The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 714 The battle between the 300-jin hunks

Chapter 714 The battle between the 300-jin hunks

Sharon thought that Steve was here to kill him, and the shame of being cheated made him furious.

Taking advantage of Steve being thrown to the ground, he was about to rush over and kill this guy.

As a result, Shalaen became angry and his IQ dropped. He forgot what he was doing sitting by the bed just now, and he didn't notice that his pants had fallen to his knees.

So the simple movement of rushing forward created a funny scene on Sharon.

Sharon, who had just taken a step, was caught in his pants, because the force of the forward rush was too strong, and the upper body rushed too fast, and fell to the ground with a dog gnawing shit.

His face hit the ground first, and two of his front teeth were knocked out.

Steve, who had thought he was about to slam, didn't expect things to turn around. The big guy tripped himself.

Thinking that once Shala En recovers, he will definitely die.

Steve goes all out.

At this moment, the fear was completely forgotten, and only one thought was left in his mind——

Kill him, I want to live.

With the support of this digging force, Steve quickly got up from the ground, jumped on Sharon's back, and grabbed the belt that hadn't fallen off.

With the buttocks sitting on the back and fixed, grasp the two ends of the belt with both hands, and lift up with the strength of breastfeeding.

The movement of strangling people has made great progress this time. When the difference in strength and size between the two sides is not large, the person riding on top can definitely strangle the person below.


When power is not equal, rules are broken.

Steve is too thin compared to Salad, and more than 100 kilograms is too light for such a big guy approaching 300 kilograms.

Sharon stood up abruptly from the ground just by relying on his own brute strength.

Steve, who was originally sitting on his back, was overturned so easily.

Saraen learned a lot from his mistakes, this time he didn't move his legs wildly, but grabbed Steve with both hands on the spot, lifted him up and threw him out.

"Boom, boom."

Steve was blocked and thrown two or three meters away, smashed the glass screen and fell to the outer hall.

This solid flick was enough for Steve to eat a pot well, and the pain rolled into shrimp on the ground, without any movement for a full two seconds.

Taking advantage of this time, Saraen completely took off the trousers that were down to his knees, strode angrily to Steve's side, bent down and grabbed his arm, and flung it out again, hitting the ground a few meters away with a bang. on the oven.

The oven lid is dented!

Steve still didn't have time to get up, and was dragged by Sharon and thrown out.

At this time, Saraen has many ways to kill Steve with great disparity in strength, whether it is strangling him to death or lifting him up to break his spine.

However, Sharon, who had already fallen into a rage, did not want Steve to die so easily.

He wants to kill Steve slowly, so that he can calm the fire in his heart.

In the pickup truck parked on the side of the road outside the villa, Long Zhan and Arthur sat quietly in the car and watched the unilateral beating scene inside the villa.

"He doesn't look too good, help me?" Long Zhan asked.

"No, just wait."

Arthur shook his head and said, "This is his training ground. It's good to teach him a lesson. If it's too bad, we'll go in again."

"OK, then continue watching the show."

Long Zhan and Steve are also not relatives, and he doesn't care whether they live or die.

Not to mention that both Long Zhan and Arthur could see that Sharon didn't want to kill Steve so easily, maybe he would have a good time before killing Steve.

If you really want to save someone, there is no time at all, so there is no need to worry at all.

In the room, Saraen's thoughts at this moment really wanted to beat Steve to half-death, then wanted to use this rebellious little handsome guy, and finally killed him.

Therefore, although he kept throwing Steve everywhere like throwing a doll, it was actually not a fatal move.

And this boy Steve is worthy of being a bastard who grew up fighting in the streets.

The leather is really strong enough.

He was thrown all the way from the bedroom to the kitchen, and countless things were knocked over along the way, but he still managed not to pass out, and even launched a counterattack in the kitchen.

Taking advantage of being thrown into the kitchen and smashing the cabinet door, a 6-pack of beer was pulled out of the cabinet.

With all his strength, he suddenly stood up from the ground, swung the piece of beer 180 degrees with his backhand, and smashed it on the face of Sharon, who was rushing forward with big strides.


All six bottles of beer were broken into slag.

Ordinary people probably fainted on the spot after being hit like this, but the advantage of the big man was demonstrated here, giving him a strong ability to resist blows.

Sharon shook his head, nothing happened.

The only thing that has changed is the anger.

He lifted his 50-yard big foot and kicked it, sending the thin Steve flying.

Sharon wanted to chase after him and continue to make up the knife, but just as the kicker's foot was put down, there was a scream, and the lowered foot was lifted up again.

I saw that the soles of the feet where I took off my shoes and put on socks for the convenience of taking off my pants were already dripping with blood, and there were several pieces of glass stuck in them.

The glass that shattered and fell to the ground just now caused Sharon to be injured unexpectedly.


Saraen roared angrily, quickly removed the glass piece, walked around and rushed towards Steve who had fallen to the ground and hadn't gotten up yet.

Unexpectedly, Steve was pretending to lie on the ground and didn't get up.

And while he was pulling the piece of glass off his foot, he secretly picked up a boning knife that was accidentally dropped on the ground during the fight.

When Sharon rushed over and bent down, he lifted Steve up and wanted to throw him out.

Steve snapped.

"Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!"

A thin boning knife with a blade 10 centimeters long stabbed Shalaan in the stomach three times in a row.


Sharon let out a scream.

Throwing Steve out without a hitch, knocking over the dining table between the kitchen and the living room.

Steve thought that this guy had been stabbed three times by him, and his fighting power would have dropped drastically, but he never thought that it was still useless.

The big guy Sharon is really too fleshy.

The strangled neck was easily broken, six bottles of beer were smashed head-on without any effect, and the boning knife stabbed three times in the stomach, and he screamed in pain.

This is totally a big piece of meat!
After being attacked by Steve one after another, Saraen finally gave up the idea of ​​playing and decided to end the farce as soon as possible.

"Fuck your mother, if you dare to fight back, I will make you die ugly. I will peel off your skin and gouge out your eyeballs alive."

While venting his emotions angrily, Saraen strode towards Steve.

"Is it all right? Is this guy a monster?"

Seeing Shalaen acting like a normal person, Steve felt ashamed for a moment.

And Saraen, who had been tricked continuously, learned to be good. This time, instead of grabbing Steve who was on the ground, he walked over and kicked him hard.

Kicked on the stomach of Steve who fell to the ground, and kicked Steve three or four meters along the floor.

Immediately after, he grabbed the refrigerator next to him with both hands, lifted him over his head with violent force, and walked towards Steve step by step.

The refrigerator full of various ingredients weighed at least one or two hundred catties, if it fell on Steve.

Not to mention death on the spot!

At least the internal organs will be smashed flat!
The purpose of Sharian's effort to lift the refrigerator was to smash Steve with it. He wanted to use this refrigerator to smash Steve's head off.

Three steps came before him as two steps, and Sharon looked at Steve lying on the ground, showing a cruel smile.

"Goodbye, ignorant bastard."

While speaking, Saraen's eyes were full of murderous intent, and even with a hint of anticipation, he raised the refrigerator and threw it at Steve's head.

"It's over, it's over now."

Seeing the refrigerator getting closer and closer to his head, Steve fell into despair, completely gave up resistance and closed his eyes, welcoming his own death.

However, just as Sharon was about to let go of the refrigerator, there was a loud bang.

Sharon raised his head in doubt, and looked in the direction where the voice came from. As a result, his pupils dilated with just this one glance.

I saw a big man bigger than him, like a crazy rhinoceros, smashing the floor-to-ceiling glass windows of the outer wall with his flesh.

With a lot of glass slag wrapped around his body, he rushed towards his direction.


Sharon felt that he was big enough, but he didn't expect that there would be a bigger guy, and this guy was stronger and tougher than him, which made him speechless for a while.

Even the refrigerator in his hand fell to the ground because of his loss of consciousness at this moment.

When Steve heard the loud noise of the glass, he guessed that it was Arthur or Long Zhan who came to save him, and his heart that was crying to death was filled with hope again.

He opened his eyes again.

But as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the refrigerator falling, and he fell into despair again.

(End of this chapter)

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