The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 717 Heavy Chapter Sin City

Chapter 717 Returning to the City of Sin
Arthur clicked on the video in the USB flash drive, and the video that came out turned out to be a high-definition video, which made the three of them a little surprised when they saw it.

Usually, intelligence videos like this one are shot secretly or have poor quality, or are far away and blurry.

And the video that Arthur opened was so clear that he could see every detail in it, especially the person in the middle of the screen.

What a close-up shot!

Long Zhan could clearly see this very fat middle-aged white man with a neck thicker than his head, wearing a robe similar to a priest, with a condescending expression on his face, sitting on a chair for an interview.

"What should I call you? Father?" the reporter asked.

"You can call me Vaughan. I'm not a priest. There is no religion behind me, because I am above them. I am Vaughn, the new savior, born to save mankind..."

The fat white man who called himself Vaughan talked eloquently and put on a very high-pitched tone.

The three watched the entire video, and then sorted out Vaughn's information in front of the tactical board, basically having a general understanding.

In fact, it is a magic stick!
This kind of person who claims to be a god and always talks about saving mankind is a liar if he thinks about it, but some people believe him, and he has a large number of followers in just a few years.

Long Zhan couldn't help complaining: "It's a liar to praise him, this guy is a magic stick.

From the intelligence information, it can be inferred that the reason why this guy calls himself the savior is nothing more than trying to attract believers by deliberately touching the current major religions and monasteries through various TV programs.

Then he brainwashed the believers crazily and asked the believers to donate their property for the sake of righteousness. In this way, he can make millions of dollars a year. "

Steve chimed in, "In general, a cult leader."

"Our goal is to kill him, because his identity is more sensitive, his movements must be quiet, and he must pretend to be an accidental death." After finishing speaking, Arthur looked at Long Zhan and Steve, and there was no sound here.

It is equivalent to a test!

"When he is alone, we can find a way to sneak up on him, then control him, and inject 12CC of adrenaline into his heart. With his overweight and poor physical fitness, he will die within 3 minutes." Stein Husband suggested.

"I don't think the adrenaline is going to work."

Long Zhan expressed a different opinion and explained: "Adrenaline has a boosting effect on the heart, which can increase the heart rate, increase the contractility of the heart muscle, and increase the cardiac output.

The use of 12CC for an overweight person can indeed cause his heart to be overexcited and overwhelmed, causing symptoms such as sudden arrest and shock, and death if not treated.

Moreover, no problem can be found afterwards, and there is a high probability that it will be determined as accidental cardiac arrest and death.

But he has one biggest problem.

That is, the use of adrenaline can not die on the spot, there are certain hidden dangers, that is, his cardiac arrest may be a temporary cardiac arrest, and he was sent to the hospital for rescue in time, and the success rate of rescue is very high. "

"That's right, it's really not safe." Arthur also agreed with Long Zhan's analysis.

"No, no, you forgot one thing."

Steve insisted on his plan, and deliberately asked in reverse: "You can recall, when the emergency personnel arrive at the scene and find that the patient's heart has stopped beating, what first aid measures are usually taken?"

Long Zhan is really not familiar with first aid in social hospitals, but he knows a little about first aid in battlefields.

Morphine is used for pain relief.

In a critical moment, use a booster.

The cardiotonic needle is just a common name. In fact, its medicinal ingredients are divided into two types, one is epinephrine and the other is norepinephrine.

Soldiers in the military who face cardiac arrest usually receive a booster shot to restore their heartbeat.

Social hospitals should be the same.

Thinking of this, Long Zhan Long Zhan suddenly understood, and suddenly realized: "Steve, you are so smart, the first thing the first aid team does when they enter the field must be a booster shot, which is for the adrenaline 'poison'. For Vaughn, that would be his ticket to hell."

It's because the medicine is three-point poisonous.

Any drug can not be overdose, once overdose will have very serious consequences.

Vaughan, who had suffered cardiac arrest due to an overdose of adrenaline, was given another injection by the emergency team, which was tantamount to overdose and overdose.

100% will die!
"If our shot didn't kill us, the paramedics would have given it a fatal shot, Steve, I'm impressed with you."

Arthur was also stunned by Steve's brain hole, he didn't expect him to be able to think so deeply.

It can also be seen from this point that although Steve did not start his career until he was in his 20s, he does have the talent to be a mechanic.

This kind of plan that combines all external factors is truly a small genius in the industry.

Long Zhan, who didn't have much interest in Steve at first, saw Steve's "potential" through this incident, and suddenly had the heart to win him over.

Wick, who just wants to retire, doesn't want to make a lot of money, and Arthur, who has been in the industry for a long time, may be difficult to deal with.

Steve was different.

He is still a newcomer, and he only wants to make a lot of money, and he has enough loopholes to catch. As long as the benefits from Long Zhan are large enough, and he has saved his life, the success rate of taking it under the banner will be very high.

The more he thinks about Long Zhan, the more he thinks he has a trick, and the way he looks at Steve changes.

As a result, the "burning" eyes reminded Steve of the gay guy Farane who had become his nightmare, so he hurriedly took two steps aside in fright.

Arthur reacted immediately, and couldn't help showing an evil smile.


After figuring out all the circumstances of the target of the operation and finalizing the final assassination plan, the three of them set off overnight to the target location——

Illinois, Chicago!
This city, known as the crime capital of the United States, is the most chaotic city in the United States, and it naturally attracts all kinds of ghosts and monsters.

Vaughn, who claims to be the new savior, regards this place as his base camp.

Long Zhan, who walked out of Chicago, went around and returned to his hometown, and as a killer, he had a different and novel experience.

Now that they have all returned to their hometown, Long Zhan naturally wants to go home and take a look.

Mainly to see Tucker not long ago, specifically called Long Zhan, and excitedly reported a good news——

He found a professional construction team and was rushing to repair the burned-out old house in Long Zhan.

Moreover, it is based on the original structure of the old house, and is rebuilt as intact as possible, trying to preserve more memories of Long Zhan's hometown.

(End of this chapter)

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