The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 689 Whoever meets him is considered unlucky

Chapter 689 Whoever meets him is considered unlucky
Perkins, who fell from the wall, collapsed in the corner of the wall and vomited blood because of the impact on his internal organs.

Perhaps it was the extreme confusion in my heart, how could I be "hit by a car" indoors.

Before Perkins was seriously injured and unconscious, he turned his head with a firm breath, and finally let her see the culprit who made her take off on the spot.

A big man who seemed to have only muscle mass left all over his body, and was full of explosive power at first glance.

"It's you……"

Perkins' eyes were full of complex emotions such as unwillingness, anger, helplessness and fear, but he passed out before he could finish speaking.

From gaining a big advantage to being completely defeated, there is only one second in the middle.

Everything happened so fast!
"This is John's new partner? This really scary, whoever meets him is considered unlucky."

Marcus, who was hiding on the opposite rooftop, witnessed the sudden appearance of Long Zhan through the scope, and then knocked Perkins away with a strange but explosive attack.

The impact of this picture is too explosive. For Marcus, who is not good at hand-to-hand combat, it is simply beyond the capabilities of humans.

"How is it? Dude, can you hold it?"

Long Zhan used an accelerated version of Iron Mountain to knock Perkins into the air, and easily resolved Wick's crisis. He reached out to Wick and said.

"Thank you, you saved me again."

Wick grabbed Long Zhansheng's hand and used his strength to get up from the ground. The pain from the tearing wound still made the corner of his mouth twitch.

"We're partners."

Long Zhan smiled pointedly, and picked up the pistol that Perkins dropped on the ground.

"and many more."

Wick thought that Long Zhan was going to kill Perkins with a gun, and explained: "He was sent by Vigo, and he must know where Yusuf is hiding."

"Beep beep..."

Just at this time, the landline in the room rang.

"Okay, then I'll leave her to you, and I'll be in charge of answering the phone."

Long Zhan is only interested in obedient women, and has no interest in women like Perkins, no matter how beautiful or good-looking she is.

After speaking, he walked to the living room, picked up the microphone and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I'm sorry to call you at this time, but a lot of people on your floor just called, complaining that your place is noisy, and I want to know why."

Hearing the voice, Long Zhan knew that it was the butler Canon, and said without any concealment: "Wick has an unexpected guest here, and now everything is settled, but the room has been messed up, and we need room service."

After talking about Long Zhan, he added: "Oh, yes, medical services may be needed."

In the fierce fight just now, Wick's freshly stitched wounds basically burst, especially the gunshot wound that was opened, and the bleeding would definitely not stop without a second stitch.

After Long Zhan returned to the bedroom after making the phone call, Wick had woken Perkins up and put a gun on her head.

Perkins, who was crazy and arrogant when he came in before, was now shot to the forehead by Wick, and he was completely cowed in the face of death threats.

When Wick asked him where Yusuf and Vigo were, he gave a specific address——

Church near Cannon Court in Little Russia!
And explain that this is a church on the surface, but it is actually Vigo's private secret base, where Vigo's personal belongings are hidden.

Every gangster boss has a private coffer, and this secret base is obviously Vigo's coffer.

"Thank you!"

After getting the answer he wanted, Wick thanked Perkins very politely and gracefully, and then put a butt on his head.

Perkins, who had just woken up, passed out again after suffering the blow.

The Continental Hotel's work efficiency is very high. It took less than 3 minutes for Long Zhan to make a phone call, and the hotel's service staff walked in with a cart.

The broken pillows, quilts, decorations, etc. were replaced with new ones, and the blood on the floor and walls was also cleaned.

And prepared new clothes for Wick.

Before leaving, he did not forget to take the unconscious Perkins with him. He didn't say where to take him or what kind of arrangements he had. Long Zhan and Wick didn't ask either.

Wick stood in front of the bedroom window while the service staff tidied up the room.

Thinking back to the first gunshot he heard at the beginning, and the subsequent inspection of the angle of the bullet hole in the pillow, Wick calculated that it was fired from the opposite roof.

This distance can obviously kill him, why did the sniper miss it?

And more like reminding myself.

Wick couldn't figure it out, and it became a mystery in his heart.

It wasn't until the doctor, who had just left for more than half an hour, came to Wick's room with the medical kit, that Wick had to temporarily put down his thoughts.

The doctor who came tonight for the second time had a smile on his face when he entered the door.

One gold coin can be earned for one service, and two gold coins were earned in just over half an hour, while Perkins only got four gold coins after working so hard to break the rules.

This speed of making money, no one will laugh haha.

Long Zhan expressed serious doubts about his medical ethics, but he did not doubt his medical skills.

"I'll go there first, be careful, remember to call me if you have anything to do."

After exhorting Wick with concern, Long Zhan turned around and walked out of the door. After walking two steps, he turned back and said a little embarrassedly: "Well, buddy, can you lend me a gold coin? I want to go Have a drink next."

Asking someone to borrow money and going to meet someone's old friends, this is really a bit of a shame, and the thin-skinned can't say it at all.

Fortunately, Long Zhan has a thick skin!

"You should go to Miss Addy, it's not that easy to pick her up." Wick teased.

Lying on the bed, he knew where Yusuf was hiding, and tomorrow's schedule was settled. Wick was in a good mood, and he could joke with Long Zhan even if he was injured.

"I like challenges. Difficulties are interesting, aren't they?" Long Zhan smiled confidently.

"Haha, I like your confidence." Wick laughed.

In the life-and-death battles one after another, he was injured in many places and almost overturned several times, but Long Zhan was not injured at all, and he even had the energy to find time to pick up girls.

With this amazing life-saving ability and superhuman mentality as stable as an old dog.

Wick had to be convinced from the bottom of his heart!

In addition, Long Zhan saved his life time and time again, and was able to rush over every time of crisis, so he could be called the best partner.

Wick was very face-saving and didn't say any other nonsense.

He got up and opened the leather bag he brought, took out two killer gold coins from it, threw it to Long Zhan and said, "Don't play too much, there is still work to do tomorrow."

"Thank you, let's not talk about other aspects. I can guarantee that in this aspect, even if you play all night, tomorrow will not be a problem at all."

Long Zhan caught the gold coin neatly, turned around and left in a coquettish way.

I didn't even bother to go back to the room, so I took the elevator and went straight to the basement bar.

The two of them had already chatted very happily in the shower before, and Long Zhan already knew that Adi was interested in him. Whether he could have a fierce landlord fight with the sexy female bartender tonight depends on this experience.

It's useless to talk ten thousand words on the phone. Whether you can wipe out the foam when you meet is the kingly way.

"Really enviable physical fitness."

Seeing the back of Long Zhan leaving vigorously, Wick looked at himself with injuries all over his body, and finally knew what envy was like.

Nothing came out but a long sigh.

There is no comparison between this person and this person.

Hard to get mad!
(End of this chapter)

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