The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 711 Leaving the Island, Let's Go!

Chapter 711 Leaving the Island, Let's Go!
Arthur is more reasonable in the arrangement of training, basically taking all aspects into consideration.

At 4 o'clock, all kinds of firearms exercises ended, followed by intensive physical training, from 4 o'clock to 6:[-] at night.

The only one who was more uncomfortable was Steve, who had never received professional training after all.

Whether it was running around the island or his basic physical fitness, he couldn't bear it for a while. He was as tired as a pug and needed a process of adaptation.

And Arthur and Long Zhan, who practiced together, were in a very relaxed state.

In order to maintain a good physical condition at all times, Long Zhan and Arthur usually do a lot of various training. After two hours of physical training, it is no different from a warm-up.

Especially Long Zhan, who has more energy than ordinary people and has more training capital, the training arranged by Arthur is just like eating and drinking water.

On weekdays, no matter whether he has the conditions or not, Long Zhan will conduct intensive training whenever he is free.

If there is no such thing as a dumbbell barbell weightlifter, then a heavy object such as a table bed can be used instead.

It is precisely because of this persistent training and self-discipline to maintain high-intensity exercise at all times that Long Zhan maintains such a perfect body shape, and his physical strength far exceeds that of ordinary people.

Everyone knows about muscle. Once you don't exercise or don't get enough nutrients, it will disappear.

After finishing the physical training at 6:30, Arthur used the semi-finished food he bought and heated it in the microwave, which was dinner for the three of them.

Take a break after eating, and practice in the evening.

The training during the day is aimed at the body, and the training at night is aimed at the brain. The content of the training is the core existence of being a mechanic——

How to kill silently!
You must know that Arthur's best ability is to disguise the murder scene as an accident or accident, so that outsiders can't see the signs of homicide at all.

The investigation results released by the police will basically end the case with accidental death.

In order to do this perfectly, Arthur has his unique skill, which became the content of Long Zhan and Steve's next training.

"This is your task at night, you need to remember everything in it for me."

Arthur took out two huge books that were as thick as blue bricks and could write at least a few million words, and gave each of Long Zhan and Steve a copy.

"A case of accidental death?"

When Long Zhan saw the name on the cover, he seemed to understand it, but he didn't seem to understand it yet.

Arthur explained: "Insurance companies deal with millions of accidental deaths every year, and they are the most familiar with accidental deaths in the world.

The book you are holding is a book co-authored by a number of insurance company actuaries.

It basically records all types of accidental deaths known to have occurred so far, and records the cause of death in detail, with relevant scene pictures. "

Steve hadn't turned his head around yet, and didn't know what the relationship between insurance accidents and mechanics was. He asked doubtfully, "Why should I learn these things? I don't need to be an insurance accident handler."

"Do you record all types of accidental deaths in detail? Arthur is also good at disguised assassination? That's how it is."

Compared to Long Zhan, who was still ignorant and had already smelled a hint of flavor from Steve, he had fully reacted at this moment.

It is inevitable that there will be loopholes in imagining out of thin air. Only by copying the existing examples as they are can we be able to achieve watertightness.

Society is the best school, that's what it says.

Seeing that Steve hadn't reacted yet, Arthur took the trouble to explain: "Good judgment comes from experience, experience comes from the lessons of failure, and the lessons of failure can be avoided by means, for example, the recorded content."

"You mean..."

Arthur had said this, and Steve finally came to his senses, grinning and showing a mouthful of white teeth, and smiled knowingly.

How to disguise the scene of an accident?

There are thousands of real cases in this book. If you can memorize and integrate them all, you will naturally know how to do it by then.

With that Arthur left the hall and went about his own business.

Long Zhan and Steve started a new training. Each of them held a book, each found a place and started "crazy eating", trying to turn all the cases in the book into their own experience.

The first day of training to become a mechanic ended in the "study hard" of the two of them.

The training on the second day was similar to the first day. The only difference was that Steve went to drink coffee alone, and neither Long Zhan nor Arthur followed.

Long Zhan chose to exercise with iron in the morning, while Arthur continued to run to the garage.

Tinkering with his old Jaguar E-Type, a burgundy two-door antique sports car that has been out of the factory for decades and has long since been discontinued.

It is almost impossible to buy accessories for this thing now. Fortunately, Arthur is a qualified "mechanic".

It doesn't bother him at all if he can't buy accessories. There is a complete set of machining equipment in the garage, and he can use lathe tools to cast it himself.

Although it takes a lot of time to repair the car in this way, the car still can't be started after two years of repair, so it can only be placed in the garage as a decoration.

But Arthur was in no hurry.

It is originally a leisure and fun in life, and it will be fixed one day if you take your time.

The days of repeated training are boring, and the time passes extremely fast.

A blink of an eye.

Three weeks passed.

During the three weeks of training, Steve basically completed the introduction to the weapon master because of the gun master Long Zhan who was guiding him.

There has also been significant improvement in physical fitness, and the muscle circumference of the body has grown a lot.

Arthur didn't teach any fighting skills. If Steve wants to strengthen his hand-to-hand combat effectiveness, making himself stronger and more powerful is the only way.

The most core and most brain-intensive "reading" is left. During these three weeks, Steve has to take books with him to read even when he goes to the bathroom. He has worked very hard.

However, there are too many contents in the book, and now he doesn't even memorize one-tenth of it.

Going forward at this speed, it will take at least one or two years, conservatively, to absorb all the contents of the entire book.

On the other hand, Dragon War is a stark contrast.

Arthur originally planned to train for three weeks. Long Zhan and Steve could read the entire book, have a basic impression of all accidents, and memorize some of the more representative cases. Not bad.

Steve only memorized 1/10 of the content, and Arthur thought it was pretty good.

Can be regarded as an excellent mechanic seedling!

However, the answer sheet that Long Zhan handed in was very exaggerated, and he actually memorized all the contents of the entire book in just three weeks.

Although it is not as exaggerated as memorizing it backwards, he already knows every death case like the back of his hand.

No matter which page Arthur turned to and opened, and pointed out the name of a case of accidental death, Long Zhan could describe the cause and process of death in detail.

It can even draw inferences about other cases from one instance.

Bring yourself into an assassination incident, and then use what method to unfold it to perfectly replicate this accidental death case.

This exaggerated memory...

Amazing logical reasoning ability...

Arthur couldn't believe it!

Steve is like seeing God!
If it weren't for the fact that there are people with a photographic memory in this world, and there are quite a few people with this ability, both of them probably have the idea of ​​sending Long Zhan to slice and study whether Long Zhan is a monster.

But what.

In terms of Long Zhan's more perverted hand-to-hand combat power, even if the two join forces, it will be very difficult for Long Zhan to fight.

Maybe before Long Zhan was sent to slice, the two of them were sliced ​​together by Long Zhan.

Day 4 of week 1.

Long Zhan washed and changed his clothes and came to the hall, Steve was already waiting here.

After a while, Arthur came in from the outside, stood by the door and said to the two:

"The basic training has been completed, and it's time to start the next stage of training. You two come with me, and I will take you to a place."

"A new stage of training? Have you started actual combat?" Steve stood up and said.

(End of this chapter)

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