The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 708 Opening the training method of top killers

Chapter 708 Opening the training method of top killers
After Arthur intervenes to stop a shooting incident, rookie Steve avoids a prison sentence, and the two drive away afterwards.

Long Zhan thought that the matter would end here, but he didn't realize that this is a TV series.

The two returned to the island that night, Arthur arranged a house and a bed for Long Zhan, and found some small problems at this time.

Because Arthur has always lived alone, he has no daily necessities for dragon warfare.

It happened that Long Zhan didn't bring any luggage when he came this time, so the two returned to downtown New Orleans early the next morning and made a big purchase.

I bought a lot of all kinds of food and food, and filled the back of the pickup truck to the brim.

Just when the two of them finished shopping and got into the car to go back and officially started the three-week orientation training, someone suddenly blocked the front of the car.

"Hey, it's that bastard, what is he doing here?"

Long Zhan recognized the guy blocking the car at a glance. It was Steve, the white hat man who was stopped by Arthur last night when he shot someone, and finally drove away from home alone.

Based on the mentality of eating melons that have nothing to do with himself, Long Zhan sat in the co-pilot and did not speak.

Arthur didn't speak, didn't get out of the car, sat calmly in the driver's seat, looked at Steve through the front windshield, shrugged and spread his hands.

Meaning what is your kid going to do?
Arthur's indifference did not displease Steve, and he walked around to the co-pilot's side with a smile.

He said dickly: "I've been thinking about what you said last night. What you said makes sense. I really should do it more neatly. Since you understand this aspect very well, then teach me everything you know. Bar."

Asking for help with such a high-pitched tone made Arthur feel very upset, and said blankly: "You can go to the Internet, there is everything on the Internet."

"I not only want to know how to do it, but also learn to do it myself. I need someone to guide me, and you are the most suitable." Steve said.

"The most suitable? Oh, when your father was still alive, he couldn't control you from causing trouble everywhere. I can't teach you anything."

Arthur pretended to be stupid, too lazy to continue talking nonsense, turned the key and started the car.

"Bi Xiao, are you trying to fool me? Do you think I don't know anything?"

Seeing that Arthur was leaving, Steve became anxious, threw out his cards and said, "I know about you, and I know more about the relationship between my father and you.

He is your partner and your mentor. He brought you out all the way. He is closer to you than me, and spends more time with you than my son. You owe him too much.

Now he's dead and I'm his son, so now you owe me what he taught you, and you have to give it to me, and you have to. "

What Steve said was obviously true.

Because Arthur heard about the mentor and partner, his face darkened, and his expression became extremely complicated. It seemed that he was talking about the pain point.

"So there is such a thing?"

Long Zhan ate melons next to him and ate his fill. He felt happy, and felt that he was one step closer to solving the mystery, and his evil taste became more intense.

Seeing the change in Arthur's expression, Steve thought he had grasped Arthur and could achieve his goal next.

As a result, Arthur's words made him feel cold.

"Go home, Steve, you should find a job and go to work."

After speaking, Arthur put into gear and stepped on the accelerator to release the clutch, and the Chevrolet pickup truck whizzed out, leaving Steve depressed on the spot.

Arthur's mind was heavy, the car drove fast, and he didn't speak along the way.

Long Zhan didn't bother him either, letting him think quietly.

It wasn't until the two returned to the island by boat that Arthur took out a can of beer and sat on a chair under the eaves, drinking while staring at the photo in his hand in a daze, Long Zhan also walked over with a bottle of beer.

"It's your old partner in the photo? It looks like he's been through a lot. Would you mind telling me his name?"

Long Zhan glanced at the photo in Arthur's hand. On it was an old man with white hair and a white beard, with profound eyes.

The old man also gave Long Zhan an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"His name is Harry, just like you, old guy from the army, and Steve's right, I wouldn't be in this business without him, I owe him so much."

Arthur said sadly, his mind was very heavy.

"I said why there is an inexplicable sense of familiarity. It turns out that he also came from the army, haha."

Long Zhan suddenly realized and laughed, and sat down beside Arthur. The long wooden chair creaked, as if it was about to fall down in a second.

Then he said: "So, the relationship between you and this old guy is equivalent to being both a teacher and a friend, so you really owe him a lot."

"He is dead, and there is no way to return it."

Arthur also noticed the abnormality of the chair while speaking. Although he didn't jump up and leave the chair in fright, his muscles were already tense.

Be ready for the chair to collapse anytime!

Long Zhan didn't care about the "groaning pain" of the chair, and even put his feet up, suggesting: "You have already charged my tuition anyway, teaching one is teaching, teaching two is also teaching, why don't you just pay off the debt of favor?
I think that young man is quite clever, so I called him over to form a team and leave all the dirty work to him. Both you and I can save a lot of trouble, so why not do it?Hahaha. "

Arthur didn't speak after listening, and still stared at the photo in a daze.

"Okay, don't think too much, I know you sand people like to complicate simple things, and make the target's death perfectly disguised, but this doesn't apply to everything, some things you have to reverse, learn to simplify complicated things .”

Long Zhan didn't say anything more, he drank the wine in one gulp, got up and said, "I won't say anything more, it's getting late and I should go to exercise, and the training will officially start tomorrow, I hope you can give me a surprise."

After speaking, Long Zhan squeezed the can with his palm, and easily squeezed it into a solid ball.

He casually threw it in the air, turned around and whipped his legs.

"Crack, whoosh—"

The canned ball flew more than ten meters in the air. I don't know if it was a blessing of luck or a show of strength. It accurately knocked over the small bird's nest on the branch of the tree.

Fortunately, it is an old bird's nest without birds, otherwise the bird parents and mothers would come to Long Zhan to fight desperately.

"Wuhu~ Full marks hit!"

The dragon war monster yelled the victory Poss, and strode back to the villa to get ready to rest.

"This guy……"

Arthur witnessed this divine kick, turned his head to look at Long Zhan's back and smiled.

With this smile, my heart is cleared.

The killer industry is indeed very dangerous, but Steve's aggressive character, if he lets it go, he may die faster.

If he joins gangs and drug gangs to do evil, with his personality, he will die tragically on the street in a short time.

Rather than doing this, it is better to teach him personally, at least let him have a little more ability to survive, and he can be regarded as worthy of his dead old partner.

After thinking about the internal relationship, Arthur took out his mobile phone and called Steve.

At this time, Steve, who had nothing to do, fell into a daze about his future life after being rejected by Arthur. He didn't know what he should do, let alone how to live, so he could only lie on the sofa with blank eyes. daze.

In his state, if there is no one to help him, there is a high probability that he will fall into the gang.

In the end, he sold medicine and fought for territory for money, and died tragically in a corner of the street.

"Drip drip..."

The cell phone rang suddenly, waking up the dazed Steve.

Turning on the phone, he found that it was an unfamiliar number. Steve thought it was a credit card payment reminder, so he answered the phone indifferently and put it to his ear.

"I'll be waiting for you at 7 Ebolalo Street at 8600 o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Okay, I'll definitely be there."

Hearing the familiar hoarse voice on the phone, Steve regained his energy all of a sudden, and his eyes that had been absent-minded finally brightened.

After hanging up the phone, he rushed into the house and picked out the clothes for tomorrow.


the next day.


Arthur and Long Zhan came to No. 8600 of Ebolanoki, a large animal shelter established with the support of a social charity.

"I said, the first step to becoming a mechanic is raising a puppy first." Long Zhan said speechlessly.

"You don't need another puppy. With your abilities, you don't need it at all. But Steve needs it, and this is for him."

Arthur went to the chair next to him and sat down, and while waiting for Steve to come over, he said: "The mechanic is responsible for completing the task and clearing the targets specified by the company. The way to deal with it depends on the situation. Some need to be disguised as accidents, and some must be Put the blame on others.

Pulling the trigger is easy, anyone can do it, but it's not so easy to get the best results when no one even realizes you were there.

In addition to having all the basic skills, to adapt to this job also requires a kind of belief and a calm and calm state of mind.

Steve was too young to do things too impulsively, which was very dangerous and had to be changed. "

Arthur explained very thoroughly and in place. For a killer, mentality and belief are indeed the most important, which is the same as the principle of being a human being beforehand.

Long Zhan could fully understand Arthur's actions, but he smelled something strange from it.

Raising a pet dog is not the best way to cultivate a calm and composed personality. For a professional like Arthur, it is impossible not to know this.

The reason for choosing this relatively poor method is probably not as simple as it seems on the surface.

It is likely to hide a second layer of deep meaning!

Long Zhan guessed that he didn't hide anymore, pointed to the photo in Arthur's hand and asked face to face: "Why do you have to train dogs? And you must raise Chihuahuas? Is there any other saying in it?"

"You are smarter than I expected. You do have other goals, but it's not convenient to say it now. I can only say that it is related to your additional conditions. I will tell you the specific content when the time comes."

Arthur pouted, with an expression that if you don't ask, I won't say it again.

"Okay, do it your way."

Anyway, he didn't want to raise a Chihuahua by himself, so Long Zhan didn't continue to struggle.

In a sense, Steve was really punctual, no more, no less, exactly at 7 o'clock, Steve walked in from the door.

"Come with me."

Arthur didn't say much, got up and walked inside.

Long Zhan still sat on the chair without moving. The matter of raising dogs had nothing to do with him. He didn't want to go into a crowded kennel to find dogs.

of course.

It's only relatively crowded, and it's quite spacious for normal adults.

Steve glanced at the extremely oppressive Long Zhan sitting there like a mountain, and took two steps to the side to catch up with Arthur and asked, "Why are we here?"

"Find a dog like this, and keep it for a month if you can." Arthur held up the photo so Steve could see it clearly.

"I think you are more suitable for keeping cats." Steve said poorly.

"It's not for me, it's for you." Arthur pointedly corrected.

During the conversation, the two had already arrived at the kennel. From the door, there were three passages more than one meter wide. There were a row of iron cages on both sides of each passage, and a pet dog was locked in each iron cage.

"Do you know what a mechanic's job is? Other than common sense." Arthur asked as he walked along the passage to find the dog.

"Handling affairs, solving problems, and completing contracts are actually killers." Steve said casually.

"I'm only responsible for completing the task and destroying the target." Arthur corrected again.

Mechanics are different from other killers, they don't need to deal with clients, let alone sign any contracts, that's what the company is responsible for.

The mechanic only needs to accept the mission, and then take the information given by the company to kill the mission target.

Steve misunderstood, thinking that he just found the target and shot to kill him, and said confidently, "That's it? Then I'm sure it's fine, I've seen it many times."

"No, you didn't."

Killing a mechanic is not a street shootout, Arthur mercilessly turned back.

Steve's self-confidence was frustrated, and he questioned Arthur very dissatisfied: "Don't draw conclusions too early, you don't understand me at all, Bishaw."

"Ha ha."

Arthur snorted coldly when he heard the words, turned and stared into Steve's eyes and said like a treasure: "Steven Jackson McKenna, was born in Baltimore, Maryland. Your mother passed away when you were 12 years old. Since then, you have been interested in vodka. addicted.


You transferred three times in high school, excelled in sports, got a scholarship to the University of Miami, only to have it revoked for assault and attempted drug trafficking.


Your father had arranged for you to work as a PSC in a security company, but after only two weeks, you were fired for fighting with your colleagues.

If you want to know more, I can sit down and talk to you for 10 minutes. "

In less than 2 minutes, Arthur talked eloquently from birth to work, which shocked Steve to the point of stunned, and he didn't react for a long time.

Say nothing else.

Just this exaggerated memory is enough to make Steve worship him.

And this kind of ability to quickly memorize information seems difficult to achieve in the eyes of others, but to a killer, it is equivalent to an actor memorizing lines and a chef cutting flower knives.

The basic skills of pure basic skills.

The word top killer is not a name, it is a symbol of strength based on real materials.

By the time Steve recovered from the shock, Arthur had found a suitable small dog, the Chihuahua, and had staff take it out of the cage.

"This job requires a belief, revenge will only blind your eyes, so, don't do that stupid thing last night, the first thing you have to do now is take care of it and be friends with it .”

Arthur handed the Chihuahua over and motioned for Steve to take it into his arms for the first intimate encounter.

Steve had a little temper at first, but after Arthur almost told him what underwear he was wearing, he is completely convinced now.

He stretched out his hands obediently, and clumsily hugged the dog into his arms.

Then the two followed the staff to leave the kennel, went all the way to the outside office, and handed over to the staff to complete all the procedures for adopting dogs.

Afterwards, he went back to the hall to rejoin Long Zhan, left the shelter and got into the pickup truck.

"We are going to Fisher Square now. Your journey to become a qualified mechanic will officially start from there. I only give you three weeks of study time. I hope you have made all the preparations."

Arthur solemnly glanced over Long Zhan and Steve, and finally stopped on Long Zhan.

(End of this chapter)

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