a UTX-70 switchblade.

And the custom incendiary bombs that were not used in battle for fear of burning their home.

Looking for additional equipment from a familiar arms dealer, in addition to the two guns with 4 magazines for a total of 8 magazines, there is only one Kevlar full soft body armor of grade IIIA.

Full soft body armor means that there is no lining inside that can hold bulletproof inserts.

The all-soft body armor ensures comfort and flexibility. The disadvantage is that the defense is much worse, and it can only block ordinary pistol bullets other than armor-piercing bullets.

When encountering a rifle, it is equivalent to not wearing it.

Fortunately, for close-up assassinations with pistols, pistols and submachine guns, all soft body armor is basically enough.

If you encounter an enemy with a sniper rifle, it's useless to wear the board anyway.

Compared with Wick's thin body armor, Long Zhan's defense ability is still full. Even if it is not suitable to wear a heavy tactical vest that is too large, he still needs a body armor that can hold a plate.

Anti-pistols are not the goal of Dragon War, only being able to defend against rifles can make people feel at ease.

The armor and equipment of Dragon War haven't changed much, but the weapons have changed a lot, which is exactly the opposite of Wick.

A professional machine gunner who pursues more than firepower is really not used to using a small pistol in a dragon battle every day.

He wants something fiercer, bigger, and fiercer.

Therefore, relying on his tall stature and his ability to hide things easily, Long Zhan also ordered a CA-415.

This is a replica produced by Coharie. It is a clone of the HK 416 of the Black Pit Company. You can think of it as the American version of the HK 416.

And the CA-415 in the hands of Long Zhan has undergone a series of modifications for portability.

The butt is retractable, the barrel is a short barrel, the muzzle is not equipped with a silencer, and there is no suppressor, and even the scope is only mechanically aimed.

The benefit of extreme compression and slimming is that the length of the gun is less than 700mm.

Taking Long Zhan's nearly two-meter-tall figure as an example, just stuff it under the armpit and put a coat on it, and you can carry it perfectly and secretly.

This is also the limit of what can be hidden!
Otherwise, on this trip to the enemy's lair, Long Zhan will definitely bring a light machine gun, or even a single-soldier portable Gatling, with a 2000-round ammunition box on his back, to let the enemy know what firepower is.

The remaining pistol magazines, rifle shotguns, Molotov cocktails and grenades fit right around the special girdle.

Long Zhan put on all the equipment and weapons, and pulled up the zipper of the loose jacket that was on the outside. Because of his tall and strong body, it was impossible to see that there was an "arsenal" hidden inside.

At most, the circumference of the upper limbs is larger, and it looks even more terrifying.

If you say Long Zhan jeans, casual shoes and a jacket, it looks like a casual night stroll, and you can go out for a stroll after dinner.

Then Wick, who is wearing a straight blue suit, is synonymous with a gentleman.

Two people with such different styles, walking side by side on the street together, are simply eye-absorbing bodies, and they will definitely kill Hollywood stars in seconds.

In a chaotic place like a night club, it will definitely attract all kinds of bees and butterflies.

Fortunately, Wick had been in New York for so many years and was very familiar with this red circle club. As soon as he got out of the car, he took Long Zhan straight to the back door of the club.

Thus perfectly avoiding the crowded and highly guarded front door of the club.

The Red Circle Club is worthy of being the lair of the previous night devil, and now the core stronghold of the Russian gang, the scale of operation is really amazing.

In this New York City where every inch of land is expensive, it actually occupies an entire luxurious European-style building.

From the basement to the top floor, it all belongs to the Red Circle Club.

It covers a large area, has a wide range of business services, and is backed by a powerful gangster. There is enough security when playing here, and the business is too good.

At this nightlife start time of just after 8 o'clock, customers waiting outside the gate of the club to enter the venue have already formed a long queue tens of meters long.

Customers have to wait in line to enter the venue, which proves that it is full of people.

In this club where the lights are feasting, the men and women are crazy, there are a large number of customers swaying their bodies while drinking, releasing their hormones to their heart's content.

There are also a large number of security guards wearing uniforms, looking around every corner with alert expressions.

From the security situation of the club, it can be seen that Yusef Tarasov is in the Red Circle Club. The news was released by Vigo, and he has made full preparations.

All the elites of the Russian Gang who came out in full force have now gathered in the Red Circle Club.

Each of them is equipped with a walkie-talkie to keep the communication unblocked at all times, stationed in every area from the basement to the top floor.

In theory, it is basically impossible to enter the bar without alerting any gang security.


There are exceptions to everything.

The airtightness of the defense is unbreakable, and it is only about being above the same level. Once the two sides are not at the same level, it is another matter to crush the strength.

Just like...

The top killer Wick and the supermodel soldier Long Zhan are the unrivaled and unrivaled existence of this group of gangster thugs.

The Red Circle Club has two back doors.

One is for ordinary customers to enter and exit, and the other is for insiders and VIPs.

The person in charge of the security of the Red Circle Club has already done a good job. He sent Francis, who is also of Slavic descent, has been in the underground world for more than ten years, and has various rich experience, to be in charge of the VIP back door.

When Francis was Vigo or the little boss, he had already followed him. To be exaggerated, he existed in the same era as Wick.

It is indeed difficult for ordinary people and even ordinary killers to escape his eyes.

Even in the worst direction, Francis was attacked by the enemy, and with his ability, he could warn in time before he was killed.


Under the suppression of absolute strength, this is the safest in the eyes of the person in charge of security, and the least likely to be turned into a false door by the breakthrough.

Long Zhan appeared from the left and approached the back door, which immediately aroused Francis' vigilance.

"Boy, get out of the way, this is not a place for you to enter."

Long Zhan's casual clothes made Francis think that Long Zhan was a customer who had gone the wrong way, so he immediately warned Long Zhan.

Out of "respect" for Long Zhan's tall body, he deliberately touched his waist with his backhand.

The meaning of this action is very clear, and everyone in the United States understands it.

Long Zhan didn't leave, he grinned and said calmly, "I just want to enter from here, why? Do you have any objections?"

"Fuck, are you looking for something?"

Francis sensed that something was wrong, angrily shouted and prepared to take out the gun from his waist.

But halfway through, it suddenly stopped moving.

It's like hitting pause!

Wick, who came with Long Zhan, took advantage of Francis' attention being attracted by Monopoly, and quietly touched behind Francis.

The cold and hard muzzle of the gun was already on the back of his head.

Francis was able to hang around in New York for more than ten years without dying, naturally he has superhuman judgment.

He knew very well that someone with such strength was close to him, and he would definitely be able to shoot and kill him in the next step before he drew out his gun to fight back.

Therefore, he didn't dare to make any changes, let alone do anything to provoke the other party.

"Not bad, very nice."

Long Zhan walked over with a smile, skillfully completed the body search, and unloaded the pistol and dagger from Francis.

Skillfully popping out the spring blade, Long Zhan played a beautiful flower knife in his hand.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and his smile deepened.

Sensing the sign that Long Zhan was about to attack, Wick promptly greeted him and said, "Hello, Francis, long time no see."

Wick's tone of voice was familiar, and he called out the other person's name accurately. It was obvious that he knew this person.

Long Zhan, who was about to start a fight, saw that Yan Ni was not killing people, but continued to spin the flower knife to watch the show.

"Mr Vic?"

Francis knew who it was just by hearing the voice. Obviously, the relationship between the two was more than ordinary friends.

Subsequent conversations are also more evidence.

"You're thinner than before," Wick said, sounding like he was chatting with an old friend.

"I lost 60 pounds, sir." Francis' expression was no longer tense, but his tone was full of respect, from the heart.

"Really? It seems that you are not suitable for this job. You can consider changing jobs."

"After working in this industry for so long, I can't find another job. Sir, do you have work to do when you come here suddenly?" Francis asked.

"Yes, you guessed it, Francis, I suggest you rest tonight, how about it?"

Hearing Wick's suggestion, Francis took off the earplugs without hesitation, turned around and replied seriously: "Okay, sir, I'll leave now."

"I'm sorry to affect your work, but it's for your own good."

Wick put down the pistol on his head, apologized to Francis, then looked at Long Zhan and said, "Give it back to him."


Hearing that the relationship between the two was different, Long Zhan did not refuse.

Return all the pistols and daggers that were just found to Francis.

Wick and Francis spoke in Russian throughout the entire process, and the tone of the conversation between the two parties is enough to prove that the relationship between the two is extraordinary.

"Sir, are you here for Yusef?"

After all, Francis is considered a small leader, and he knows some inside information. After taking over the weapon from the Dragon Battlefield, his attitude towards Wick is still so respectful.

"Yes, I need to talk to him." Wick said flatly.

"Enter the door from the right, you can go to the basement, there is a newly built underground swimming pool, maybe you can go there and look for it."

After Francis finished speaking, he turned around and left, simply and without delay.

"Really let him go? Are you afraid that he will tip off the news?" Long Zhan said looking at Francis' back.

"I believe in him."

Wick's simple sentence is enough to cover the relationship between him and Francis. There must have been some unforgettable intersections between the two.


Long Zhan believed in Wick's ability to see people, so he no longer struggled to open the door first and walked in.

As soon as you enter the door, you can hear the explosive music, which can still be heard clearly through countless walls. The heavy bass can make the heart beat together, which shows that the music in the main dance hall is loud in decibels.

Before seeing the target to be killed, it is not appropriate to alarm the security of the club.

Therefore, Long Zhan didn't take out his gun, but took out the long black dagger he got from Wick, kept on guard and moved forward with Wick's partner.

Francis provided a general direction, but the Red Circle Club is really a bit big.

Even if you know that you can go to the basement by going to the right, but facing the area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters on each floor, walking inside is like walking in a maze.

In addition, in the few years since Wick left, it happened to be the few years when Vigo took over the night devil industry. The Red Circle Club was redecorated under the hands of Vigo, and many places were completely different.

Long Zhan and Wick walked in from the right, went around two passages but couldn't find the entrance to the basement.

On the contrary, during a blind wandering, I found a business place with a Turkish sauna house number on it, which was very conspicuous in the dim light.

Truly one of New York's premier nightclubs, the offerings are truly eclectic.

What's more, when the two came from the corner, they happened to see three guests in bathrobes, and they pushed the door open and walked in together with a smile.

Even more coincidentally, among the three people who went in, two of them were known to Wick.

When Wick was still unknown, he often went to Vigo's site, which was also little Cammy, and was very familiar with Vigo's Russian helpers.

These two were Vigo's subordinates at the beginning, and now they have a high probability of being upgraded to become small bosses.

"I know them, they are all under Vigo."

Wick briefly explained to Long Zhan, took out the UTX-70 switchblade and popped the blade, with a strong murderous look in his eyes, and strode over.

Long Zhan knew what Wick was going to do as soon as he heard it, and strode up with the dagger in his hand.

The layout of the sauna room is independent, and the layout is exactly the same as that of domestic public toilets.

On the right are washbasins and mirrors, and on the left are single rooms separated by wooden boards, and each single room can accommodate a customer to take a sauna.

The three people who entered the sauna didn't know that they were already being targeted by two killing gods.

After coming in, while preparing in front of the mirror, they chatted with each other in a manly way with yellow accents, talking about the woman they met tonight is more powerful, where to go to fight the landlord tonight and so on.

Just as the three of them were chatting passionately, the door was pushed open from the outside.

Wick, in a neat suit, walked in with a blank expression on his face.

Long Zhan, who was already taller than the door frame and whose body was as wide as a wall, walked in with a "kind" smile on his face, bowing his head and bowing his head.

(End of this chapter)

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