The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 747 Yes, My Private Army

Emperor Madrid, who was about to shoot in the next moment, was also surprised by the rumbling convoy, and lowered the muzzle of his gun.

He ran to the side and picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted, "What's going on outside?"

"Boss, there are a lot of cars coming outside. The distance is less than 200 meters. It seems that they are coming towards us. The speed is very fast." The younger brother replied in a panic.

"A convoy coming?"

Emperor Madrid also panicked.

Those who can afford to form a large convoy and dare to rush into the black community are destined not to be ordinary people.

In order to find out what was going on, Madrid the Great rushed to the balcony in three steps and two steps.

Standing on the balcony, you can just see the main road. On the cement road leading to the Great World Entertainment City, there is at least a fleet of seventeen or eighteen cars rushing forward.

The terrible thing is that 9 of them are buses, and any fool knows that there are people in them.


The Great Madrid made a rough calculation based on experience, and found that if the convoy was really full, there would be at least nearly 300 people.

With so many people coming straight to their old lair, the Emperor Madrid felt that he was not well.

Until I remembered that I had dispatched younger brothers in advance and notified the nearby PG gang members to come over, and soon I would have 200 younger brothers here.

In addition, this is the base camp of the PG gang, and this area is also a black community, which occupies an absolute advantage in terrain.

With the support of these three aspects, even if the opponent is an elite from a big gang, if the two sides fight head-on, their own side has a certain chance of winning.

The heart of Emperor Madrid was frightened and flustered, and only then did he regain a little stability.

Returning to the hall from the balcony, Emperor Madrid taunted Long Zhan: "I admit, you bastard is really capable, and you can even find a big gang to support you.

He also used a ransom of 5000 million to set me up, so that I didn't cut you into pieces yesterday, and bought you enough time for reinforcements to arrive.

But you thought you could be rescued from here just by the few people you found.

I can only tell you that you think too much.

I am not easy to provoke, since you want to play, then I will accompany you. Let's have a fight here and see who dies first.

However, you'd better consider your current situation, you have fallen into my hands now, and I can shoot you down at any time.

It is impossible for people outside to rescue you. If you want to get out alive, giving me my 5000 million is your only chance to survive. "

Although the Emperor Madrid was mocking, he seemed not afraid at all.

In fact, it can be heard from his words that he doesn't really want to have a fight with Long Zhan's people, and he has even given up the idea of ​​tearing up tickets.

The extra 500 million is not needed, life-saving is the most important thing.

The attributes of fear of death and greed for money were fully displayed at this moment.

Emperor Madrid thought that he had given him a chance. If Long Zhan wanted to survive, he would definitely bargain.


His calculations were wrong.

Long Zhan never planned to leave like this from the beginning to the end. Since he decided to step into this place, he must take something with him before leaving.

Especially when he heard that Tucker had brought over a dozen cars, Long Zhan became more confident.

The emperor of Madrid, a frog in a well with little knowledge, thought that Long Zhan had found the support of the gangster, and the dozen or so cars that came were all gangsters.

Ke Longzhan, as the behind-the-scenes boss of Pmc Company, he knew very well who the people who came here were.

With this confidence in his body, Long Zhan retorted unceremoniously: "Mr. Morris, you seem to have not figured out the current situation.

Now it's not a question of whether you let me go or not, but a question of whether I want to go or not.

If you don't meet the conditions I proposed, I won't leave here easily. If you invite me over, you must be prepared for this.

There is a saying that it is easy to invite gods but difficult to send them away, and I am the god who is the easiest to ask but the hardest to give away. "

When talking about the last god, Long Zhan deliberately emphasized his tone.

"What? Are you crazy?"

Emperor Madrid was startled by Long Zhan's words. He looked at Long Zhan with a look of mental illness, and couldn't believe that Long Zhan dared to say such words.

"I'm crazy or not, it doesn't matter, you go to the balcony to have a look, and then talk to me." Long Zhan calmly made a suggestion.

During the time when the two were talking, the convoy had already arrived at the gate of the Great World Entertainment City.

Before Emperor Madrid had time to speak, and he didn't follow Long Zhan's suggestion to go to the balcony, the younger brother's report came from the walkie-talkie.

"Boss...Boss, the situation is not good. These guys seem...something seems wrong. It looks like an army."

Compared with the last report, this time the voice was full of fear and he stuttered.

"What? The army?"

The Emperor Madrid, who originally thought he was a gangster, felt a chill behind his back when he heard this, grabbed the walkie-talkie and rushed to the balcony.

For gangsters.

Ordinary policemen already have deterrence, and they dare not easily offend that kind.

If they are targeted by the special police among the police, the gangsters know very well that they will suffer a serious crime, and there is no way but to hide.

If you are targeted by the FBI, you will run away immediately without even thinking about it, and run as far as you can.

And if it is targeted by the army, it has nothing to do with the police, let alone a mere gang member.

That would be a catastrophe that would endanger the entire gang and possibly lead to the destruction of the entire gang.

The army will always be untouchable by ordinary people.

This is also the reason why the emperor of Madrid heard that it was the army, and the whole person was in chaos in an instant, and he almost lost his soul.

Hearing the news, Madrid the Great is already like this, let alone when he comes out and sees it.

The Emperor of Madrid lay on the balcony and looked down. He saw people getting out of the car one after another, all of them were strong and imposing.

Everyone is wearing a uniform Scorpio camouflage uniform, and everyone has an automatic rifle in their hand.

The actions after getting out of the car were even more professional, spreading rapidly with lightning speed, seizing every favorable spot as a cover, and pointing their guns at the entertainment venue in unison, surrounding the entire Great World Entertainment City.

Through the professional tactical actions of these people, and everyone wearing camouflage uniforms and tactical vests, they are also holding rifles such as M4 and M16 in their hands.

At first glance, there is no need to doubt that this is a well-trained army.

of course.

If you are a person who has been in the army for a long time, you can still see some differences.

For example, these soldiers did not wear military ranks, nor did they wear bulletproof helmets or military caps, nor did they have any military related signs.

Which means they are not pretending to be the military, just a group of citizens in camouflage uniforms with guns.

As long as each of them has a gun license, plus the background of a private military contracting company, even if they are caught by the police on the road, there will be no problem.

However, how can ordinary gangsters be so professional, it is impossible to tell whether they are real troops or not.

Add to that the Marine Corps background of Dragon War...

In the eyes of the emperor of Madrid today, the army that appeared in front of him was the regular army that could only be seen on TV on weekdays.

He is not at all cowardly when fighting gangsters, but he doesn't have the guts to fight the army.

Not to mention that the levels of the two sides are completely different, the opponent is a real war machine, and even the anger between the two sides is completely unequal.

Just the small pistols in their hands, plus a few spray guns, shotguns, submachine guns, etc., it is not enough to look good in front of others.

Others have an automatic rifle in their hands, and the firepower alone can form absolute suppression.

Not to mention that there are only one or two hundred gangsters in the Great World Entertainment City, even if it is doubled, it is still not enough for them to kill.

Thinking of the gap between the two sides, it is bigger than the deepest trench in the world.

Emperor Madrid panicked.

Completely panicked.

He was so frightened that he retreated from the balcony, stared at Long Zhan with disbelieving eyes, and asked in astonishment: "These troops outside are the ones you called here? You brought the whole army?"

"Yes, that's right, it is my army, which belongs to my private army. If you think this is not enough, I can call more troops to fill every gap in your entertainment city."

Long Zhan replied with a smile, with the corners of his mouth upturned, full of joking.

"Can you call more troops?"

The emperor of Madrid felt as if he had been struck by lightning when he heard the words, and his face suddenly became pale as paper.

His legs are weak, his head is dizzy, and his eyes are out of focus.

He staggered back a few steps, and finally sat down on the ground with his whole body limp.

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