The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 702 1 Arrow 3 Eagles

Chapter 702 Three Eagles with One Arrow

Long Zhan played some underhanded tricks, deliberately waited for a while before coming in to save people, and successfully gained Marcus' MAX favorability.

Unfortunately, Vigo slipped through the back door because the three bodyguards were "heroic".

Long Zhan knew that even chasing him would be of no avail, and it made no difference to him whether he killed Vigo or not, so he simply decided to send Marcus to the Continental Hotel to treat his injuries as soon as possible.

Marcus is also a member of the Hitman organization and is eligible for all membership services at the Continental Hotel.

On the way, Marcus called Wick and told Wick that he had been rescued by Dragon War and was now heading to the Continental Hotel together.

Lest Wick make a trip.

Wick really cared about Marcus. On the way back, he could drive as fast as he could. The Dodge muscle car he just got was almost drained.

Long Zhan took Marcus to the Continental Hotel and opened a room to apply for medical services. Before the doctor came, Wick appeared in a hurry.

Seeing the horrific face of Marcus being beaten, Wick blamed himself so much that he couldn't add more.

He believed that the reason why Marcus suffered this disaster was because of the conflict between him and Vigo, and everything was caused by him.

While blaming himself, he was extremely angry, wishing he could tear Vigo apart.

But now, no one knows where Vigo went after beating someone, and no matter how angry Wick was, he couldn't find a place to vent it.

I can only be gloomy and annoyed alone.

at this time.

Winston, the manager of the Continental Hotel, called and said to Wick on the phone: "Jonathan, I know what you want to do now, we all have our own principles of doing things, and the rules cannot be broken.

So I'm not going to tell you that 15km southwest of the hotel, there's a helicopter somewhere, full of gas, waiting for someone. "

Hang up after finishing speaking, simply and neatly, no nonsense.

On the ground less than 5 meters behind Winston, lay the corpse of a woman with a voluptuous figure. The blood flowing from her body was almost converging into a pool of blood. It can be judged that she was definitely shot to death.

After hanging up the phone, Winston put away his mobile phone, just as a group of people came towards him.

The team was led by a white-haired old man, followed by a group of tall, short, fat and thin men, all holding weird homemade cleaning tools in their hands.

That's right.

They are scavengers!
They were responsible for cleaning up the pile of gangster corpses in Wick's house before.

Winston was very familiar with the scavenger, and he was the one who called the scavenger ahead of time. Without saying a word, he just handed over a killer gold coin, nodded, and turned to leave gracefully.

The white-haired old man at the head of the scavenger took the gold coin, took off his hat and gave Winston a gentlemanly salute.

A wave of hands.

Professional cleanup begins.

Winston fulfilled his responsibilities as a manager, and even went a little extra out of line, revealing Viggo's location to Wick.

Wick, who was suffocating his stomach full of anger and had nowhere to vent, found out that Vigo was going to take a plane and take off.

"Long, Marcus, please take care of me, I'll take care of a little thing."

After Wick finished speaking, he turned and left the door of the guest room without waiting for Long Zhan to reply.

Long Zhan knew what Wick was going to do, and had no plans to go there together. There was absolutely no need to mobilize people for a mere bereaved dog.

Wick alone is perfectly sufficient without any risk.

Instead of chasing and killing Vigo together with the boss, Long Zhan would rather stay and take care of Marcus.

This is equivalent to agreeing to help Wick take care of Marcus, but also to deepen the debt of love with Marcus, and to go to the underground bar to pick up girls after the work is over.

Wouldn't it be beautiful to kill three birds with one stone?

Wick set off in a hurry to chase Vigo, and the old Chinese doctor rushed over.

Marcus's injury looked miserable and frightening, but it was actually not serious. Except for the puncture in the thigh, the others were basically flesh and blood injuries.

It is estimated that filling those knocked out teeth is the most time-consuming and expensive part of the whole injury.

Accompanying Marcus to sew up the stitches and pack the wound, Long Zhan saw that the guy was in good spirits, so he simply carried him to the underground bar.

Taking care of the wounded ended up taking him to a bar to drink and dance disco, probably only Long Zhan was the only one who messed up like this.

Fortunately, Marcus himself didn't have any objections, and he was even very happy that Long Zhan could carry him down, just in time to drink some spirits to relieve the pain and anesthetize his body.

That way, you can get a good night's sleep later in the day.

Otherwise, with these injuries on his body, he would definitely be so painful that he couldn't sleep at night.

Long Zhan took Marcus to the underground bar, helped Marcus find a comfortable sofa seat, and specially ordered a bottle of enough strength for him, and after drinking the Maozi imported vodka, he would definitely be able to sleep comfortably tonight.

Randomly raced against time and ran to the bar, and started talking and laughing with the sexy Miss Adi.

Long Zhan has been thinking about it all the time, and has a good fight against the landlord with Miss Adi.

Tonight, the weather, location, and harmony are all gathered, and all the troublesome things have been dealt with. Naturally, Long Zhan wants to complete this obsession.

after all!

Having friendly exchanges with all kinds of beauties has always been Long Zhan's greatest hobby.

As for Wick, who is in the final boss battle in the plot of chasing thousands of miles for dogs, Long Zhan has no worries at all.

In fact, there is really nothing to worry about.

After being killed by Long Zhan at Marcus's house, there were only two bodyguards left to follow Vigo, who escaped for his life, and his self-protection ability was much worse than the original plot.

more than an hour later.

Wick also appeared in the underground bar, except that he looked sweaty and blushed, there was not much change in other aspects.

The anger and self-blame that were all over his face, now only self-blame is left.

It is not difficult to see from the change of expression that Vigo, who tried to leave by helicopter, did not succeed in his plan, and finally died in Wick's hands.

Wick habitually came directly to the bar, wanting to order a glass of "Old school" from Miss Addy.

In the end, I didn't see Miss Adi. Miss Adi, who almost never asks for leave, was very strange tonight, and she was absent from work at night.

I also didn't see Long Zhan who learned from the butler Canon that he brought Marcus to the bar to drink.

Wick felt something was wrong but couldn't figure it out. He wandered around the bar suspiciously and found Marcus who was already slightly drunk.

Marcus seemed to know who Wick was looking for, so he changed his color and said strangely: "If you want to find the two of them, you can go to room 208, but I don't suggest you go there now, I guess they are very busy now."

Wick understood in seconds.

Although there was no change in the expression on his face, there was understanding in his eyes.

After all, he has been in contact with Long Zhan for so long, from being a neighbor to a comrade-in-arms, Wick has basically got a feel for what kind of person Long Zhan is.

Not to mention knowing 100% of the personality, at least I know the general idea.

What Marcus said was not wrong at all. No. 208 is the exclusive suite for Miss Adi in this hotel staff. At this time, she and Long Zhan are indeed very busy.

Wick is a veteran and a smart person, and he knows that Long Zhan has been coveting Miss Adi.

Therefore, he didn't continue to ask any more questions, sat down and had a drink with Marcus, and took this rare opportunity to talk about his relationship for many years.

Five years have passed since Wick washed his hands, and there are still many topics that can be discussed between the two.

(End of this chapter)

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