The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 741 The "Rotten Land" That Can Make a Big Fortune

Chapter 741 The "Rotten Land" That Can Make a Big Fortune

After completing the task of connecting with each other and maintaining connections, Long Zhan then devoted himself to the official work and went to the location chosen by Tucker.

The standard that Dragon War gave Tucker at the beginning was to extend the standard driving distance of 5 hours to the surrounding area from Corola Island in San Diego.

Then select a suitable site within the selected circular area.

It is inconvenient to build a base on a small island on the sea, and the environment is also very bad when encountering typhoons from time to time. The semicircle of the sea is directly lost by PASS.

Only the land is left!
The land selected by Tucker indeed met all the needs of Long Zhan.

It is located in the northeast of San Diego, in a small town far away from the urban area. Based on the speed of 70 kilometers per hour, it can reach Coronado Island in less than 4 hours.

There is already a relatively complete transportation system around, and there is no need to pay extra for road repairs.

The residents of the small town and the local government also supported the construction of a large training ground here, and agreed to provide various conveniences in the construction procedures.

There is only one disadvantage, and that is that the land price is too expensive.

Around all developed coastal cities around the world, there seems to be the same phenomenon, that is, the price of land is much higher than other places.

A "famous city" on the west coast like San Diego, it just happens to be in this ranks.

Even the piece of land chosen by Tucker is more than 300 kilometers away from the nearest coastline, and the location actually belongs to the mountainous area.

It stands to reason that in this kind of mountain village where the birds don't shit, it is impossible to calculate according to the city price, and even the agricultural price cannot be used in the mountains.

The price is definitely lower than the average US farm price.

That is not as good as $4100 per acre!
But when Long Zhan, as the representative of Jushen Company, was negotiating with the owner of the land, the owner of the land actually offered a super high price of 15000 US dollars per mu.

It is nearly 4 times the average price.

The headquarters of Jushen Company is near the state capital, and the land price is less than half of his.

In this remote mountain village, the price is a bit exaggerated.

The comprehensive training center that Long Zhan wants to build has a minimum starting area of ​​3000 acres, and the quotation requires 4500 million US dollars.

Use 4500 million U.S. dollars to exchange nearly [-] million yuan for a barren mountain?

Long Zhan just wants to say...

Is this tmd you crazy about money?
Or do you take me for a fool?
The land in the United States is allowed to be bought and sold privately, and the land in the country has basically been divided up.

The landlord's quotation represents everything.

Even if the local people and the local government agree and can provide the best discounts during construction, it will not affect the landlord's decision in the slightest.

During the two days of bargaining between Long Zhan and him, the final price did not change much.

That's a loss of $1000 per mu.

For this unscrupulous landlord who wanted to treat himself like a pig and make a fortune from this piece of land, no matter how satisfied Long Zhan was with this piece of land, he could only turn it into a candidate.

There are still two plots of land that have already been selected, and Long Zhan decides to look at those two plots before making a final decision.

Long Zhan went to North Carolina for the second time, where there is also a familiar hometown of Long Zhan, "Camp Lejeune" where he spent many years in the Marine Corps.

This is the base of the [-]nd Division of the Marine Corps, the [-]nd Expeditionary Force, and the [-]nd Navy Logistics Regiment.

There are also some small bases of other three services in the surrounding area, and a National Guard encampment.

After seeing such a good location in San Diego, surrounded by various well-known military bases, I feel that the grade has dropped by more than one level when I came here.

Long Zhan thought it was okay before, so he asked Tucker to send someone here to look for it.

But now that his vision has been spoiled, Long Zhan has no interest in this place at all, and he doesn't even bother to look at the location, let alone ask the price.

There are too few nearby military bases, and there is simply no place for the large-scale comprehensive training center of Long Zhan.

If we really wanted to build the training base here, it would be equivalent to building a swimming pool, only to put a small crucian carp swimming in it.

It is impossible to make money at all!

Long Zhan, who had the ambition to build a 3000-acre training ground, took the earliest flight without looking back, and arrived at the last and most familiar land——

In the past four years or so, Long Zhan's life circle has basically never left Beach City, so don't be too familiar with this area.

Naturally, I have the greatest expectations here.

If it is really possible to buy a piece of land at a qualified price and build a comprehensive training center here, the various benefits it will bring will even far exceed that of San Diego.

Let's not mention anything else.

Just because Long Zhan now has the official establishment of DG, and belongs to the elite of the sixth group of special services under the black team, he can get him a contract from DG.

As long as Long Zhan tried his best to operate it, it would not be impossible to even move the entire green team's new training camp to the training center.

After all, DG itself does not have their own training ground, and all training resources are competing with the East Coast SEALs.

There are even many projects that have to go to bases in other cities for training by plane or car.

If there is a qualified training center nearby that can provide the green team with a "one-stop" training venue service, the green team will definitely be willing to settle in.

Under the anticipation of this strong favor, and the antipathy of California's black-hearted landlords asking for sky-high prices.

Long Zhan didn't go home when he arrived at the door. He just arrived at the land that Tucker had chosen for the first time, and inspected it from all angles.


After nearly two days of investigation, Long Zhan was not very satisfied with this place.

Price and location are not satisfied!
In order to find the most perfect address in his mind, Long Zhan decided to do it himself, and in the next period of time, he devoted himself to the work of site selection.

This morning is a full three days!
In the end, the hard work paid off, and Long Zhan finally found the perfect point.

The most primitive and most effective method used by Long Zhan is a map measuring ruler with his left hand and a compass kettle with his right hand.

The way of stepping on points is not aimless, but around three points.

The first point is the most familiar place of Dragon War - the beach city where the [-]nd, [-]th, [-]th, and [-]th teams of the SEALs are stationed, as well as many other units such as DG, with a large demand for training venues.

The other is that Long Zhan has already made a trip, but he is not satisfied with the point Tucker chose, which is the Lejeune Barracks in North Carolina, his former hometown.

It was his northern side before, and now it has turned to his southern side.

The third point is the Army's Fort Bragg.

Located just outside of Fayetteville, it houses Army Special Operations Command, Delta Force, the 82nd Airborne Division, and more.

These are the existence of the special forces level, and there must be a large number of training grounds to use.


The CIA's "The Farm" agent training center and Washington, D.C., the backbone of federal military and law enforcement agencies, are also nearby.

The agents, spies, police, armed law enforcement forces, etc. of these two agencies all need to find a venue for training.

The market space is very large, and we are not afraid that there will be no business to do.

For the three points that Long Zhan picked out, he drew a circle on each point on the map with a radius of 5 hours' drive to enclose them.

Then connect all these circles to find the point where they meet in the middle.

At this point, it suddenly says the town of York!

"It's here."

Long Zhan, who ran around in the wind and sun, saw this perfect place, slapped it on the map excitedly, and made the final decision decisively.

The reason for such a decisive choice is that this location is too perfect, and there are a lot of military bases around, so there is no need to worry about no tourists.

The most important thing is that this place is on the edge of a swamp, a veritable "bad land".

There is no way to use the swampland as a farm, let alone a forest farm, and there is no way to develop and build buildings, and there are no waste resources nearby.

For this kind of land that has no value, capitalists who are only interested in profit will definitely not develop it.

As long as there is no capital to enter this market, it is doomed that the land price is absolutely impossible to be high, and it is very likely to be lower than the average agricultural land price.

in contrast.

This piece of land does not have any development value, which does not mean that this piece of land has no use value.

There is no absolute waste in anything, as long as he finds the direction that suits him, the original waste can immediately become a treasure.

This uninhabited swamp edge, surrounded by sparsely populated areas, is just right for a military base.

You can save a lot of trouble in terms of security!

Long Zhan set up the training center here, not to mention whether he can make a lot of money after opening, at least he can save a lot of money when he buys the land in the first step.

After a lot of hard work, he chose a perfect place. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Long Zhan drove straight to the small town of Yuemo, which has only a few thousand people.

(End of this chapter)

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