The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 739 On, How To Fool To 1000 Little Brothers

Chapter 739 On, How To Fool To 1000 Little Brothers

PMC is not a mercenary team. The various contracting projects it accepts are all professionally difficult, and the starting point of what they have to do is very high.

If it is put in the army, ordinary grassroots soldiers can't do it at all.

Pmc has already done more than ordinary soldiers, so the personal ability of contractors must exceed that of ordinary soldiers, and it is doomed to have very high requirements for the recruitment of contractors.

Unlike mercenaries, as long as you can shoot and dare to kill people, you can participate.

The minimum standards for contractors are actual combat veterans, or retired police officers with many years of front-line duty experience, or special personnel with special skills.

Such as repairing aircraft, tanks, etc.

And if you want to become the team leader of a contracting project, the conditions are even more stringent. You have to be a retired special soldier at the beginning, and you have to participate in actual combat.

The special forces trained in the training field do not have the qualifications to lead the team at all.

There is a big difference between theory and practice.

It can even be said that it is not a concept at all.

It's like a boxer who has played sandbags in the boxing gym for 20 years and is proficient in various boxing combos. It's another thing to look fierce.

It is estimated that if you fight against a boxer who has only been in combat for a year, the latter can easily knock it down.

Under the premise of such high recruitment requirements.

If Long Zhan was asked to find 10 captain-level elites to be responsible for leading these 1000 people out to carry out missions, then Long Zhan's connections would not be a problem at all.

If it doesn't work, you can still go to the SEALs to pull people, and try to trick the old man of DG into retiring.

However, it is simply unrealistic for Long Zhanrang to find 1000 qualified contractors to join the company by himself.

No matter how wide his connections are, he can't do it.

A person's ability is limited after all.

With his senior military contacts, Long Zhan can find top-level "generals", but he can't replenish the huge "corps" he needs.

But in order to successfully expand the staff to 1000 people, you have to use other means.

Long Zhan just thought of a plan, and he believed that the efficiency must be very high.

This plan is "rewards to pull people"!
Mobilize the dozens of contractors currently in the company, and let them recruit friends and comrades they know, or go to other companies to rob people.

No matter what method you use, as long as you can succeed, you will be rewarded.

The company will give generous rewards for every qualified contractor successfully recruited, that is, policemen and veterans who have participated in actual combat, or retired talents from special operations units.

The next second after successfully completing the signing of the long-term contract, the referrer can get a reward of 1 US dollars.

Pull one in and there will be 1.

Pulling in ten will not only reward 10, but also give an additional 1 as a reward.

If you have the ability to attract 100 people, the company will reward you with 120 million, which will be transferred to your account every minute, and you will never be in arrears for a second.

There is no upper limit, the more the better.

Everyone can participate in this award, not just limited to the management.

Moreover, after being pulled into the company, the contractors who have successfully completed the contract can also join in and enjoy the same rewards as the company's old employees.

One by one, it can be passed on indefinitely.

Hearing that there is a reward for attracting people, and the reward is so large, the management present is already very excited, and began to think about the buddies they know in their minds.

However, this is just an appetizer for Long Zhan, and the main meal is yet to come.

Long Zhan announced that those who successfully signed contracts with the company and became employees of the company's long-term contractors, when they go out to contract projects, the referrers will also receive additional dividends.

The dividend ratio is 10%.

That is to say, if an employee brought in by the referrer receives a project and goes out to complete the task, on the premise of the basic salary of 8000 US dollars, he will have an additional 500 US dollars per day subsidy.

Then the contractor who is the referrer can also get a daily dividend of 50 US dollars.

Although the $50 doesn't seem like a lot, it only adds up to $1500 a month, but if this is measured, it is an exaggeration.

For example, if you can attract 10 people into the company, you will get a reward of 11 first.

In the next year, the attendance rate of these 10 people will be 50%, and the average subsidy will be 300 US dollars a day, which will be an exaggerated figure.

Multiply the 180-day attendance rate by 300 per day, then you will get a dividend of 5 US dollars.

Plus the previous rewards.

It is equivalent to having an extra income of nearly 17 a year, which is twice as high as the basic salary.

Including the commissions he got from continuously performing missions during this year, the annual income will be infinitely close to 50 US dollars.

What is the concept of earning 50 US dollars a year?
Even if you look at the salary level of the entire United States, this has reached the highest level of existence, and it is an income that many masters and doctors can't even hope to achieve.

Not to mention that the dividends will continue all the time, as long as Jushen Company does not fail every year.

You pull a few every year and continue to accumulate.

Subsequent income will rise exponentially!
If you can attract 50 or even 100 qualified contractors for the company, then the income will be even higher, and the annual income can easily exceed one million.

Many people are familiar with the recruitment mode of Longzhan, and it is similar to domestic MLM organizations.

All rely on people to lead people to continue to grow the group.

The only difference is that MLM organizations collect money, and those who come in need to pay money to the company.

The model of Longzhan is reversed. Employees do not need to pay the company, but the company will give them money and continue to distribute dividends to them.

This reverse marketing method can be called "reverse MLM".

If this model can be successfully operated, then the cohesion of the company will be stronger, and it can achieve the cohesion effect of giving employees shares and so on.

Of course, this model is not perfect, and there are actually some side effects.

But it's not what the company wants to consider now.

Now the main task is to expand the staff. First recruit the manpower that the company needs, and then find a way to solve problems and hidden dangers.

Success itself comes from solving problems continuously, and success cannot be smooth sailing.

All the people present who were able to participate in the high-level meeting have been beaten by the army, war, and society, and their brains are better than the other.

As soon as Long Zhan's dividend model was mentioned, the meeting immediately exploded.

No one would feel bad about money. After retiring from the army, they come to engage in the dangerous PMC industry. Everyone's purpose is to make money.

Not for money, who wants to work with their heads up.

If you pull 10, you can get permanent dividends, if you pull 100, you can achieve high income, if you pull [-], you can become a rich man with an annual income of one million.

How much money can a contractor make?Wouldn't it be possible to achieve financial freedom after working for more than ten years?

Everyone dare not imagine!

All of them blushed with excitement and had thick necks!

If the meeting hadn't ended yet, they all wished they could rush home and rummage through the cabinets to find out the contact numbers of all their comrades-in-arms and friends.

Racked their brains and used all the tricks to lure them into the company.

This will not only reunite friends, but also kill two birds with one stone and make extra money.

Long Zhan had a panoramic view of everyone's demeanor, and was very satisfied with the reaction that his enthusiasm for being a man was completely suspended, which proved that his recruitment plan had achieved initial results.

It can be foreseen that in the next period of time, the number of Long Zhan's younger brothers will explode in a blowout manner, forming a "private army" belonging to him.

People's affairs have been arranged properly, and the next thing is the real thing.

Whether it is to solve the huge hidden dangers of the company, or to settle the number of employees that will increase rapidly, Jushen Company urgently needs a professional large-scale training center.

It is a large military training center that does not accept any social groups and customers, and only serves the army and police.

What is a large scale?

It's definitely not like the giant god's headquarters, which only has an area of ​​800 mu.

Based on the current plan in Long Zhan's mind, he has great ambitions. If he wants to do it, he must get it in place, at least 3000 mu of land to start with.

Even if a thousand-man army is stationed for training, it can be done with ease.

Finding such a piece of land requires the right time, place and people. It is not enough to just buy a piece of land anywhere. Many factors need to be considered.

Long Zhan decided to do it alone.

Tucker had already found someone to conduct a site survey in advance. Long Zhan only needed to go to the field with the information and choose a suitable one from several plans.

under these circumstances.

Bringing other people along, in addition to increasing unnecessary travel expenses, everyone seems to be a bit aggressive, and the boss hugs him when he comes.

It doesn't actually make any sense.

Instead of this, it is better to free up this manpower and continue to stay at the headquarters base to do business.

After all, the business at the base is very good now, and the manpower itself is a bit short.

This matter has nothing to do with other people. Long Zhan only needs to announce it at the meeting and ask everyone present to provide some direction suggestions.

The stenographer took down the suggestions put forward by everyone, sorted them out and handed them over to Long Zhan.

Seeing that everyone was fidgeting, and their eyes were filled with the excitement of going back to recruit strong men to make money for themselves, Long Zhan didn't delay talking nonsense after finishing the second thing.

Immediately after the meeting was declared over, everyone was asked to go down and make preparations immediately.

The time of the Dragon War meeting was quite short, less than half an hour in total. For the high-level participants, it was actually just one thing.

But it is such a thing, it is not easy to do it well.

To convey the order to recruit people from Long Zhan, other departments need to cooperate to prepare for the recruitment, and all food, drink, lodging, and lodging must be provided.

Every department of the company can't be lazy, and they all have to join in this new phase of the company's expansion plan.

All the staff of Jusen Company have been busy because of the second stage of Long Zhan's development, and Long Zhan himself has to say goodbye to the leisurely life of the shopkeeper.

Early morning on day 2.

Long Zhan took the plane alone and flew to California on the west coast of the United States.

According to the requirements put forward by Long Zhan, Tucker selected the first suitable large-scale military training center location, which is located in the territory of California.

(End of this chapter)

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