Chapter 696 Double Quick Shot

Through the magnification lens of the DTASRS sniper rifle, Long Zhan could clearly see the sniper on the left, even the model of the sniper rifle in his hand.

I saw the gangster sniper in the scope, casually leaning the sniper barrel on the glass frame, without even maintaining the basic horizontal and vertical levels.

There is an up and down misalignment between the sniper scope and the gun body, which means that the secret positions are all white.

The shooting error will be very large.

Being able to use a high-precision sniper rifle as a second-hand cheap AK47 is really a waste of a good gun.

"The Savage 110 BA high-precision sniper rifle from Savage Small Arms Company has a floating 14-inch barrel and a unique Accu trigger. Although it is also a .338 caliber, its accuracy is better than the gun in my hand.

Unexpectedly, these people don't know much about professional sniper bullshit, but the guns they use are better than the other. It's really tnd that ginseng fell into the hands of pigs and gnawed like dried radishes, and they couldn't exert the performance of guns at all. "

Long Zhan muttered to himself, his tone full of pity.

"Since you don't know how to use a gun well, let me teach you how to use it."

The sniper rifle in Long Zhanjiang's hand is in a good position, visually estimate the distance, check the secret position of the scope again, and start to lock the sniper on the left.

In the office area of ​​the main factory building.

Yousef sat on the sofa anxiously, smoking a marijuana-rolled cigarette in his hand, and the mobile phone on the table next to him rang.

Seeing that it was his father who was calling, Yousef quickly picked up the phone and asked, "Have you dealt with him? When can I leave this terrible place."

"Yosef, he has come to look for you, pack up your things and leave."

Knocked out by Long Zhan at the scene of the battle, it took a lot of effort to get out of the entanglement of the police. Vigo, who was picked up by the younger brother, just got out of the police station and got into the car, and immediately called Yousef .

At this moment, Shi's right eye was black and purple, and he looked a little funny.

"Fak, how does he know I'm here? Didn't you say it's very safe here?" Yousef turned pale with shock when he heard the bad news.

Being chased and killed by Wick and Long Zhan one after another, Yousef has been completely scared out of his wits.

I used to treat Nightmare as a joke.

Now I am living a joke.

"Yosef, my good son, you need to keep calm now, go downstairs and get into the car as fast as you can, and then get out of that damn place. They've already set off, and they may have already reached your place."

Viggo dodged Yosef's question, urging with a hysterical growl.

"Have they arrived?"

Yousef became even more frightened when he heard that, and the marijuana cigarette in his hand was scared away, and he got up from the sofa in horror, wanting to go to the window to check the situation.

But the moment Yousef got up, a gunshot broke the calm of the factory.

The sniper on the top floor of the building on the left was hit on the forehead by a .338 Lapua Magnum bullet, and the entire sky cap was knocked off by the bullet's huge kinetic energy.

The shattered brains and fragments of the Tianling Cap sprayed onto the rear wall seven or eight meters away.

Yusef, who was already trembling with fright, felt his legs go limp when he heard the gunshot, and sat back on the sofa again.

The mobile phone that was originally held in his hand fell to the ground feebly.

"No. [-], what's going on, what happened?"

In the same room as Yousef, the bald headed security officer who sat opposite and observed by the window pressed the intercom and asked frantically.

"I'm number three here. Number one was attacked. He died. John Wick must be here. I'm looking for his place..."


The second sniper shot roared, and the voice from number three stopped abruptly.

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck,"

The person in charge with the bald head was frightened, angry and anxious. He held the walkie-talkie tightly and called Fake three times, and hurriedly called again: "Second, can you hear me? Damn, answer me quickly. "

"Received by the second position, I have targeted you, you can go to see God."


The person in charge of the bald head feels that this is not right, but you haven't reacted to it yet.

"call out--"

A bullet roared at supersonic speed, shot into the left corner of the bald man's mouth, and came out from the back of the neck on the right.

The middle cervical vertebra was interrupted, and the right carotid artery was also interrupted.

Without the support of the cervical spine to support the head above, the bald person in charge, whose carotid artery was also interrupted, fell down without even groaning.

When he fell to the ground, his neck was still hissing, and the high-pressure arterial blood spurted out like a fountain.

This threat of not knowing where the enemy is at all, like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark, that may suddenly emerge at any time and kill you in one bite, is more terrifying than holding a gun to your head.

Long Zhan took a few short shots of precise sniping, and the entire factory was completely shrouded in the haze of death.

Everyone is in danger, everyone is afraid.

The security chief in charge of the command was dead, and the remaining two bodyguards in the house were completely frightened, and they didn't want to stay here for another second.

The two ran towards Yousef in unison, and Yousef, who crossed his legs in fright, ran out.

Only the mobile phone left on the ground is still recording everything that happened here.

Vigo, who hadn't hung up on the other end of the phone, heard gunshots, shouts, and the sound of the bodyguard being shot and died tragically from the other end of the phone. He took out a cigarette, lit it and put it away.

That smelly face.

Uglier than a dead father.

He is obviously a white man of Russian descent, but his "face" is darker than that of Africans at the moment, and his eyes are even more ferociously bloodshot.

Strong hatred, hatred that cannot be suppressed, began to burn violently in the bottom of my heart.

The two bodyguards led Yousef out of the room and headed towards the loading area under the factory building, where three off-road vehicles had been parked there in advance for evacuation.

As long as they can leave the loading area by car, Long Zhan's sniper rifle really can't do anything to them.

Escaping from the window and entering the factory can indeed avoid the death sniper from Long Zhan, but is it safe to escape the sniper attack from Long Zhan?
Of course not!
In addition to Dragon War, who came to kill Yusuf, there was also Wick, who had a talent for combat thieves.

In order to get a handy sniper rifle, Long Zhan has now officially fired a single-point sniper, and has been busy for nearly 10 minutes.

Although Wick didn't make any movement during this time, it doesn't mean he didn't do anything.

He has done no less than Long Zhan.

It's like predicting Yousef's prediction in advance, knowing that he will definitely smear the soles of his feet after being attacked, and prepare to cut off his retreat in advance.

Yousef and his two bodyguards didn't know that someone had already entered.

I ran all the way from the office area of ​​the factory, followed the iron stairs from above to the ground, and went straight to the off-road vehicle parked 50 meters away.

Just when the distance is less than 20 meters...


Three consecutive violent explosions made my ears buzz.

The Chevrolet off-road vehicles that had been parked there in good condition exploded one after another on the spot, engulfed by flames and turned into scrap iron.


Seeing the backup escape route being bombed, Yousef and the two bodyguards cursed angrily.

But no matter how angry or anxious they were, they didn't dare to delay here for even a second, and immediately ran in the opposite direction.

Wick, who had been lying in ambush for a long time, came out with two quick shots with one hand.

"Papa, papa."

Two consecutive rifle shots were shot down, and the two bodyguards all received their lunch boxes on the spot.

Double rapid fire is a "quick battle" technique, which is suitable for killing more enemies in a short period of time. The technical difficulty is to shoot two consecutive shots at the enemy in the shortest time, and guarantee 100% hit.

There is no requirement for where to hit, as long as it can hit the target.

Because as long as it hits the body, it has stopping power!

In fact, it is similar to Mozambique, the difference is that there is no third shot to start, and the time saved can be used to kill other targets.

The disadvantage is that it is not as stable as Mozambique, and follow-up needs to be replenished.

(End of this chapter)

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